( ! ) Warning: XTF0FTableBehavior::onBeforeReset(): Argument #1 ($table) must be passed by reference, value given in C:\wamp64\www\xanthi\libraries\autotweet\vendor\extly\xt-fof254\src\utils\observable\event.php on line 67
Call Stack
10.0001461376{main}( )...\index.php:0
20.0001462032require_once( 'C:\wamp64\www\xanthi\includes\app.php )...\index.php:32
30.0046808040Joomla\CMS\Application\CMSApplication->execute( )...\app.php:58
40.83236211624Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication->render( )...\CMSApplication.php:311
50.83246211744Joomla\CMS\Application\CMSApplication->render( )...\SiteApplication.php:732
61.26977519416Joomla\Application\AbstractApplication->dispatchEvent( $eventName = 'onAfterRender', $event = class Joomla\CMS\Event\Application\AfterRenderEvent { protected $name = 'onAfterRender'; protected $arguments = ['subject' => class Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication { ... }]; protected $stopped = FALSE; private ${Joomla\CMS\Event\AbstractImmutableEvent}constructed = TRUE } )...\CMSApplication.php:1079
71.26977519416Joomla\Event\Dispatcher->dispatch( $name = 'onAfterRender', $event = class Joomla\CMS\Event\Application\AfterRenderEvent { protected $name = 'onAfterRender'; protected $arguments = ['subject' => class Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication { ... }]; protected $stopped = FALSE; private ${Joomla\CMS\Event\AbstractImmutableEvent}constructed = TRUE } )...\AbstractApplication.php:99
81.27387516464Joomla\CMS\Plugin\CMSPlugin->Joomla\CMS\Plugin\{closure:C:\wamp64\www\xanthi\libraries\src\plugin\CMSPlugin.php:273-303}( $event = class Joomla\CMS\Event\Application\AfterRenderEvent { protected $name = 'onAfterRender'; protected $arguments = ['subject' => class Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication { ... }]; protected $stopped = FALSE; private ${Joomla\CMS\Event\AbstractImmutableEvent}constructed = TRUE } )...\Dispatcher.php:454
91.27387516808PlgSystemAutotweetAutomator->onAfterRender( class Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication { protected $config = class Joomla\Registry\Registry { protected $data = class stdClass { ... }; protected $initialized = TRUE; protected $separator = '.' }; protected ?Psr\Log\LoggerInterface $logger = class Joomla\CMS\Log\DelegatingPsrLogger { protected $logger = class Joomla\CMS\Log\Log { ... }; protected $priorityMap = [...] }; private ${Joomla\Application\AbstractApplication}dispatcher = class Joomla\Event\Dispatcher { protected $events = [...]; protected $listeners = [...] }; protected $input = class Joomla\CMS\Input\Input { protected $options = [...]; protected $filter = class Joomla\Filter\InputFilter { ... }; protected $data = [...]; protected $inputs = [...] }; public $charSet = 'utf-8'; public $mimeType = 'text/html'; public $httpVersion = '1.1'; public $modifiedDate = NULL; public $client = class Joomla\Application\Web\WebClient { protected $platform = NULL; protected $mobile = FALSE; protected $engine = NULL; protected $browser = NULL; protected $browserVersion = NULL; protected $languages = [...]; protected $encodings = [...]; protected $userAgent = 'Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko; compatible; ClaudeBot/1.0; +claudebot@anthropic.com)'; protected $acceptEncoding = NULL; protected $acceptLanguage = NULL; protected $robot = TRUE; protected $detection = [...]; protected $headers = NULL }; protected $response = class Laminas\Diactoros\Response { private array $phrases = [...]; private string $reasonPhrase = 'OK'; private int $statusCode = 200; protected $headers = [...]; protected $headerNames = [...]; private $protocol = '1.1'; private $stream = class Laminas\Diactoros\Stream { ... } }; private ${Joomla\Application\AbstractWebApplication}cacheable = FALSE; private ${Joomla\Application\AbstractWebApplication}responseMap = [100 => 'HTTP/{version} 100 Continue', 101 => 'HTTP/{version} 101 Switching Protocols', 102 => 'HTTP/{version} 102 Processing', 200 => 'HTTP/{version} 200 OK', 201 => 'HTTP/{version} 201 Created', 202 => 'HTTP/{version} 202 Accepted', 203 => 'HTTP/{version} 203 Non-Authoritative Information', 204 => 'HTTP/{version} 204 No Content', 205 => 'HTTP/{version} 205 Reset Content', 206 => 'HTTP/{version} 206 Partial Content', 207 => 'HTTP/{version} 207 Multi-Status', 208 => 'HTTP/{version} 208 Already Reported', 226 => 'HTTP/{version} 226 IM Used', 300 => 'HTTP/{version} 300 Multiple Choices', 301 => 'HTTP/{version} 301 Moved Permanently', 302 => 'HTTP/{version} 302 Found', 303 => 'HTTP/{version} 303 See other', 304 => 'HTTP/{version} 304 Not Modified', 305 => 'HTTP/{version} 305 Use Proxy', 306 => 'HTTP/{version} 306 (Unused)', 307 => 'HTTP/{version} 307 Temporary Redirect', 308 => 'HTTP/{version} 308 Permanent Redirect', 400 => 'HTTP/{version} 400 Bad Request', 401 => 'HTTP/{version} 401 Unauthorized', 402 => 'HTTP/{version} 402 Payment Required', 403 => 'HTTP/{version} 403 Forbidden', 404 => 'HTTP/{version} 404 Not Found', 405 => 'HTTP/{version} 405 Method Not Allowed', 406 => 'HTTP/{version} 406 Not Acceptable', 407 => 'HTTP/{version} 407 Proxy Authentication Required', 408 => 'HTTP/{version} 408 Request Timeout', 409 => 'HTTP/{version} 409 Conflict', 410 => 'HTTP/{version} 410 Gone', 411 => 'HTTP/{version} 411 Length Required', 412 => 'HTTP/{version} 412 Precondition Failed', 413 => 'HTTP/{version} 413 Payload Too Large', 414 => 'HTTP/{version} 414 URI Too Long', 415 => 'HTTP/{version} 415 Unsupported Media Type', 416 => 'HTTP/{version} 416 Range Not Satisfiable', 417 => 'HTTP/{version} 417 Expectation Failed', 418 => 'HTTP/{version} 418 I\'m a teapot', 421 => 'HTTP/{version} 421 Misdirected Request', 422 => 'HTTP/{version} 422 Unprocessable Entity', 423 => 'HTTP/{version} 423 Locked', 424 => 'HTTP/{version} 424 Failed Dependency', 426 => 'HTTP/{version} 426 Upgrade Required', 428 => 'HTTP/{version} 428 Precondition Required', 429 => 'HTTP/{version} 429 Too Many Requests', 431 => 'HTTP/{version} 431 Request Header Fields Too Large', 451 => 'HTTP/{version} 451 Unavailable For Legal Reasons', 500 => 'HTTP/{version} 500 Internal Server Error', 501 => 'HTTP/{version} 501 Not Implemented', 502 => 'HTTP/{version} 502 Bad Gateway', 503 => 'HTTP/{version} 503 Service Unavailable', 504 => 'HTTP/{version} 504 Gateway Timeout', 505 => 'HTTP/{version} 505 HTTP Version Not Supported', 506 => 'HTTP/{version} 506 Variant Also Negotiates', 507 => 'HTTP/{version} 507 Insufficient Storage', 508 => 'HTTP/{version} 508 Loop Detected', 510 => 'HTTP/{version} 510 Not Extended', 511 => 'HTTP/{version} 511 Network Authentication Required']; public $JComponentTitle = NULL; public $item_associations = NULL; protected $document = class Joomla\CMS\Document\HtmlDocument { public $title = 'Όλα τα νέα από τον Δήμο Ξάνθης - Δήμος Ξάνθης'; public $description = 'Όλα τα νέα του Δήμου Ξάνθης: Δελτία Τύπου και Ανακοινώσεις, προκηρύξεις, διαγωνισμοί κ.α.'; public $link = ''; public $base = ''; public $language = 'el-gr'; public $direction = 'ltr'; public $_generator = 'City of Xanthi'; public $_mdate = ''; public $_tab = '\t'; public $_lineEnd = '\n'; public $_charset = 'utf-8'; public $_mime = 'text/html'; public $_namespace = ''; public $_profile = ''; public $_scripts = [...]; public $_script = [...]; protected $scriptOptions = [...]; public $_styleSheets = [...]; public $_style = [...]; public $_metaTags = [...]; public $_engine = NULL; public $_type = 'html'; protected $mediaVersion = '684516'; protected $factory = class Joomla\CMS\Document\Factory { ... }; protected $preloadManager = class Joomla\CMS\Document\PreloadManager { ... }; protected $preloadTypes = [...]; protected $webAssetManager = class Joomla\CMS\WebAsset\WebAssetManager { ... }; public $_links = [...]; public $_custom = [...]; public $template = 'purity_iii'; public $baseurl = ''; public $params = class Joomla\Registry\Registry { ... }; public $_file = 'C:\\wamp64\\www\\xanthi\\templates/purity_iii/index.php'; public $cspNonce = NULL; protected $_template = '<jdoc:include type="megamenurender" name="mainmenu-gr" />\n<!DOCTYPE html>\n<html lang="el-gr" dir="ltr"\n\t class=\'<jdoc:include type="pageclass" /> \'>\n\n<head>\n\t<jdoc:include type="head" />\n\t\r\n<!-- META FOR IOS & HANDHELD -->\r\n\t<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=yes"/>\r\n\t<style type="text/stylesheet">\r\n\t\t@-webkit-viewport { width: device-width; }\r\n\t\t@-moz-viewport { width: device-width; }\r\n\t\t@-ms-viewport { width: device-width; }'...; protected $_template_tags = [...]; protected $_caching = TRUE; private $html5 = TRUE; private $toolbars = [...]; private $cacheControllerFactory = class Joomla\CMS\Cache\CacheControllerFactory { ... } }; protected $language = class Joomla\CMS\Language\Language { protected $debug = FALSE; protected $default = 'en-GB'; protected $orphans = [...]; protected $metadata = [...]; protected $locale = NULL; protected $lang = 'el-GR'; protected $paths = [...]; protected $errorfiles = [...]; protected $used = [...]; protected $counter = 145; protected $override = [...]; protected $localise = NULL; protected $helper = NULL; protected $basePath = NULL; protected $catalogue = NULL; protected $parserRegistry = NULL; protected $strings = [...]; protected $transliterator = [...]; protected $pluralSuffixesCallback = [...]; protected $ignoredSearchWordsCallback = [...]; protected $lowerLimitSearchWordCallback = [...]; protected $upperLimitSearchWordCallback = [...]; protected $searchDisplayedCharactersNumberCallback = [...] }; protected $identity = class Joomla\CMS\User\User { protected $isRoot = FALSE; public $id = 0; public $name = NULL; public $username = NULL; public $email = NULL; public $password = NULL; public $password_clear = ''; public $block = NULL; public $sendEmail = 0; public $registerDate = NULL; public $lastvisitDate = NULL; public $activation = NULL; public $params = NULL; public $groups = [...]; public $guest = 1; public $lastResetTime = NULL; public $resetCount = NULL; public $requireReset = NULL; public $typeAlias = NULL; public $otpKey = NULL; public $otep = NULL; public $authProvider = NULL; protected $_params = class Joomla\Registry\Registry { ... }; protected $_authGroups = [...]; protected $_authLevels = [...]; protected $_authActions = NULL; protected $_errorMsg = NULL; protected $_errors = [...] }; private ${Joomla\CMS\Application\WebApplication}userFactory = class Joomla\CMS\User\UserFactory { private $db = class Joomla\Database\Mysqli\MysqliDriver { ... } }; protected $docOptions = ['template' => 'purity_iii', 'file' => 'index.php', 'params' => class Joomla\Registry\Registry { ... }, 'csp_nonce' => NULL, 'templateInherits' => NULL, 'directory' => 'C:\\wamp64\\www\\xanthi\\templates']; public $scope = NULL; protected $clientId = 0; protected $messageQueue = []; protected $name = 'site'; protected $profiler = NULL; protected $template = class stdClass { public $id = 14; public $home = 'el-GR'; public $template = 'purity_iii'; public $params = class Joomla\Registry\Registry { ... }; public $inheritable = 0; public $parent = '' }; protected $pathway = class Joomla\CMS\Pathway\SitePathway { protected $pathway = [...]; protected $count = 2 }; protected $authenticationPluginType = 'authentication'; protected $menus = ['site' => class Joomla\CMS\Menu\SiteMenu { ... }]; private ${Joomla\CMS\Application\CMSApplication}menuFactory = class Joomla\CMS\Menu\MenuFactory { private $cacheControllerFactory = class Joomla\CMS\Cache\CacheControllerFactory { ... }; private $databaseAwareTraitDatabase = class Joomla\Database\Mysqli\MysqliDriver { ... } }; private ${Joomla\CMS\Application\CMSApplication}container = class Joomla\DI\Container { protected $aliases = [...]; protected $resources = [...]; protected $parent = NULL; protected $tags = [...] }; protected $session = class Joomla\CMS\Session\Session { protected $state = 'active'; protected $expire = 1800; protected $store = class Joomla\CMS\Session\Storage\JoomlaStorage { ... }; protected $sessionValidators = [...]; private ${Joomla\Session\Session}dispatcher = class Joomla\Event\Dispatcher { ... } }; protected $language_filter = TRUE; protected $detect_browser = FALSE; public $registeredurlparams = class stdClass { public $catid = 'INT'; public $id = 'INT'; public $cid = 'ARRAY'; public $year = 'INT'; public $month = 'INT'; public $limit = 'UINT'; public $limitstart = 'UINT'; public $showall = 'INT'; public $return = 'BASE64'; public $filter = 'STRING'; public $filter_order = 'CMD'; public $filter_order_Dir = 'CMD'; public $filter-search = 'STRING'; public $print = 'BOOLEAN'; public $lang = 'CMD'; public $Itemid = 'INT'; public $format = 'WORD'; public $option = 'WORD'; public $view = 'WORD'; public $layout = 'WORD'; public $tpl = 'CMD' }; private $cacheControllerFactory = class Joomla\CMS\Cache\CacheControllerFactory { } } )...\CMSPlugin.php:289
101.27557534120PlgSystemAutotweetAutomator->_onAfterRender( )...\autotweetautomator.php:105
111.27947607088AutotweetModelAutomators->lastRunCheck( $plugin = 'automator', $interval = 180, $next = ??? )...\autotweetautomator.php:134
121.27947607088AutotweetModelAutomators->lastRun( $plugin = 'automator' )...\automators.php:33
131.28087790616XTF0FTable->load( $keys = ['plugin' => 'automator'], $reset = ??? )...\automators.php:85
141.28087790616XTF0FTable->reset( )...\table.php:806
151.28087790616XTF0FTable->onBeforeReset( )...\table.php:953
161.28087790864XTF0FUtilsObservableDispatcher->trigger( $event = 'onBeforeReset', $args = [0 => class AutotweetTableAutomator { protected $_errors = [...]; protected $config = [...]; protected $_tbl = '#__autotweet_automator'; protected $_tbl_key = 'id'; protected $_db = class XTF0FDatabaseDriverJoomla { ... }; protected $_trackAssets = FALSE; protected $_has_tags = FALSE; protected $_rules = NULL; protected $_locked = FALSE; protected $_trigger_events = FALSE; protected $_tableAlias = ''; protected $_columnAlias = [...]; protected $_autoChecks = FALSE; protected $_skipChecks = [...]; protected $_tableExists = TRUE; protected $_assetKey = 'com_autotweet.automator'; protected $input = class Joomla\Input\Input { ... }; protected $_queryJoin = NULL; protected $_tablePrefix = 'AutotweetTable'; protected $knownFields = [...]; protected $configProvider = class XTF0FConfigProvider { ... }; protected $tableDispatcher = class XTF0FTableDispatcherBehavior { ... }; protected $default_behaviors = [...]; protected $_relations = NULL; protected $_configProviderKey = 'com_foobar.tables.automator'; protected $contentType = NULL; public $id = NULL; public $plugin = NULL; public $lastexec = NULL }] )...\table.php:3362
171.28087791312XTF0FUtilsObservableEvent->update( $args = [0 => class AutotweetTableAutomator { protected $_errors = [...]; protected $config = [...]; protected $_tbl = '#__autotweet_automator'; protected $_tbl_key = 'id'; protected $_db = class XTF0FDatabaseDriverJoomla { ... }; protected $_trackAssets = FALSE; protected $_has_tags = FALSE; protected $_rules = NULL; protected $_locked = FALSE; protected $_trigger_events = FALSE; protected $_tableAlias = ''; protected $_columnAlias = [...]; protected $_autoChecks = FALSE; protected $_skipChecks = [...]; protected $_tableExists = TRUE; protected $_assetKey = 'com_autotweet.automator'; protected $input = class Joomla\Input\Input { ... }; protected $_queryJoin = NULL; protected $_tablePrefix = 'AutotweetTable'; protected $knownFields = [...]; protected $configProvider = class XTF0FConfigProvider { ... }; protected $tableDispatcher = class XTF0FTableDispatcherBehavior { ... }; protected $default_behaviors = [...]; protected $_relations = NULL; protected $_configProviderKey = 'com_foobar.tables.automator'; protected $contentType = NULL; public $id = NULL; public $plugin = NULL; public $lastexec = NULL }] )...\dispatcher.php:139

( ! ) Warning: XTF0FTableBehavior::onBeforeReset(): Argument #1 ($table) must be passed by reference, value given in C:\wamp64\www\xanthi\libraries\autotweet\vendor\extly\xt-fof254\src\utils\observable\event.php on line 67
Call Stack
10.0001461376{main}( )...\index.php:0
20.0001462032require_once( 'C:\wamp64\www\xanthi\includes\app.php )...\index.php:32
30.0046808040Joomla\CMS\Application\CMSApplication->execute( )...\app.php:58
40.83236211624Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication->render( )...\CMSApplication.php:311
50.83246211744Joomla\CMS\Application\CMSApplication->render( )...\SiteApplication.php:732
61.26977519416Joomla\Application\AbstractApplication->dispatchEvent( $eventName = 'onAfterRender', $event = class Joomla\CMS\Event\Application\AfterRenderEvent { protected $name = 'onAfterRender'; protected $arguments = ['subject' => class Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication { ... }]; protected $stopped = FALSE; private ${Joomla\CMS\Event\AbstractImmutableEvent}constructed = TRUE } )...\CMSApplication.php:1079
71.26977519416Joomla\Event\Dispatcher->dispatch( $name = 'onAfterRender', $event = class Joomla\CMS\Event\Application\AfterRenderEvent { protected $name = 'onAfterRender'; protected $arguments = ['subject' => class Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication { ... }]; protected $stopped = FALSE; private ${Joomla\CMS\Event\AbstractImmutableEvent}constructed = TRUE } )...\AbstractApplication.php:99
81.27387516464Joomla\CMS\Plugin\CMSPlugin->Joomla\CMS\Plugin\{closure:C:\wamp64\www\xanthi\libraries\src\plugin\CMSPlugin.php:273-303}( $event = class Joomla\CMS\Event\Application\AfterRenderEvent { protected $name = 'onAfterRender'; protected $arguments = ['subject' => class Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication { ... }]; protected $stopped = FALSE; private ${Joomla\CMS\Event\AbstractImmutableEvent}constructed = TRUE } )...\Dispatcher.php:454
91.27387516808PlgSystemAutotweetAutomator->onAfterRender( class Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication { protected $config = class Joomla\Registry\Registry { protected $data = class stdClass { ... }; protected $initialized = TRUE; protected $separator = '.' }; protected ?Psr\Log\LoggerInterface $logger = class Joomla\CMS\Log\DelegatingPsrLogger { protected $logger = class Joomla\CMS\Log\Log { ... }; protected $priorityMap = [...] }; private ${Joomla\Application\AbstractApplication}dispatcher = class Joomla\Event\Dispatcher { protected $events = [...]; protected $listeners = [...] }; protected $input = class Joomla\CMS\Input\Input { protected $options = [...]; protected $filter = class Joomla\Filter\InputFilter { ... }; protected $data = [...]; protected $inputs = [...] }; public $charSet = 'utf-8'; public $mimeType = 'text/html'; public $httpVersion = '1.1'; public $modifiedDate = NULL; public $client = class Joomla\Application\Web\WebClient { protected $platform = NULL; protected $mobile = FALSE; protected $engine = NULL; protected $browser = NULL; protected $browserVersion = NULL; protected $languages = [...]; protected $encodings = [...]; protected $userAgent = 'Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko; compatible; ClaudeBot/1.0; +claudebot@anthropic.com)'; protected $acceptEncoding = NULL; protected $acceptLanguage = NULL; protected $robot = TRUE; protected $detection = [...]; protected $headers = NULL }; protected $response = class Laminas\Diactoros\Response { private array $phrases = [...]; private string $reasonPhrase = 'OK'; private int $statusCode = 200; protected $headers = [...]; protected $headerNames = [...]; private $protocol = '1.1'; private $stream = class Laminas\Diactoros\Stream { ... } }; private ${Joomla\Application\AbstractWebApplication}cacheable = FALSE; private ${Joomla\Application\AbstractWebApplication}responseMap = [100 => 'HTTP/{version} 100 Continue', 101 => 'HTTP/{version} 101 Switching Protocols', 102 => 'HTTP/{version} 102 Processing', 200 => 'HTTP/{version} 200 OK', 201 => 'HTTP/{version} 201 Created', 202 => 'HTTP/{version} 202 Accepted', 203 => 'HTTP/{version} 203 Non-Authoritative Information', 204 => 'HTTP/{version} 204 No Content', 205 => 'HTTP/{version} 205 Reset Content', 206 => 'HTTP/{version} 206 Partial Content', 207 => 'HTTP/{version} 207 Multi-Status', 208 => 'HTTP/{version} 208 Already Reported', 226 => 'HTTP/{version} 226 IM Used', 300 => 'HTTP/{version} 300 Multiple Choices', 301 => 'HTTP/{version} 301 Moved Permanently', 302 => 'HTTP/{version} 302 Found', 303 => 'HTTP/{version} 303 See other', 304 => 'HTTP/{version} 304 Not Modified', 305 => 'HTTP/{version} 305 Use Proxy', 306 => 'HTTP/{version} 306 (Unused)', 307 => 'HTTP/{version} 307 Temporary Redirect', 308 => 'HTTP/{version} 308 Permanent Redirect', 400 => 'HTTP/{version} 400 Bad Request', 401 => 'HTTP/{version} 401 Unauthorized', 402 => 'HTTP/{version} 402 Payment Required', 403 => 'HTTP/{version} 403 Forbidden', 404 => 'HTTP/{version} 404 Not Found', 405 => 'HTTP/{version} 405 Method Not Allowed', 406 => 'HTTP/{version} 406 Not Acceptable', 407 => 'HTTP/{version} 407 Proxy Authentication Required', 408 => 'HTTP/{version} 408 Request Timeout', 409 => 'HTTP/{version} 409 Conflict', 410 => 'HTTP/{version} 410 Gone', 411 => 'HTTP/{version} 411 Length Required', 412 => 'HTTP/{version} 412 Precondition Failed', 413 => 'HTTP/{version} 413 Payload Too Large', 414 => 'HTTP/{version} 414 URI Too Long', 415 => 'HTTP/{version} 415 Unsupported Media Type', 416 => 'HTTP/{version} 416 Range Not Satisfiable', 417 => 'HTTP/{version} 417 Expectation Failed', 418 => 'HTTP/{version} 418 I\'m a teapot', 421 => 'HTTP/{version} 421 Misdirected Request', 422 => 'HTTP/{version} 422 Unprocessable Entity', 423 => 'HTTP/{version} 423 Locked', 424 => 'HTTP/{version} 424 Failed Dependency', 426 => 'HTTP/{version} 426 Upgrade Required', 428 => 'HTTP/{version} 428 Precondition Required', 429 => 'HTTP/{version} 429 Too Many Requests', 431 => 'HTTP/{version} 431 Request Header Fields Too Large', 451 => 'HTTP/{version} 451 Unavailable For Legal Reasons', 500 => 'HTTP/{version} 500 Internal Server Error', 501 => 'HTTP/{version} 501 Not Implemented', 502 => 'HTTP/{version} 502 Bad Gateway', 503 => 'HTTP/{version} 503 Service Unavailable', 504 => 'HTTP/{version} 504 Gateway Timeout', 505 => 'HTTP/{version} 505 HTTP Version Not Supported', 506 => 'HTTP/{version} 506 Variant Also Negotiates', 507 => 'HTTP/{version} 507 Insufficient Storage', 508 => 'HTTP/{version} 508 Loop Detected', 510 => 'HTTP/{version} 510 Not Extended', 511 => 'HTTP/{version} 511 Network Authentication Required']; public $JComponentTitle = NULL; public $item_associations = NULL; protected $document = class Joomla\CMS\Document\HtmlDocument { public $title = 'Όλα τα νέα από τον Δήμο Ξάνθης - Δήμος Ξάνθης'; public $description = 'Όλα τα νέα του Δήμου Ξάνθης: Δελτία Τύπου και Ανακοινώσεις, προκηρύξεις, διαγωνισμοί κ.α.'; public $link = ''; public $base = ''; public $language = 'el-gr'; public $direction = 'ltr'; public $_generator = 'City of Xanthi'; public $_mdate = ''; public $_tab = '\t'; public $_lineEnd = '\n'; public $_charset = 'utf-8'; public $_mime = 'text/html'; public $_namespace = ''; public $_profile = ''; public $_scripts = [...]; public $_script = [...]; protected $scriptOptions = [...]; public $_styleSheets = [...]; public $_style = [...]; public $_metaTags = [...]; public $_engine = NULL; public $_type = 'html'; protected $mediaVersion = '684516'; protected $factory = class Joomla\CMS\Document\Factory { ... }; protected $preloadManager = class Joomla\CMS\Document\PreloadManager { ... }; protected $preloadTypes = [...]; protected $webAssetManager = class Joomla\CMS\WebAsset\WebAssetManager { ... }; public $_links = [...]; public $_custom = [...]; public $template = 'purity_iii'; public $baseurl = ''; public $params = class Joomla\Registry\Registry { ... }; public $_file = 'C:\\wamp64\\www\\xanthi\\templates/purity_iii/index.php'; public $cspNonce = NULL; protected $_template = '<jdoc:include type="megamenurender" name="mainmenu-gr" />\n<!DOCTYPE html>\n<html lang="el-gr" dir="ltr"\n\t class=\'<jdoc:include type="pageclass" /> \'>\n\n<head>\n\t<jdoc:include type="head" />\n\t\r\n<!-- META FOR IOS & HANDHELD -->\r\n\t<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=yes"/>\r\n\t<style type="text/stylesheet">\r\n\t\t@-webkit-viewport { width: device-width; }\r\n\t\t@-moz-viewport { width: device-width; }\r\n\t\t@-ms-viewport { width: device-width; }'...; protected $_template_tags = [...]; protected $_caching = TRUE; private $html5 = TRUE; private $toolbars = [...]; private $cacheControllerFactory = class Joomla\CMS\Cache\CacheControllerFactory { ... } }; protected $language = class Joomla\CMS\Language\Language { protected $debug = FALSE; protected $default = 'en-GB'; protected $orphans = [...]; protected $metadata = [...]; protected $locale = NULL; protected $lang = 'el-GR'; protected $paths = [...]; protected $errorfiles = [...]; protected $used = [...]; protected $counter = 145; protected $override = [...]; protected $localise = NULL; protected $helper = NULL; protected $basePath = NULL; protected $catalogue = NULL; protected $parserRegistry = NULL; protected $strings = [...]; protected $transliterator = [...]; protected $pluralSuffixesCallback = [...]; protected $ignoredSearchWordsCallback = [...]; protected $lowerLimitSearchWordCallback = [...]; protected $upperLimitSearchWordCallback = [...]; protected $searchDisplayedCharactersNumberCallback = [...] }; protected $identity = class Joomla\CMS\User\User { protected $isRoot = FALSE; public $id = 0; public $name = NULL; public $username = NULL; public $email = NULL; public $password = NULL; public $password_clear = ''; public $block = NULL; public $sendEmail = 0; public $registerDate = NULL; public $lastvisitDate = NULL; public $activation = NULL; public $params = NULL; public $groups = [...]; public $guest = 1; public $lastResetTime = NULL; public $resetCount = NULL; public $requireReset = NULL; public $typeAlias = NULL; public $otpKey = NULL; public $otep = NULL; public $authProvider = NULL; protected $_params = class Joomla\Registry\Registry { ... }; protected $_authGroups = [...]; protected $_authLevels = [...]; protected $_authActions = NULL; protected $_errorMsg = NULL; protected $_errors = [...] }; private ${Joomla\CMS\Application\WebApplication}userFactory = class Joomla\CMS\User\UserFactory { private $db = class Joomla\Database\Mysqli\MysqliDriver { ... } }; protected $docOptions = ['template' => 'purity_iii', 'file' => 'index.php', 'params' => class Joomla\Registry\Registry { ... }, 'csp_nonce' => NULL, 'templateInherits' => NULL, 'directory' => 'C:\\wamp64\\www\\xanthi\\templates']; public $scope = NULL; protected $clientId = 0; protected $messageQueue = []; protected $name = 'site'; protected $profiler = NULL; protected $template = class stdClass { public $id = 14; public $home = 'el-GR'; public $template = 'purity_iii'; public $params = class Joomla\Registry\Registry { ... }; public $inheritable = 0; public $parent = '' }; protected $pathway = class Joomla\CMS\Pathway\SitePathway { protected $pathway = [...]; protected $count = 2 }; protected $authenticationPluginType = 'authentication'; protected $menus = ['site' => class Joomla\CMS\Menu\SiteMenu { ... }]; private ${Joomla\CMS\Application\CMSApplication}menuFactory = class Joomla\CMS\Menu\MenuFactory { private $cacheControllerFactory = class Joomla\CMS\Cache\CacheControllerFactory { ... }; private $databaseAwareTraitDatabase = class Joomla\Database\Mysqli\MysqliDriver { ... } }; private ${Joomla\CMS\Application\CMSApplication}container = class Joomla\DI\Container { protected $aliases = [...]; protected $resources = [...]; protected $parent = NULL; protected $tags = [...] }; protected $session = class Joomla\CMS\Session\Session { protected $state = 'active'; protected $expire = 1800; protected $store = class Joomla\CMS\Session\Storage\JoomlaStorage { ... }; protected $sessionValidators = [...]; private ${Joomla\Session\Session}dispatcher = class Joomla\Event\Dispatcher { ... } }; protected $language_filter = TRUE; protected $detect_browser = FALSE; public $registeredurlparams = class stdClass { public $catid = 'INT'; public $id = 'INT'; public $cid = 'ARRAY'; public $year = 'INT'; public $month = 'INT'; public $limit = 'UINT'; public $limitstart = 'UINT'; public $showall = 'INT'; public $return = 'BASE64'; public $filter = 'STRING'; public $filter_order = 'CMD'; public $filter_order_Dir = 'CMD'; public $filter-search = 'STRING'; public $print = 'BOOLEAN'; public $lang = 'CMD'; public $Itemid = 'INT'; public $format = 'WORD'; public $option = 'WORD'; public $view = 'WORD'; public $layout = 'WORD'; public $tpl = 'CMD' }; private $cacheControllerFactory = class Joomla\CMS\Cache\CacheControllerFactory { } } )...\CMSPlugin.php:289
101.27557534120PlgSystemAutotweetAutomator->_onAfterRender( )...\autotweetautomator.php:105
111.27947607088AutotweetModelAutomators->lastRunCheck( $plugin = 'automator', $interval = 180, $next = ??? )...\autotweetautomator.php:134
121.27947607088AutotweetModelAutomators->lastRun( $plugin = 'automator' )...\automators.php:33
131.28087790616XTF0FTable->load( $keys = ['plugin' => 'automator'], $reset = ??? )...\automators.php:85
141.28087790616XTF0FTable->reset( )...\table.php:806
151.28087790616XTF0FTable->onBeforeReset( )...\table.php:953
161.28087790864XTF0FUtilsObservableDispatcher->trigger( $event = 'onBeforeReset', $args = [0 => class AutotweetTableAutomator { protected $_errors = [...]; protected $config = [...]; protected $_tbl = '#__autotweet_automator'; protected $_tbl_key = 'id'; protected $_db = class XTF0FDatabaseDriverJoomla { ... }; protected $_trackAssets = FALSE; protected $_has_tags = FALSE; protected $_rules = NULL; protected $_locked = FALSE; protected $_trigger_events = FALSE; protected $_tableAlias = ''; protected $_columnAlias = [...]; protected $_autoChecks = FALSE; protected $_skipChecks = [...]; protected $_tableExists = TRUE; protected $_assetKey = 'com_autotweet.automator'; protected $input = class Joomla\Input\Input { ... }; protected $_queryJoin = NULL; protected $_tablePrefix = 'AutotweetTable'; protected $knownFields = [...]; protected $configProvider = class XTF0FConfigProvider { ... }; protected $tableDispatcher = class XTF0FTableDispatcherBehavior { ... }; protected $default_behaviors = [...]; protected $_relations = NULL; protected $_configProviderKey = 'com_foobar.tables.automator'; protected $contentType = NULL; public $id = NULL; public $plugin = NULL; public $lastexec = NULL }] )...\table.php:3362
171.28377799440XTF0FUtilsObservableEvent->update( $args = [0 => class AutotweetTableAutomator { protected $_errors = [...]; protected $config = [...]; protected $_tbl = '#__autotweet_automator'; protected $_tbl_key = 'id'; protected $_db = class XTF0FDatabaseDriverJoomla { ... }; protected $_trackAssets = FALSE; protected $_has_tags = FALSE; protected $_rules = NULL; protected $_locked = FALSE; protected $_trigger_events = FALSE; protected $_tableAlias = ''; protected $_columnAlias = [...]; protected $_autoChecks = FALSE; protected $_skipChecks = [...]; protected $_tableExists = TRUE; protected $_assetKey = 'com_autotweet.automator'; protected $input = class Joomla\Input\Input { ... }; protected $_queryJoin = NULL; protected $_tablePrefix = 'AutotweetTable'; protected $knownFields = [...]; protected $configProvider = class XTF0FConfigProvider { ... }; protected $tableDispatcher = class XTF0FTableDispatcherBehavior { ... }; protected $default_behaviors = [...]; protected $_relations = NULL; protected $_configProviderKey = 'com_foobar.tables.automator'; protected $contentType = NULL; public $id = NULL; public $plugin = NULL; public $lastexec = NULL }] )...\dispatcher.php:139

( ! ) Warning: XTF0FTableBehavior::onAfterReset(): Argument #1 ($table) must be passed by reference, value given in C:\wamp64\www\xanthi\libraries\autotweet\vendor\extly\xt-fof254\src\utils\observable\event.php on line 67
Call Stack
10.0001461376{main}( )...\index.php:0
20.0001462032require_once( 'C:\wamp64\www\xanthi\includes\app.php )...\index.php:32
30.0046808040Joomla\CMS\Application\CMSApplication->execute( )...\app.php:58
40.83236211624Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication->render( )...\CMSApplication.php:311
50.83246211744Joomla\CMS\Application\CMSApplication->render( )...\SiteApplication.php:732
61.26977519416Joomla\Application\AbstractApplication->dispatchEvent( $eventName = 'onAfterRender', $event = class Joomla\CMS\Event\Application\AfterRenderEvent { protected $name = 'onAfterRender'; protected $arguments = ['subject' => class Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication { ... }]; protected $stopped = FALSE; private ${Joomla\CMS\Event\AbstractImmutableEvent}constructed = TRUE } )...\CMSApplication.php:1079
71.26977519416Joomla\Event\Dispatcher->dispatch( $name = 'onAfterRender', $event = class Joomla\CMS\Event\Application\AfterRenderEvent { protected $name = 'onAfterRender'; protected $arguments = ['subject' => class Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication { ... }]; protected $stopped = FALSE; private ${Joomla\CMS\Event\AbstractImmutableEvent}constructed = TRUE } )...\AbstractApplication.php:99
81.27387516464Joomla\CMS\Plugin\CMSPlugin->Joomla\CMS\Plugin\{closure:C:\wamp64\www\xanthi\libraries\src\plugin\CMSPlugin.php:273-303}( $event = class Joomla\CMS\Event\Application\AfterRenderEvent { protected $name = 'onAfterRender'; protected $arguments = ['subject' => class Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication { ... }]; protected $stopped = FALSE; private ${Joomla\CMS\Event\AbstractImmutableEvent}constructed = TRUE } )...\Dispatcher.php:454
91.27387516808PlgSystemAutotweetAutomator->onAfterRender( class Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication { protected $config = class Joomla\Registry\Registry { protected $data = class stdClass { ... }; protected $initialized = TRUE; protected $separator = '.' }; protected ?Psr\Log\LoggerInterface $logger = class Joomla\CMS\Log\DelegatingPsrLogger { protected $logger = class Joomla\CMS\Log\Log { ... }; protected $priorityMap = [...] }; private ${Joomla\Application\AbstractApplication}dispatcher = class Joomla\Event\Dispatcher { protected $events = [...]; protected $listeners = [...] }; protected $input = class Joomla\CMS\Input\Input { protected $options = [...]; protected $filter = class Joomla\Filter\InputFilter { ... }; protected $data = [...]; protected $inputs = [...] }; public $charSet = 'utf-8'; public $mimeType = 'text/html'; public $httpVersion = '1.1'; public $modifiedDate = NULL; public $client = class Joomla\Application\Web\WebClient { protected $platform = NULL; protected $mobile = FALSE; protected $engine = NULL; protected $browser = NULL; protected $browserVersion = NULL; protected $languages = [...]; protected $encodings = [...]; protected $userAgent = 'Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko; compatible; ClaudeBot/1.0; +claudebot@anthropic.com)'; protected $acceptEncoding = NULL; protected $acceptLanguage = NULL; protected $robot = TRUE; protected $detection = [...]; protected $headers = NULL }; protected $response = class Laminas\Diactoros\Response { private array $phrases = [...]; private string $reasonPhrase = 'OK'; private int $statusCode = 200; protected $headers = [...]; protected $headerNames = [...]; private $protocol = '1.1'; private $stream = class Laminas\Diactoros\Stream { ... } }; private ${Joomla\Application\AbstractWebApplication}cacheable = FALSE; private ${Joomla\Application\AbstractWebApplication}responseMap = [100 => 'HTTP/{version} 100 Continue', 101 => 'HTTP/{version} 101 Switching Protocols', 102 => 'HTTP/{version} 102 Processing', 200 => 'HTTP/{version} 200 OK', 201 => 'HTTP/{version} 201 Created', 202 => 'HTTP/{version} 202 Accepted', 203 => 'HTTP/{version} 203 Non-Authoritative Information', 204 => 'HTTP/{version} 204 No Content', 205 => 'HTTP/{version} 205 Reset Content', 206 => 'HTTP/{version} 206 Partial Content', 207 => 'HTTP/{version} 207 Multi-Status', 208 => 'HTTP/{version} 208 Already Reported', 226 => 'HTTP/{version} 226 IM Used', 300 => 'HTTP/{version} 300 Multiple Choices', 301 => 'HTTP/{version} 301 Moved Permanently', 302 => 'HTTP/{version} 302 Found', 303 => 'HTTP/{version} 303 See other', 304 => 'HTTP/{version} 304 Not Modified', 305 => 'HTTP/{version} 305 Use Proxy', 306 => 'HTTP/{version} 306 (Unused)', 307 => 'HTTP/{version} 307 Temporary Redirect', 308 => 'HTTP/{version} 308 Permanent Redirect', 400 => 'HTTP/{version} 400 Bad Request', 401 => 'HTTP/{version} 401 Unauthorized', 402 => 'HTTP/{version} 402 Payment Required', 403 => 'HTTP/{version} 403 Forbidden', 404 => 'HTTP/{version} 404 Not Found', 405 => 'HTTP/{version} 405 Method Not Allowed', 406 => 'HTTP/{version} 406 Not Acceptable', 407 => 'HTTP/{version} 407 Proxy Authentication Required', 408 => 'HTTP/{version} 408 Request Timeout', 409 => 'HTTP/{version} 409 Conflict', 410 => 'HTTP/{version} 410 Gone', 411 => 'HTTP/{version} 411 Length Required', 412 => 'HTTP/{version} 412 Precondition Failed', 413 => 'HTTP/{version} 413 Payload Too Large', 414 => 'HTTP/{version} 414 URI Too Long', 415 => 'HTTP/{version} 415 Unsupported Media Type', 416 => 'HTTP/{version} 416 Range Not Satisfiable', 417 => 'HTTP/{version} 417 Expectation Failed', 418 => 'HTTP/{version} 418 I\'m a teapot', 421 => 'HTTP/{version} 421 Misdirected Request', 422 => 'HTTP/{version} 422 Unprocessable Entity', 423 => 'HTTP/{version} 423 Locked', 424 => 'HTTP/{version} 424 Failed Dependency', 426 => 'HTTP/{version} 426 Upgrade Required', 428 => 'HTTP/{version} 428 Precondition Required', 429 => 'HTTP/{version} 429 Too Many Requests', 431 => 'HTTP/{version} 431 Request Header Fields Too Large', 451 => 'HTTP/{version} 451 Unavailable For Legal Reasons', 500 => 'HTTP/{version} 500 Internal Server Error', 501 => 'HTTP/{version} 501 Not Implemented', 502 => 'HTTP/{version} 502 Bad Gateway', 503 => 'HTTP/{version} 503 Service Unavailable', 504 => 'HTTP/{version} 504 Gateway Timeout', 505 => 'HTTP/{version} 505 HTTP Version Not Supported', 506 => 'HTTP/{version} 506 Variant Also Negotiates', 507 => 'HTTP/{version} 507 Insufficient Storage', 508 => 'HTTP/{version} 508 Loop Detected', 510 => 'HTTP/{version} 510 Not Extended', 511 => 'HTTP/{version} 511 Network Authentication Required']; public $JComponentTitle = NULL; public $item_associations = NULL; protected $document = class Joomla\CMS\Document\HtmlDocument { public $title = 'Όλα τα νέα από τον Δήμο Ξάνθης - Δήμος Ξάνθης'; public $description = 'Όλα τα νέα του Δήμου Ξάνθης: Δελτία Τύπου και Ανακοινώσεις, προκηρύξεις, διαγωνισμοί κ.α.'; public $link = ''; public $base = ''; public $language = 'el-gr'; public $direction = 'ltr'; public $_generator = 'City of Xanthi'; public $_mdate = ''; public $_tab = '\t'; public $_lineEnd = '\n'; public $_charset = 'utf-8'; public $_mime = 'text/html'; public $_namespace = ''; public $_profile = ''; public $_scripts = [...]; public $_script = [...]; protected $scriptOptions = [...]; public $_styleSheets = [...]; public $_style = [...]; public $_metaTags = [...]; public $_engine = NULL; public $_type = 'html'; protected $mediaVersion = '684516'; protected $factory = class Joomla\CMS\Document\Factory { ... }; protected $preloadManager = class Joomla\CMS\Document\PreloadManager { ... }; protected $preloadTypes = [...]; protected $webAssetManager = class Joomla\CMS\WebAsset\WebAssetManager { ... }; public $_links = [...]; public $_custom = [...]; public $template = 'purity_iii'; public $baseurl = ''; public $params = class Joomla\Registry\Registry { ... }; public $_file = 'C:\\wamp64\\www\\xanthi\\templates/purity_iii/index.php'; public $cspNonce = NULL; protected $_template = '<jdoc:include type="megamenurender" name="mainmenu-gr" />\n<!DOCTYPE html>\n<html lang="el-gr" dir="ltr"\n\t class=\'<jdoc:include type="pageclass" /> \'>\n\n<head>\n\t<jdoc:include type="head" />\n\t\r\n<!-- META FOR IOS & HANDHELD -->\r\n\t<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=yes"/>\r\n\t<style type="text/stylesheet">\r\n\t\t@-webkit-viewport { width: device-width; }\r\n\t\t@-moz-viewport { width: device-width; }\r\n\t\t@-ms-viewport { width: device-width; }'...; protected $_template_tags = [...]; protected $_caching = TRUE; private $html5 = TRUE; private $toolbars = [...]; private $cacheControllerFactory = class Joomla\CMS\Cache\CacheControllerFactory { ... } }; protected $language = class Joomla\CMS\Language\Language { protected $debug = FALSE; protected $default = 'en-GB'; protected $orphans = [...]; protected $metadata = [...]; protected $locale = NULL; protected $lang = 'el-GR'; protected $paths = [...]; protected $errorfiles = [...]; protected $used = [...]; protected $counter = 145; protected $override = [...]; protected $localise = NULL; protected $helper = NULL; protected $basePath = NULL; protected $catalogue = NULL; protected $parserRegistry = NULL; protected $strings = [...]; protected $transliterator = [...]; protected $pluralSuffixesCallback = [...]; protected $ignoredSearchWordsCallback = [...]; protected $lowerLimitSearchWordCallback = [...]; protected $upperLimitSearchWordCallback = [...]; protected $searchDisplayedCharactersNumberCallback = [...] }; protected $identity = class Joomla\CMS\User\User { protected $isRoot = FALSE; public $id = 0; public $name = NULL; public $username = NULL; public $email = NULL; public $password = NULL; public $password_clear = ''; public $block = NULL; public $sendEmail = 0; public $registerDate = NULL; public $lastvisitDate = NULL; public $activation = NULL; public $params = NULL; public $groups = [...]; public $guest = 1; public $lastResetTime = NULL; public $resetCount = NULL; public $requireReset = NULL; public $typeAlias = NULL; public $otpKey = NULL; public $otep = NULL; public $authProvider = NULL; protected $_params = class Joomla\Registry\Registry { ... }; protected $_authGroups = [...]; protected $_authLevels = [...]; protected $_authActions = NULL; protected $_errorMsg = NULL; protected $_errors = [...] }; private ${Joomla\CMS\Application\WebApplication}userFactory = class Joomla\CMS\User\UserFactory { private $db = class Joomla\Database\Mysqli\MysqliDriver { ... } }; protected $docOptions = ['template' => 'purity_iii', 'file' => 'index.php', 'params' => class Joomla\Registry\Registry { ... }, 'csp_nonce' => NULL, 'templateInherits' => NULL, 'directory' => 'C:\\wamp64\\www\\xanthi\\templates']; public $scope = NULL; protected $clientId = 0; protected $messageQueue = []; protected $name = 'site'; protected $profiler = NULL; protected $template = class stdClass { public $id = 14; public $home = 'el-GR'; public $template = 'purity_iii'; public $params = class Joomla\Registry\Registry { ... }; public $inheritable = 0; public $parent = '' }; protected $pathway = class Joomla\CMS\Pathway\SitePathway { protected $pathway = [...]; protected $count = 2 }; protected $authenticationPluginType = 'authentication'; protected $menus = ['site' => class Joomla\CMS\Menu\SiteMenu { ... }]; private ${Joomla\CMS\Application\CMSApplication}menuFactory = class Joomla\CMS\Menu\MenuFactory { private $cacheControllerFactory = class Joomla\CMS\Cache\CacheControllerFactory { ... }; private $databaseAwareTraitDatabase = class Joomla\Database\Mysqli\MysqliDriver { ... } }; private ${Joomla\CMS\Application\CMSApplication}container = class Joomla\DI\Container { protected $aliases = [...]; protected $resources = [...]; protected $parent = NULL; protected $tags = [...] }; protected $session = class Joomla\CMS\Session\Session { protected $state = 'active'; protected $expire = 1800; protected $store = class Joomla\CMS\Session\Storage\JoomlaStorage { ... }; protected $sessionValidators = [...]; private ${Joomla\Session\Session}dispatcher = class Joomla\Event\Dispatcher { ... } }; protected $language_filter = TRUE; protected $detect_browser = FALSE; public $registeredurlparams = class stdClass { public $catid = 'INT'; public $id = 'INT'; public $cid = 'ARRAY'; public $year = 'INT'; public $month = 'INT'; public $limit = 'UINT'; public $limitstart = 'UINT'; public $showall = 'INT'; public $return = 'BASE64'; public $filter = 'STRING'; public $filter_order = 'CMD'; public $filter_order_Dir = 'CMD'; public $filter-search = 'STRING'; public $print = 'BOOLEAN'; public $lang = 'CMD'; public $Itemid = 'INT'; public $format = 'WORD'; public $option = 'WORD'; public $view = 'WORD'; public $layout = 'WORD'; public $tpl = 'CMD' }; private $cacheControllerFactory = class Joomla\CMS\Cache\CacheControllerFactory { } } )...\CMSPlugin.php:289
101.27557534120PlgSystemAutotweetAutomator->_onAfterRender( )...\autotweetautomator.php:105
111.27947607088AutotweetModelAutomators->lastRunCheck( $plugin = 'automator', $interval = 180, $next = ??? )...\autotweetautomator.php:134
121.27947607088AutotweetModelAutomators->lastRun( $plugin = 'automator' )...\automators.php:33
131.28087790616XTF0FTable->load( $keys = ['plugin' => 'automator'], $reset = ??? )...\automators.php:85
141.28087790616XTF0FTable->reset( )...\table.php:806
151.28657798528XTF0FTable->onAfterReset( )...\table.php:973
161.28657798776XTF0FUtilsObservableDispatcher->trigger( $event = 'onAfterReset', $args = [0 => class AutotweetTableAutomator { protected $_errors = [...]; protected $config = [...]; protected $_tbl = '#__autotweet_automator'; protected $_tbl_key = 'id'; protected $_db = class XTF0FDatabaseDriverJoomla { ... }; protected $_trackAssets = FALSE; protected $_has_tags = FALSE; protected $_rules = NULL; protected $_locked = FALSE; protected $_trigger_events = FALSE; protected $_tableAlias = ''; protected $_columnAlias = [...]; protected $_autoChecks = FALSE; protected $_skipChecks = [...]; protected $_tableExists = TRUE; protected $_assetKey = 'com_autotweet.automator'; protected $input = class Joomla\Input\Input { ... }; protected $_queryJoin = NULL; protected $_tablePrefix = 'AutotweetTable'; protected $knownFields = [...]; protected $configProvider = class XTF0FConfigProvider { ... }; protected $tableDispatcher = class XTF0FTableDispatcherBehavior { ... }; protected $default_behaviors = [...]; protected $_relations = NULL; protected $_configProviderKey = 'com_foobar.tables.automator'; protected $contentType = NULL; public $id = NULL; public $plugin = NULL; public $lastexec = NULL }] )...\table.php:3332
171.28657799224XTF0FUtilsObservableEvent->update( $args = [0 => class AutotweetTableAutomator { protected $_errors = [...]; protected $config = [...]; protected $_tbl = '#__autotweet_automator'; protected $_tbl_key = 'id'; protected $_db = class XTF0FDatabaseDriverJoomla { ... }; protected $_trackAssets = FALSE; protected $_has_tags = FALSE; protected $_rules = NULL; protected $_locked = FALSE; protected $_trigger_events = FALSE; protected $_tableAlias = ''; protected $_columnAlias = [...]; protected $_autoChecks = FALSE; protected $_skipChecks = [...]; protected $_tableExists = TRUE; protected $_assetKey = 'com_autotweet.automator'; protected $input = class Joomla\Input\Input { ... }; protected $_queryJoin = NULL; protected $_tablePrefix = 'AutotweetTable'; protected $knownFields = [...]; protected $configProvider = class XTF0FConfigProvider { ... }; protected $tableDispatcher = class XTF0FTableDispatcherBehavior { ... }; protected $default_behaviors = [...]; protected $_relations = NULL; protected $_configProviderKey = 'com_foobar.tables.automator'; protected $contentType = NULL; public $id = NULL; public $plugin = NULL; public $lastexec = NULL }] )...\dispatcher.php:139

( ! ) Warning: XTF0FTableBehavior::onAfterReset(): Argument #1 ($table) must be passed by reference, value given in C:\wamp64\www\xanthi\libraries\autotweet\vendor\extly\xt-fof254\src\utils\observable\event.php on line 67
Call Stack
10.0001461376{main}( )...\index.php:0
20.0001462032require_once( 'C:\wamp64\www\xanthi\includes\app.php )...\index.php:32
30.0046808040Joomla\CMS\Application\CMSApplication->execute( )...\app.php:58
40.83236211624Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication->render( )...\CMSApplication.php:311
50.83246211744Joomla\CMS\Application\CMSApplication->render( )...\SiteApplication.php:732
61.26977519416Joomla\Application\AbstractApplication->dispatchEvent( $eventName = 'onAfterRender', $event = class Joomla\CMS\Event\Application\AfterRenderEvent { protected $name = 'onAfterRender'; protected $arguments = ['subject' => class Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication { ... }]; protected $stopped = FALSE; private ${Joomla\CMS\Event\AbstractImmutableEvent}constructed = TRUE } )...\CMSApplication.php:1079
71.26977519416Joomla\Event\Dispatcher->dispatch( $name = 'onAfterRender', $event = class Joomla\CMS\Event\Application\AfterRenderEvent { protected $name = 'onAfterRender'; protected $arguments = ['subject' => class Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication { ... }]; protected $stopped = FALSE; private ${Joomla\CMS\Event\AbstractImmutableEvent}constructed = TRUE } )...\AbstractApplication.php:99
81.27387516464Joomla\CMS\Plugin\CMSPlugin->Joomla\CMS\Plugin\{closure:C:\wamp64\www\xanthi\libraries\src\plugin\CMSPlugin.php:273-303}( $event = class Joomla\CMS\Event\Application\AfterRenderEvent { protected $name = 'onAfterRender'; protected $arguments = ['subject' => class Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication { ... }]; protected $stopped = FALSE; private ${Joomla\CMS\Event\AbstractImmutableEvent}constructed = TRUE } )...\Dispatcher.php:454
91.27387516808PlgSystemAutotweetAutomator->onAfterRender( class Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication { protected $config = class Joomla\Registry\Registry { protected $data = class stdClass { ... }; protected $initialized = TRUE; protected $separator = '.' }; protected ?Psr\Log\LoggerInterface $logger = class Joomla\CMS\Log\DelegatingPsrLogger { protected $logger = class Joomla\CMS\Log\Log { ... }; protected $priorityMap = [...] }; private ${Joomla\Application\AbstractApplication}dispatcher = class Joomla\Event\Dispatcher { protected $events = [...]; protected $listeners = [...] }; protected $input = class Joomla\CMS\Input\Input { protected $options = [...]; protected $filter = class Joomla\Filter\InputFilter { ... }; protected $data = [...]; protected $inputs = [...] }; public $charSet = 'utf-8'; public $mimeType = 'text/html'; public $httpVersion = '1.1'; public $modifiedDate = NULL; public $client = class Joomla\Application\Web\WebClient { protected $platform = NULL; protected $mobile = FALSE; protected $engine = NULL; protected $browser = NULL; protected $browserVersion = NULL; protected $languages = [...]; protected $encodings = [...]; protected $userAgent = 'Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko; compatible; ClaudeBot/1.0; +claudebot@anthropic.com)'; protected $acceptEncoding = NULL; protected $acceptLanguage = NULL; protected $robot = TRUE; protected $detection = [...]; protected $headers = NULL }; protected $response = class Laminas\Diactoros\Response { private array $phrases = [...]; private string $reasonPhrase = 'OK'; private int $statusCode = 200; protected $headers = [...]; protected $headerNames = [...]; private $protocol = '1.1'; private $stream = class Laminas\Diactoros\Stream { ... } }; private ${Joomla\Application\AbstractWebApplication}cacheable = FALSE; private ${Joomla\Application\AbstractWebApplication}responseMap = [100 => 'HTTP/{version} 100 Continue', 101 => 'HTTP/{version} 101 Switching Protocols', 102 => 'HTTP/{version} 102 Processing', 200 => 'HTTP/{version} 200 OK', 201 => 'HTTP/{version} 201 Created', 202 => 'HTTP/{version} 202 Accepted', 203 => 'HTTP/{version} 203 Non-Authoritative Information', 204 => 'HTTP/{version} 204 No Content', 205 => 'HTTP/{version} 205 Reset Content', 206 => 'HTTP/{version} 206 Partial Content', 207 => 'HTTP/{version} 207 Multi-Status', 208 => 'HTTP/{version} 208 Already Reported', 226 => 'HTTP/{version} 226 IM Used', 300 => 'HTTP/{version} 300 Multiple Choices', 301 => 'HTTP/{version} 301 Moved Permanently', 302 => 'HTTP/{version} 302 Found', 303 => 'HTTP/{version} 303 See other', 304 => 'HTTP/{version} 304 Not Modified', 305 => 'HTTP/{version} 305 Use Proxy', 306 => 'HTTP/{version} 306 (Unused)', 307 => 'HTTP/{version} 307 Temporary Redirect', 308 => 'HTTP/{version} 308 Permanent Redirect', 400 => 'HTTP/{version} 400 Bad Request', 401 => 'HTTP/{version} 401 Unauthorized', 402 => 'HTTP/{version} 402 Payment Required', 403 => 'HTTP/{version} 403 Forbidden', 404 => 'HTTP/{version} 404 Not Found', 405 => 'HTTP/{version} 405 Method Not Allowed', 406 => 'HTTP/{version} 406 Not Acceptable', 407 => 'HTTP/{version} 407 Proxy Authentication Required', 408 => 'HTTP/{version} 408 Request Timeout', 409 => 'HTTP/{version} 409 Conflict', 410 => 'HTTP/{version} 410 Gone', 411 => 'HTTP/{version} 411 Length Required', 412 => 'HTTP/{version} 412 Precondition Failed', 413 => 'HTTP/{version} 413 Payload Too Large', 414 => 'HTTP/{version} 414 URI Too Long', 415 => 'HTTP/{version} 415 Unsupported Media Type', 416 => 'HTTP/{version} 416 Range Not Satisfiable', 417 => 'HTTP/{version} 417 Expectation Failed', 418 => 'HTTP/{version} 418 I\'m a teapot', 421 => 'HTTP/{version} 421 Misdirected Request', 422 => 'HTTP/{version} 422 Unprocessable Entity', 423 => 'HTTP/{version} 423 Locked', 424 => 'HTTP/{version} 424 Failed Dependency', 426 => 'HTTP/{version} 426 Upgrade Required', 428 => 'HTTP/{version} 428 Precondition Required', 429 => 'HTTP/{version} 429 Too Many Requests', 431 => 'HTTP/{version} 431 Request Header Fields Too Large', 451 => 'HTTP/{version} 451 Unavailable For Legal Reasons', 500 => 'HTTP/{version} 500 Internal Server Error', 501 => 'HTTP/{version} 501 Not Implemented', 502 => 'HTTP/{version} 502 Bad Gateway', 503 => 'HTTP/{version} 503 Service Unavailable', 504 => 'HTTP/{version} 504 Gateway Timeout', 505 => 'HTTP/{version} 505 HTTP Version Not Supported', 506 => 'HTTP/{version} 506 Variant Also Negotiates', 507 => 'HTTP/{version} 507 Insufficient Storage', 508 => 'HTTP/{version} 508 Loop Detected', 510 => 'HTTP/{version} 510 Not Extended', 511 => 'HTTP/{version} 511 Network Authentication Required']; public $JComponentTitle = NULL; public $item_associations = NULL; protected $document = class Joomla\CMS\Document\HtmlDocument { public $title = 'Όλα τα νέα από τον Δήμο Ξάνθης - Δήμος Ξάνθης'; public $description = 'Όλα τα νέα του Δήμου Ξάνθης: Δελτία Τύπου και Ανακοινώσεις, προκηρύξεις, διαγωνισμοί κ.α.'; public $link = ''; public $base = ''; public $language = 'el-gr'; public $direction = 'ltr'; public $_generator = 'City of Xanthi'; public $_mdate = ''; public $_tab = '\t'; public $_lineEnd = '\n'; public $_charset = 'utf-8'; public $_mime = 'text/html'; public $_namespace = ''; public $_profile = ''; public $_scripts = [...]; public $_script = [...]; protected $scriptOptions = [...]; public $_styleSheets = [...]; public $_style = [...]; public $_metaTags = [...]; public $_engine = NULL; public $_type = 'html'; protected $mediaVersion = '684516'; protected $factory = class Joomla\CMS\Document\Factory { ... }; protected $preloadManager = class Joomla\CMS\Document\PreloadManager { ... }; protected $preloadTypes = [...]; protected $webAssetManager = class Joomla\CMS\WebAsset\WebAssetManager { ... }; public $_links = [...]; public $_custom = [...]; public $template = 'purity_iii'; public $baseurl = ''; public $params = class Joomla\Registry\Registry { ... }; public $_file = 'C:\\wamp64\\www\\xanthi\\templates/purity_iii/index.php'; public $cspNonce = NULL; protected $_template = '<jdoc:include type="megamenurender" name="mainmenu-gr" />\n<!DOCTYPE html>\n<html lang="el-gr" dir="ltr"\n\t class=\'<jdoc:include type="pageclass" /> \'>\n\n<head>\n\t<jdoc:include type="head" />\n\t\r\n<!-- META FOR IOS & HANDHELD -->\r\n\t<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=yes"/>\r\n\t<style type="text/stylesheet">\r\n\t\t@-webkit-viewport { width: device-width; }\r\n\t\t@-moz-viewport { width: device-width; }\r\n\t\t@-ms-viewport { width: device-width; }'...; protected $_template_tags = [...]; protected $_caching = TRUE; private $html5 = TRUE; private $toolbars = [...]; private $cacheControllerFactory = class Joomla\CMS\Cache\CacheControllerFactory { ... } }; protected $language = class Joomla\CMS\Language\Language { protected $debug = FALSE; protected $default = 'en-GB'; protected $orphans = [...]; protected $metadata = [...]; protected $locale = NULL; protected $lang = 'el-GR'; protected $paths = [...]; protected $errorfiles = [...]; protected $used = [...]; protected $counter = 145; protected $override = [...]; protected $localise = NULL; protected $helper = NULL; protected $basePath = NULL; protected $catalogue = NULL; protected $parserRegistry = NULL; protected $strings = [...]; protected $transliterator = [...]; protected $pluralSuffixesCallback = [...]; protected $ignoredSearchWordsCallback = [...]; protected $lowerLimitSearchWordCallback = [...]; protected $upperLimitSearchWordCallback = [...]; protected $searchDisplayedCharactersNumberCallback = [...] }; protected $identity = class Joomla\CMS\User\User { protected $isRoot = FALSE; public $id = 0; public $name = NULL; public $username = NULL; public $email = NULL; public $password = NULL; public $password_clear = ''; public $block = NULL; public $sendEmail = 0; public $registerDate = NULL; public $lastvisitDate = NULL; public $activation = NULL; public $params = NULL; public $groups = [...]; public $guest = 1; public $lastResetTime = NULL; public $resetCount = NULL; public $requireReset = NULL; public $typeAlias = NULL; public $otpKey = NULL; public $otep = NULL; public $authProvider = NULL; protected $_params = class Joomla\Registry\Registry { ... }; protected $_authGroups = [...]; protected $_authLevels = [...]; protected $_authActions = NULL; protected $_errorMsg = NULL; protected $_errors = [...] }; private ${Joomla\CMS\Application\WebApplication}userFactory = class Joomla\CMS\User\UserFactory { private $db = class Joomla\Database\Mysqli\MysqliDriver { ... } }; protected $docOptions = ['template' => 'purity_iii', 'file' => 'index.php', 'params' => class Joomla\Registry\Registry { ... }, 'csp_nonce' => NULL, 'templateInherits' => NULL, 'directory' => 'C:\\wamp64\\www\\xanthi\\templates']; public $scope = NULL; protected $clientId = 0; protected $messageQueue = []; protected $name = 'site'; protected $profiler = NULL; protected $template = class stdClass { public $id = 14; public $home = 'el-GR'; public $template = 'purity_iii'; public $params = class Joomla\Registry\Registry { ... }; public $inheritable = 0; public $parent = '' }; protected $pathway = class Joomla\CMS\Pathway\SitePathway { protected $pathway = [...]; protected $count = 2 }; protected $authenticationPluginType = 'authentication'; protected $menus = ['site' => class Joomla\CMS\Menu\SiteMenu { ... }]; private ${Joomla\CMS\Application\CMSApplication}menuFactory = class Joomla\CMS\Menu\MenuFactory { private $cacheControllerFactory = class Joomla\CMS\Cache\CacheControllerFactory { ... }; private $databaseAwareTraitDatabase = class Joomla\Database\Mysqli\MysqliDriver { ... } }; private ${Joomla\CMS\Application\CMSApplication}container = class Joomla\DI\Container { protected $aliases = [...]; protected $resources = [...]; protected $parent = NULL; protected $tags = [...] }; protected $session = class Joomla\CMS\Session\Session { protected $state = 'active'; protected $expire = 1800; protected $store = class Joomla\CMS\Session\Storage\JoomlaStorage { ... }; protected $sessionValidators = [...]; private ${Joomla\Session\Session}dispatcher = class Joomla\Event\Dispatcher { ... } }; protected $language_filter = TRUE; protected $detect_browser = FALSE; public $registeredurlparams = class stdClass { public $catid = 'INT'; public $id = 'INT'; public $cid = 'ARRAY'; public $year = 'INT'; public $month = 'INT'; public $limit = 'UINT'; public $limitstart = 'UINT'; public $showall = 'INT'; public $return = 'BASE64'; public $filter = 'STRING'; public $filter_order = 'CMD'; public $filter_order_Dir = 'CMD'; public $filter-search = 'STRING'; public $print = 'BOOLEAN'; public $lang = 'CMD'; public $Itemid = 'INT'; public $format = 'WORD'; public $option = 'WORD'; public $view = 'WORD'; public $layout = 'WORD'; public $tpl = 'CMD' }; private $cacheControllerFactory = class Joomla\CMS\Cache\CacheControllerFactory { } } )...\CMSPlugin.php:289
101.27557534120PlgSystemAutotweetAutomator->_onAfterRender( )...\autotweetautomator.php:105
111.27947607088AutotweetModelAutomators->lastRunCheck( $plugin = 'automator', $interval = 180, $next = ??? )...\autotweetautomator.php:134
121.27947607088AutotweetModelAutomators->lastRun( $plugin = 'automator' )...\automators.php:33
131.28087790616XTF0FTable->load( $keys = ['plugin' => 'automator'], $reset = ??? )...\automators.php:85
141.28087790616XTF0FTable->reset( )...\table.php:806
151.28657798528XTF0FTable->onAfterReset( )...\table.php:973
161.28657798776XTF0FUtilsObservableDispatcher->trigger( $event = 'onAfterReset', $args = [0 => class AutotweetTableAutomator { protected $_errors = [...]; protected $config = [...]; protected $_tbl = '#__autotweet_automator'; protected $_tbl_key = 'id'; protected $_db = class XTF0FDatabaseDriverJoomla { ... }; protected $_trackAssets = FALSE; protected $_has_tags = FALSE; protected $_rules = NULL; protected $_locked = FALSE; protected $_trigger_events = FALSE; protected $_tableAlias = ''; protected $_columnAlias = [...]; protected $_autoChecks = FALSE; protected $_skipChecks = [...]; protected $_tableExists = TRUE; protected $_assetKey = 'com_autotweet.automator'; protected $input = class Joomla\Input\Input { ... }; protected $_queryJoin = NULL; protected $_tablePrefix = 'AutotweetTable'; protected $knownFields = [...]; protected $configProvider = class XTF0FConfigProvider { ... }; protected $tableDispatcher = class XTF0FTableDispatcherBehavior { ... }; protected $default_behaviors = [...]; protected $_relations = NULL; protected $_configProviderKey = 'com_foobar.tables.automator'; protected $contentType = NULL; public $id = NULL; public $plugin = NULL; public $lastexec = NULL }] )...\table.php:3332
171.28907799440XTF0FUtilsObservableEvent->update( $args = [0 => class AutotweetTableAutomator { protected $_errors = [...]; protected $config = [...]; protected $_tbl = '#__autotweet_automator'; protected $_tbl_key = 'id'; protected $_db = class XTF0FDatabaseDriverJoomla { ... }; protected $_trackAssets = FALSE; protected $_has_tags = FALSE; protected $_rules = NULL; protected $_locked = FALSE; protected $_trigger_events = FALSE; protected $_tableAlias = ''; protected $_columnAlias = [...]; protected $_autoChecks = FALSE; protected $_skipChecks = [...]; protected $_tableExists = TRUE; protected $_assetKey = 'com_autotweet.automator'; protected $input = class Joomla\Input\Input { ... }; protected $_queryJoin = NULL; protected $_tablePrefix = 'AutotweetTable'; protected $knownFields = [...]; protected $configProvider = class XTF0FConfigProvider { ... }; protected $tableDispatcher = class XTF0FTableDispatcherBehavior { ... }; protected $default_behaviors = [...]; protected $_relations = NULL; protected $_configProviderKey = 'com_foobar.tables.automator'; protected $contentType = NULL; public $id = NULL; public $plugin = NULL; public $lastexec = NULL }] )...\dispatcher.php:139

( ! ) Warning: XTF0FTableBehavior::onBeforeBind(): Argument #1 ($table) must be passed by reference, value given in C:\wamp64\www\xanthi\libraries\autotweet\vendor\extly\xt-fof254\src\utils\observable\event.php on line 67
Call Stack
10.0001461376{main}( )...\index.php:0
20.0001462032require_once( 'C:\wamp64\www\xanthi\includes\app.php )...\index.php:32
30.0046808040Joomla\CMS\Application\CMSApplication->execute( )...\app.php:58
40.83236211624Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication->render( )...\CMSApplication.php:311
50.83246211744Joomla\CMS\Application\CMSApplication->render( )...\SiteApplication.php:732
61.26977519416Joomla\Application\AbstractApplication->dispatchEvent( $eventName = 'onAfterRender', $event = class Joomla\CMS\Event\Application\AfterRenderEvent { protected $name = 'onAfterRender'; protected $arguments = ['subject' => class Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication { ... }]; protected $stopped = FALSE; private ${Joomla\CMS\Event\AbstractImmutableEvent}constructed = TRUE } )...\CMSApplication.php:1079
71.26977519416Joomla\Event\Dispatcher->dispatch( $name = 'onAfterRender', $event = class Joomla\CMS\Event\Application\AfterRenderEvent { protected $name = 'onAfterRender'; protected $arguments = ['subject' => class Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication { ... }]; protected $stopped = FALSE; private ${Joomla\CMS\Event\AbstractImmutableEvent}constructed = TRUE } )...\AbstractApplication.php:99
81.27387516464Joomla\CMS\Plugin\CMSPlugin->Joomla\CMS\Plugin\{closure:C:\wamp64\www\xanthi\libraries\src\plugin\CMSPlugin.php:273-303}( $event = class Joomla\CMS\Event\Application\AfterRenderEvent { protected $name = 'onAfterRender'; protected $arguments = ['subject' => class Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication { ... }]; protected $stopped = FALSE; private ${Joomla\CMS\Event\AbstractImmutableEvent}constructed = TRUE } )...\Dispatcher.php:454
91.27387516808PlgSystemAutotweetAutomator->onAfterRender( class Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication { protected $config = class Joomla\Registry\Registry { protected $data = class stdClass { ... }; protected $initialized = TRUE; protected $separator = '.' }; protected ?Psr\Log\LoggerInterface $logger = class Joomla\CMS\Log\DelegatingPsrLogger { protected $logger = class Joomla\CMS\Log\Log { ... }; protected $priorityMap = [...] }; private ${Joomla\Application\AbstractApplication}dispatcher = class Joomla\Event\Dispatcher { protected $events = [...]; protected $listeners = [...] }; protected $input = class Joomla\CMS\Input\Input { protected $options = [...]; protected $filter = class Joomla\Filter\InputFilter { ... }; protected $data = [...]; protected $inputs = [...] }; public $charSet = 'utf-8'; public $mimeType = 'text/html'; public $httpVersion = '1.1'; public $modifiedDate = NULL; public $client = class Joomla\Application\Web\WebClient { protected $platform = NULL; protected $mobile = FALSE; protected $engine = NULL; protected $browser = NULL; protected $browserVersion = NULL; protected $languages = [...]; protected $encodings = [...]; protected $userAgent = 'Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko; compatible; ClaudeBot/1.0; +claudebot@anthropic.com)'; protected $acceptEncoding = NULL; protected $acceptLanguage = NULL; protected $robot = TRUE; protected $detection = [...]; protected $headers = NULL }; protected $response = class Laminas\Diactoros\Response { private array $phrases = [...]; private string $reasonPhrase = 'OK'; private int $statusCode = 200; protected $headers = [...]; protected $headerNames = [...]; private $protocol = '1.1'; private $stream = class Laminas\Diactoros\Stream { ... } }; private ${Joomla\Application\AbstractWebApplication}cacheable = FALSE; private ${Joomla\Application\AbstractWebApplication}responseMap = [100 => 'HTTP/{version} 100 Continue', 101 => 'HTTP/{version} 101 Switching Protocols', 102 => 'HTTP/{version} 102 Processing', 200 => 'HTTP/{version} 200 OK', 201 => 'HTTP/{version} 201 Created', 202 => 'HTTP/{version} 202 Accepted', 203 => 'HTTP/{version} 203 Non-Authoritative Information', 204 => 'HTTP/{version} 204 No Content', 205 => 'HTTP/{version} 205 Reset Content', 206 => 'HTTP/{version} 206 Partial Content', 207 => 'HTTP/{version} 207 Multi-Status', 208 => 'HTTP/{version} 208 Already Reported', 226 => 'HTTP/{version} 226 IM Used', 300 => 'HTTP/{version} 300 Multiple Choices', 301 => 'HTTP/{version} 301 Moved Permanently', 302 => 'HTTP/{version} 302 Found', 303 => 'HTTP/{version} 303 See other', 304 => 'HTTP/{version} 304 Not Modified', 305 => 'HTTP/{version} 305 Use Proxy', 306 => 'HTTP/{version} 306 (Unused)', 307 => 'HTTP/{version} 307 Temporary Redirect', 308 => 'HTTP/{version} 308 Permanent Redirect', 400 => 'HTTP/{version} 400 Bad Request', 401 => 'HTTP/{version} 401 Unauthorized', 402 => 'HTTP/{version} 402 Payment Required', 403 => 'HTTP/{version} 403 Forbidden', 404 => 'HTTP/{version} 404 Not Found', 405 => 'HTTP/{version} 405 Method Not Allowed', 406 => 'HTTP/{version} 406 Not Acceptable', 407 => 'HTTP/{version} 407 Proxy Authentication Required', 408 => 'HTTP/{version} 408 Request Timeout', 409 => 'HTTP/{version} 409 Conflict', 410 => 'HTTP/{version} 410 Gone', 411 => 'HTTP/{version} 411 Length Required', 412 => 'HTTP/{version} 412 Precondition Failed', 413 => 'HTTP/{version} 413 Payload Too Large', 414 => 'HTTP/{version} 414 URI Too Long', 415 => 'HTTP/{version} 415 Unsupported Media Type', 416 => 'HTTP/{version} 416 Range Not Satisfiable', 417 => 'HTTP/{version} 417 Expectation Failed', 418 => 'HTTP/{version} 418 I\'m a teapot', 421 => 'HTTP/{version} 421 Misdirected Request', 422 => 'HTTP/{version} 422 Unprocessable Entity', 423 => 'HTTP/{version} 423 Locked', 424 => 'HTTP/{version} 424 Failed Dependency', 426 => 'HTTP/{version} 426 Upgrade Required', 428 => 'HTTP/{version} 428 Precondition Required', 429 => 'HTTP/{version} 429 Too Many Requests', 431 => 'HTTP/{version} 431 Request Header Fields Too Large', 451 => 'HTTP/{version} 451 Unavailable For Legal Reasons', 500 => 'HTTP/{version} 500 Internal Server Error', 501 => 'HTTP/{version} 501 Not Implemented', 502 => 'HTTP/{version} 502 Bad Gateway', 503 => 'HTTP/{version} 503 Service Unavailable', 504 => 'HTTP/{version} 504 Gateway Timeout', 505 => 'HTTP/{version} 505 HTTP Version Not Supported', 506 => 'HTTP/{version} 506 Variant Also Negotiates', 507 => 'HTTP/{version} 507 Insufficient Storage', 508 => 'HTTP/{version} 508 Loop Detected', 510 => 'HTTP/{version} 510 Not Extended', 511 => 'HTTP/{version} 511 Network Authentication Required']; public $JComponentTitle = NULL; public $item_associations = NULL; protected $document = class Joomla\CMS\Document\HtmlDocument { public $title = 'Όλα τα νέα από τον Δήμο Ξάνθης - Δήμος Ξάνθης'; public $description = 'Όλα τα νέα του Δήμου Ξάνθης: Δελτία Τύπου και Ανακοινώσεις, προκηρύξεις, διαγωνισμοί κ.α.'; public $link = ''; public $base = ''; public $language = 'el-gr'; public $direction = 'ltr'; public $_generator = 'City of Xanthi'; public $_mdate = ''; public $_tab = '\t'; public $_lineEnd = '\n'; public $_charset = 'utf-8'; public $_mime = 'text/html'; public $_namespace = ''; public $_profile = ''; public $_scripts = [...]; public $_script = [...]; protected $scriptOptions = [...]; public $_styleSheets = [...]; public $_style = [...]; public $_metaTags = [...]; public $_engine = NULL; public $_type = 'html'; protected $mediaVersion = '684516'; protected $factory = class Joomla\CMS\Document\Factory { ... }; protected $preloadManager = class Joomla\CMS\Document\PreloadManager { ... }; protected $preloadTypes = [...]; protected $webAssetManager = class Joomla\CMS\WebAsset\WebAssetManager { ... }; public $_links = [...]; public $_custom = [...]; public $template = 'purity_iii'; public $baseurl = ''; public $params = class Joomla\Registry\Registry { ... }; public $_file = 'C:\\wamp64\\www\\xanthi\\templates/purity_iii/index.php'; public $cspNonce = NULL; protected $_template = '<jdoc:include type="megamenurender" name="mainmenu-gr" />\n<!DOCTYPE html>\n<html lang="el-gr" dir="ltr"\n\t class=\'<jdoc:include type="pageclass" /> \'>\n\n<head>\n\t<jdoc:include type="head" />\n\t\r\n<!-- META FOR IOS & HANDHELD -->\r\n\t<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=yes"/>\r\n\t<style type="text/stylesheet">\r\n\t\t@-webkit-viewport { width: device-width; }\r\n\t\t@-moz-viewport { width: device-width; }\r\n\t\t@-ms-viewport { width: device-width; }'...; protected $_template_tags = [...]; protected $_caching = TRUE; private $html5 = TRUE; private $toolbars = [...]; private $cacheControllerFactory = class Joomla\CMS\Cache\CacheControllerFactory { ... } }; protected $language = class Joomla\CMS\Language\Language { protected $debug = FALSE; protected $default = 'en-GB'; protected $orphans = [...]; protected $metadata = [...]; protected $locale = NULL; protected $lang = 'el-GR'; protected $paths = [...]; protected $errorfiles = [...]; protected $used = [...]; protected $counter = 145; protected $override = [...]; protected $localise = NULL; protected $helper = NULL; protected $basePath = NULL; protected $catalogue = NULL; protected $parserRegistry = NULL; protected $strings = [...]; protected $transliterator = [...]; protected $pluralSuffixesCallback = [...]; protected $ignoredSearchWordsCallback = [...]; protected $lowerLimitSearchWordCallback = [...]; protected $upperLimitSearchWordCallback = [...]; protected $searchDisplayedCharactersNumberCallback = [...] }; protected $identity = class Joomla\CMS\User\User { protected $isRoot = FALSE; public $id = 0; public $name = NULL; public $username = NULL; public $email = NULL; public $password = NULL; public $password_clear = ''; public $block = NULL; public $sendEmail = 0; public $registerDate = NULL; public $lastvisitDate = NULL; public $activation = NULL; public $params = NULL; public $groups = [...]; public $guest = 1; public $lastResetTime = NULL; public $resetCount = NULL; public $requireReset = NULL; public $typeAlias = NULL; public $otpKey = NULL; public $otep = NULL; public $authProvider = NULL; protected $_params = class Joomla\Registry\Registry { ... }; protected $_authGroups = [...]; protected $_authLevels = [...]; protected $_authActions = NULL; protected $_errorMsg = NULL; protected $_errors = [...] }; private ${Joomla\CMS\Application\WebApplication}userFactory = class Joomla\CMS\User\UserFactory { private $db = class Joomla\Database\Mysqli\MysqliDriver { ... } }; protected $docOptions = ['template' => 'purity_iii', 'file' => 'index.php', 'params' => class Joomla\Registry\Registry { ... }, 'csp_nonce' => NULL, 'templateInherits' => NULL, 'directory' => 'C:\\wamp64\\www\\xanthi\\templates']; public $scope = NULL; protected $clientId = 0; protected $messageQueue = []; protected $name = 'site'; protected $profiler = NULL; protected $template = class stdClass { public $id = 14; public $home = 'el-GR'; public $template = 'purity_iii'; public $params = class Joomla\Registry\Registry { ... }; public $inheritable = 0; public $parent = '' }; protected $pathway = class Joomla\CMS\Pathway\SitePathway { protected $pathway = [...]; protected $count = 2 }; protected $authenticationPluginType = 'authentication'; protected $menus = ['site' => class Joomla\CMS\Menu\SiteMenu { ... }]; private ${Joomla\CMS\Application\CMSApplication}menuFactory = class Joomla\CMS\Menu\MenuFactory { private $cacheControllerFactory = class Joomla\CMS\Cache\CacheControllerFactory { ... }; private $databaseAwareTraitDatabase = class Joomla\Database\Mysqli\MysqliDriver { ... } }; private ${Joomla\CMS\Application\CMSApplication}container = class Joomla\DI\Container { protected $aliases = [...]; protected $resources = [...]; protected $parent = NULL; protected $tags = [...] }; protected $session = class Joomla\CMS\Session\Session { protected $state = 'active'; protected $expire = 1800; protected $store = class Joomla\CMS\Session\Storage\JoomlaStorage { ... }; protected $sessionValidators = [...]; private ${Joomla\Session\Session}dispatcher = class Joomla\Event\Dispatcher { ... } }; protected $language_filter = TRUE; protected $detect_browser = FALSE; public $registeredurlparams = class stdClass { public $catid = 'INT'; public $id = 'INT'; public $cid = 'ARRAY'; public $year = 'INT'; public $month = 'INT'; public $limit = 'UINT'; public $limitstart = 'UINT'; public $showall = 'INT'; public $return = 'BASE64'; public $filter = 'STRING'; public $filter_order = 'CMD'; public $filter_order_Dir = 'CMD'; public $filter-search = 'STRING'; public $print = 'BOOLEAN'; public $lang = 'CMD'; public $Itemid = 'INT'; public $format = 'WORD'; public $option = 'WORD'; public $view = 'WORD'; public $layout = 'WORD'; public $tpl = 'CMD' }; private $cacheControllerFactory = class Joomla\CMS\Cache\CacheControllerFactory { } } )...\CMSPlugin.php:289
101.27557534120PlgSystemAutotweetAutomator->_onAfterRender( )...\autotweetautomator.php:105
111.27947607088AutotweetModelAutomators->lastRunCheck( $plugin = 'automator', $interval = 180, $next = ??? )...\autotweetautomator.php:134
121.27947607088AutotweetModelAutomators->lastRun( $plugin = 'automator' )...\automators.php:33
131.28087790616XTF0FTable->load( $keys = ['plugin' => 'automator'], $reset = ??? )...\automators.php:85
141.29237800296XTF0FTable->bind( $src = ['id' => 1, 'plugin' => 'automator', 'lastexec' => '2024-04-30 07:56:59'], $ignore = ??? )...\table.php:867
151.29237800328XTF0FTable->onBeforeBind( $from = ['id' => 1, 'plugin' => 'automator', 'lastexec' => '2024-04-30 07:56:59'] )...\table.php:1096
161.29237800576XTF0FUtilsObservableDispatcher->trigger( $event = 'onBeforeBind', $args = [0 => class AutotweetTableAutomator { protected $_errors = [...]; protected $config = [...]; protected $_tbl = '#__autotweet_automator'; protected $_tbl_key = 'id'; protected $_db = class XTF0FDatabaseDriverJoomla { ... }; protected $_trackAssets = FALSE; protected $_has_tags = FALSE; protected $_rules = NULL; protected $_locked = FALSE; protected $_trigger_events = FALSE; protected $_tableAlias = ''; protected $_columnAlias = [...]; protected $_autoChecks = FALSE; protected $_skipChecks = [...]; protected $_tableExists = TRUE; protected $_assetKey = 'com_autotweet.automator'; protected $input = class Joomla\Input\Input { ... }; protected $_queryJoin = NULL; protected $_tablePrefix = 'AutotweetTable'; protected $knownFields = [...]; protected $configProvider = class XTF0FConfigProvider { ... }; protected $tableDispatcher = class XTF0FTableDispatcherBehavior { ... }; protected $default_behaviors = [...]; protected $_relations = NULL; protected $_configProviderKey = 'com_foobar.tables.automator'; protected $contentType = NULL; public $id = NULL; public $plugin = NULL; public $lastexec = NULL }, 1 => ['id' => 1, 'plugin' => 'automator', 'lastexec' => '2024-04-30 07:56:59']] )...\table.php:2743
171.29237801024XTF0FUtilsObservableEvent->update( $args = [0 => class AutotweetTableAutomator { protected $_errors = [...]; protected $config = [...]; protected $_tbl = '#__autotweet_automator'; protected $_tbl_key = 'id'; protected $_db = class XTF0FDatabaseDriverJoomla { ... }; protected $_trackAssets = FALSE; protected $_has_tags = FALSE; protected $_rules = NULL; protected $_locked = FALSE; protected $_trigger_events = FALSE; protected $_tableAlias = ''; protected $_columnAlias = [...]; protected $_autoChecks = FALSE; protected $_skipChecks = [...]; protected $_tableExists = TRUE; protected $_assetKey = 'com_autotweet.automator'; protected $input = class Joomla\Input\Input { ... }; protected $_queryJoin = NULL; protected $_tablePrefix = 'AutotweetTable'; protected $knownFields = [...]; protected $configProvider = class XTF0FConfigProvider { ... }; protected $tableDispatcher = class XTF0FTableDispatcherBehavior { ... }; protected $default_behaviors = [...]; protected $_relations = NULL; protected $_configProviderKey = 'com_foobar.tables.automator'; protected $contentType = NULL; public $id = NULL; public $plugin = NULL; public $lastexec = NULL }, 1 => ['id' => 1, 'plugin' => 'automator', 'lastexec' => '2024-04-30 07:56:59']] )...\dispatcher.php:139

( ! ) Warning: XTF0FTableBehavior::onBeforeBind(): Argument #1 ($table) must be passed by reference, value given in C:\wamp64\www\xanthi\libraries\autotweet\vendor\extly\xt-fof254\src\utils\observable\event.php on line 67
Call Stack
10.0001461376{main}( )...\index.php:0
20.0001462032require_once( 'C:\wamp64\www\xanthi\includes\app.php )...\index.php:32
30.0046808040Joomla\CMS\Application\CMSApplication->execute( )...\app.php:58
40.83236211624Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication->render( )...\CMSApplication.php:311
50.83246211744Joomla\CMS\Application\CMSApplication->render( )...\SiteApplication.php:732
61.26977519416Joomla\Application\AbstractApplication->dispatchEvent( $eventName = 'onAfterRender', $event = class Joomla\CMS\Event\Application\AfterRenderEvent { protected $name = 'onAfterRender'; protected $arguments = ['subject' => class Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication { ... }]; protected $stopped = FALSE; private ${Joomla\CMS\Event\AbstractImmutableEvent}constructed = TRUE } )...\CMSApplication.php:1079
71.26977519416Joomla\Event\Dispatcher->dispatch( $name = 'onAfterRender', $event = class Joomla\CMS\Event\Application\AfterRenderEvent { protected $name = 'onAfterRender'; protected $arguments = ['subject' => class Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication { ... }]; protected $stopped = FALSE; private ${Joomla\CMS\Event\AbstractImmutableEvent}constructed = TRUE } )...\AbstractApplication.php:99
81.27387516464Joomla\CMS\Plugin\CMSPlugin->Joomla\CMS\Plugin\{closure:C:\wamp64\www\xanthi\libraries\src\plugin\CMSPlugin.php:273-303}( $event = class Joomla\CMS\Event\Application\AfterRenderEvent { protected $name = 'onAfterRender'; protected $arguments = ['subject' => class Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication { ... }]; protected $stopped = FALSE; private ${Joomla\CMS\Event\AbstractImmutableEvent}constructed = TRUE } )...\Dispatcher.php:454
91.27387516808PlgSystemAutotweetAutomator->onAfterRender( class Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication { protected $config = class Joomla\Registry\Registry { protected $data = class stdClass { ... }; protected $initialized = TRUE; protected $separator = '.' }; protected ?Psr\Log\LoggerInterface $logger = class Joomla\CMS\Log\DelegatingPsrLogger { protected $logger = class Joomla\CMS\Log\Log { ... }; protected $priorityMap = [...] }; private ${Joomla\Application\AbstractApplication}dispatcher = class Joomla\Event\Dispatcher { protected $events = [...]; protected $listeners = [...] }; protected $input = class Joomla\CMS\Input\Input { protected $options = [...]; protected $filter = class Joomla\Filter\InputFilter { ... }; protected $data = [...]; protected $inputs = [...] }; public $charSet = 'utf-8'; public $mimeType = 'text/html'; public $httpVersion = '1.1'; public $modifiedDate = NULL; public $client = class Joomla\Application\Web\WebClient { protected $platform = NULL; protected $mobile = FALSE; protected $engine = NULL; protected $browser = NULL; protected $browserVersion = NULL; protected $languages = [...]; protected $encodings = [...]; protected $userAgent = 'Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko; compatible; ClaudeBot/1.0; +claudebot@anthropic.com)'; protected $acceptEncoding = NULL; protected $acceptLanguage = NULL; protected $robot = TRUE; protected $detection = [...]; protected $headers = NULL }; protected $response = class Laminas\Diactoros\Response { private array $phrases = [...]; private string $reasonPhrase = 'OK'; private int $statusCode = 200; protected $headers = [...]; protected $headerNames = [...]; private $protocol = '1.1'; private $stream = class Laminas\Diactoros\Stream { ... } }; private ${Joomla\Application\AbstractWebApplication}cacheable = FALSE; private ${Joomla\Application\AbstractWebApplication}responseMap = [100 => 'HTTP/{version} 100 Continue', 101 => 'HTTP/{version} 101 Switching Protocols', 102 => 'HTTP/{version} 102 Processing', 200 => 'HTTP/{version} 200 OK', 201 => 'HTTP/{version} 201 Created', 202 => 'HTTP/{version} 202 Accepted', 203 => 'HTTP/{version} 203 Non-Authoritative Information', 204 => 'HTTP/{version} 204 No Content', 205 => 'HTTP/{version} 205 Reset Content', 206 => 'HTTP/{version} 206 Partial Content', 207 => 'HTTP/{version} 207 Multi-Status', 208 => 'HTTP/{version} 208 Already Reported', 226 => 'HTTP/{version} 226 IM Used', 300 => 'HTTP/{version} 300 Multiple Choices', 301 => 'HTTP/{version} 301 Moved Permanently', 302 => 'HTTP/{version} 302 Found', 303 => 'HTTP/{version} 303 See other', 304 => 'HTTP/{version} 304 Not Modified', 305 => 'HTTP/{version} 305 Use Proxy', 306 => 'HTTP/{version} 306 (Unused)', 307 => 'HTTP/{version} 307 Temporary Redirect', 308 => 'HTTP/{version} 308 Permanent Redirect', 400 => 'HTTP/{version} 400 Bad Request', 401 => 'HTTP/{version} 401 Unauthorized', 402 => 'HTTP/{version} 402 Payment Required', 403 => 'HTTP/{version} 403 Forbidden', 404 => 'HTTP/{version} 404 Not Found', 405 => 'HTTP/{version} 405 Method Not Allowed', 406 => 'HTTP/{version} 406 Not Acceptable', 407 => 'HTTP/{version} 407 Proxy Authentication Required', 408 => 'HTTP/{version} 408 Request Timeout', 409 => 'HTTP/{version} 409 Conflict', 410 => 'HTTP/{version} 410 Gone', 411 => 'HTTP/{version} 411 Length Required', 412 => 'HTTP/{version} 412 Precondition Failed', 413 => 'HTTP/{version} 413 Payload Too Large', 414 => 'HTTP/{version} 414 URI Too Long', 415 => 'HTTP/{version} 415 Unsupported Media Type', 416 => 'HTTP/{version} 416 Range Not Satisfiable', 417 => 'HTTP/{version} 417 Expectation Failed', 418 => 'HTTP/{version} 418 I\'m a teapot', 421 => 'HTTP/{version} 421 Misdirected Request', 422 => 'HTTP/{version} 422 Unprocessable Entity', 423 => 'HTTP/{version} 423 Locked', 424 => 'HTTP/{version} 424 Failed Dependency', 426 => 'HTTP/{version} 426 Upgrade Required', 428 => 'HTTP/{version} 428 Precondition Required', 429 => 'HTTP/{version} 429 Too Many Requests', 431 => 'HTTP/{version} 431 Request Header Fields Too Large', 451 => 'HTTP/{version} 451 Unavailable For Legal Reasons', 500 => 'HTTP/{version} 500 Internal Server Error', 501 => 'HTTP/{version} 501 Not Implemented', 502 => 'HTTP/{version} 502 Bad Gateway', 503 => 'HTTP/{version} 503 Service Unavailable', 504 => 'HTTP/{version} 504 Gateway Timeout', 505 => 'HTTP/{version} 505 HTTP Version Not Supported', 506 => 'HTTP/{version} 506 Variant Also Negotiates', 507 => 'HTTP/{version} 507 Insufficient Storage', 508 => 'HTTP/{version} 508 Loop Detected', 510 => 'HTTP/{version} 510 Not Extended', 511 => 'HTTP/{version} 511 Network Authentication Required']; public $JComponentTitle = NULL; public $item_associations = NULL; protected $document = class Joomla\CMS\Document\HtmlDocument { public $title = 'Όλα τα νέα από τον Δήμο Ξάνθης - Δήμος Ξάνθης'; public $description = 'Όλα τα νέα του Δήμου Ξάνθης: Δελτία Τύπου και Ανακοινώσεις, προκηρύξεις, διαγωνισμοί κ.α.'; public $link = ''; public $base = ''; public $language = 'el-gr'; public $direction = 'ltr'; public $_generator = 'City of Xanthi'; public $_mdate = ''; public $_tab = '\t'; public $_lineEnd = '\n'; public $_charset = 'utf-8'; public $_mime = 'text/html'; public $_namespace = ''; public $_profile = ''; public $_scripts = [...]; public $_script = [...]; protected $scriptOptions = [...]; public $_styleSheets = [...]; public $_style = [...]; public $_metaTags = [...]; public $_engine = NULL; public $_type = 'html'; protected $mediaVersion = '684516'; protected $factory = class Joomla\CMS\Document\Factory { ... }; protected $preloadManager = class Joomla\CMS\Document\PreloadManager { ... }; protected $preloadTypes = [...]; protected $webAssetManager = class Joomla\CMS\WebAsset\WebAssetManager { ... }; public $_links = [...]; public $_custom = [...]; public $template = 'purity_iii'; public $baseurl = ''; public $params = class Joomla\Registry\Registry { ... }; public $_file = 'C:\\wamp64\\www\\xanthi\\templates/purity_iii/index.php'; public $cspNonce = NULL; protected $_template = '<jdoc:include type="megamenurender" name="mainmenu-gr" />\n<!DOCTYPE html>\n<html lang="el-gr" dir="ltr"\n\t class=\'<jdoc:include type="pageclass" /> \'>\n\n<head>\n\t<jdoc:include type="head" />\n\t\r\n<!-- META FOR IOS & HANDHELD -->\r\n\t<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=yes"/>\r\n\t<style type="text/stylesheet">\r\n\t\t@-webkit-viewport { width: device-width; }\r\n\t\t@-moz-viewport { width: device-width; }\r\n\t\t@-ms-viewport { width: device-width; }'...; protected $_template_tags = [...]; protected $_caching = TRUE; private $html5 = TRUE; private $toolbars = [...]; private $cacheControllerFactory = class Joomla\CMS\Cache\CacheControllerFactory { ... } }; protected $language = class Joomla\CMS\Language\Language { protected $debug = FALSE; protected $default = 'en-GB'; protected $orphans = [...]; protected $metadata = [...]; protected $locale = NULL; protected $lang = 'el-GR'; protected $paths = [...]; protected $errorfiles = [...]; protected $used = [...]; protected $counter = 145; protected $override = [...]; protected $localise = NULL; protected $helper = NULL; protected $basePath = NULL; protected $catalogue = NULL; protected $parserRegistry = NULL; protected $strings = [...]; protected $transliterator = [...]; protected $pluralSuffixesCallback = [...]; protected $ignoredSearchWordsCallback = [...]; protected $lowerLimitSearchWordCallback = [...]; protected $upperLimitSearchWordCallback = [...]; protected $searchDisplayedCharactersNumberCallback = [...] }; protected $identity = class Joomla\CMS\User\User { protected $isRoot = FALSE; public $id = 0; public $name = NULL; public $username = NULL; public $email = NULL; public $password = NULL; public $password_clear = ''; public $block = NULL; public $sendEmail = 0; public $registerDate = NULL; public $lastvisitDate = NULL; public $activation = NULL; public $params = NULL; public $groups = [...]; public $guest = 1; public $lastResetTime = NULL; public $resetCount = NULL; public $requireReset = NULL; public $typeAlias = NULL; public $otpKey = NULL; public $otep = NULL; public $authProvider = NULL; protected $_params = class Joomla\Registry\Registry { ... }; protected $_authGroups = [...]; protected $_authLevels = [...]; protected $_authActions = NULL; protected $_errorMsg = NULL; protected $_errors = [...] }; private ${Joomla\CMS\Application\WebApplication}userFactory = class Joomla\CMS\User\UserFactory { private $db = class Joomla\Database\Mysqli\MysqliDriver { ... } }; protected $docOptions = ['template' => 'purity_iii', 'file' => 'index.php', 'params' => class Joomla\Registry\Registry { ... }, 'csp_nonce' => NULL, 'templateInherits' => NULL, 'directory' => 'C:\\wamp64\\www\\xanthi\\templates']; public $scope = NULL; protected $clientId = 0; protected $messageQueue = []; protected $name = 'site'; protected $profiler = NULL; protected $template = class stdClass { public $id = 14; public $home = 'el-GR'; public $template = 'purity_iii'; public $params = class Joomla\Registry\Registry { ... }; public $inheritable = 0; public $parent = '' }; protected $pathway = class Joomla\CMS\Pathway\SitePathway { protected $pathway = [...]; protected $count = 2 }; protected $authenticationPluginType = 'authentication'; protected $menus = ['site' => class Joomla\CMS\Menu\SiteMenu { ... }]; private ${Joomla\CMS\Application\CMSApplication}menuFactory = class Joomla\CMS\Menu\MenuFactory { private $cacheControllerFactory = class Joomla\CMS\Cache\CacheControllerFactory { ... }; private $databaseAwareTraitDatabase = class Joomla\Database\Mysqli\MysqliDriver { ... } }; private ${Joomla\CMS\Application\CMSApplication}container = class Joomla\DI\Container { protected $aliases = [...]; protected $resources = [...]; protected $parent = NULL; protected $tags = [...] }; protected $session = class Joomla\CMS\Session\Session { protected $state = 'active'; protected $expire = 1800; protected $store = class Joomla\CMS\Session\Storage\JoomlaStorage { ... }; protected $sessionValidators = [...]; private ${Joomla\Session\Session}dispatcher = class Joomla\Event\Dispatcher { ... } }; protected $language_filter = TRUE; protected $detect_browser = FALSE; public $registeredurlparams = class stdClass { public $catid = 'INT'; public $id = 'INT'; public $cid = 'ARRAY'; public $year = 'INT'; public $month = 'INT'; public $limit = 'UINT'; public $limitstart = 'UINT'; public $showall = 'INT'; public $return = 'BASE64'; public $filter = 'STRING'; public $filter_order = 'CMD'; public $filter_order_Dir = 'CMD'; public $filter-search = 'STRING'; public $print = 'BOOLEAN'; public $lang = 'CMD'; public $Itemid = 'INT'; public $format = 'WORD'; public $option = 'WORD'; public $view = 'WORD'; public $layout = 'WORD'; public $tpl = 'CMD' }; private $cacheControllerFactory = class Joomla\CMS\Cache\CacheControllerFactory { } } )...\CMSPlugin.php:289
101.27557534120PlgSystemAutotweetAutomator->_onAfterRender( )...\autotweetautomator.php:105
111.27947607088AutotweetModelAutomators->lastRunCheck( $plugin = 'automator', $interval = 180, $next = ??? )...\autotweetautomator.php:134
121.27947607088AutotweetModelAutomators->lastRun( $plugin = 'automator' )...\automators.php:33
131.28087790616XTF0FTable->load( $keys = ['plugin' => 'automator'], $reset = ??? )...\automators.php:85
141.29237800296XTF0FTable->bind( $src = ['id' => 1, 'plugin' => 'automator', 'lastexec' => '2024-04-30 07:56:59'], $ignore = ??? )...\table.php:867
151.29237800328XTF0FTable->onBeforeBind( $from = ['id' => 1, 'plugin' => 'automator', 'lastexec' => '2024-04-30 07:56:59'] )...\table.php:1096
161.29237800576XTF0FUtilsObservableDispatcher->trigger( $event = 'onBeforeBind', $args = [0 => class AutotweetTableAutomator { protected $_errors = [...]; protected $config = [...]; protected $_tbl = '#__autotweet_automator'; protected $_tbl_key = 'id'; protected $_db = class XTF0FDatabaseDriverJoomla { ... }; protected $_trackAssets = FALSE; protected $_has_tags = FALSE; protected $_rules = NULL; protected $_locked = FALSE; protected $_trigger_events = FALSE; protected $_tableAlias = ''; protected $_columnAlias = [...]; protected $_autoChecks = FALSE; protected $_skipChecks = [...]; protected $_tableExists = TRUE; protected $_assetKey = 'com_autotweet.automator'; protected $input = class Joomla\Input\Input { ... }; protected $_queryJoin = NULL; protected $_tablePrefix = 'AutotweetTable'; protected $knownFields = [...]; protected $configProvider = class XTF0FConfigProvider { ... }; protected $tableDispatcher = class XTF0FTableDispatcherBehavior { ... }; protected $default_behaviors = [...]; protected $_relations = NULL; protected $_configProviderKey = 'com_foobar.tables.automator'; protected $contentType = NULL; public $id = NULL; public $plugin = NULL; public $lastexec = NULL }, 1 => ['id' => 1, 'plugin' => 'automator', 'lastexec' => '2024-04-30 07:56:59']] )...\table.php:2743
171.29507801176XTF0FUtilsObservableEvent->update( $args = [0 => class AutotweetTableAutomator { protected $_errors = [...]; protected $config = [...]; protected $_tbl = '#__autotweet_automator'; protected $_tbl_key = 'id'; protected $_db = class XTF0FDatabaseDriverJoomla { ... }; protected $_trackAssets = FALSE; protected $_has_tags = FALSE; protected $_rules = NULL; protected $_locked = FALSE; protected $_trigger_events = FALSE; protected $_tableAlias = ''; protected $_columnAlias = [...]; protected $_autoChecks = FALSE; protected $_skipChecks = [...]; protected $_tableExists = TRUE; protected $_assetKey = 'com_autotweet.automator'; protected $input = class Joomla\Input\Input { ... }; protected $_queryJoin = NULL; protected $_tablePrefix = 'AutotweetTable'; protected $knownFields = [...]; protected $configProvider = class XTF0FConfigProvider { ... }; protected $tableDispatcher = class XTF0FTableDispatcherBehavior { ... }; protected $default_behaviors = [...]; protected $_relations = NULL; protected $_configProviderKey = 'com_foobar.tables.automator'; protected $contentType = NULL; public $id = NULL; public $plugin = NULL; public $lastexec = NULL }, 1 => ['id' => 1, 'plugin' => 'automator', 'lastexec' => '2024-04-30 07:56:59']] )...\dispatcher.php:139

( ! ) Warning: XTF0FTableBehaviorTags::onAfterBind(): Argument #1 ($table) must be passed by reference, value given in C:\wamp64\www\xanthi\libraries\autotweet\vendor\extly\xt-fof254\src\utils\observable\event.php on line 67
Call Stack
10.0001461376{main}( )...\index.php:0
20.0001462032require_once( 'C:\wamp64\www\xanthi\includes\app.php )...\index.php:32
30.0046808040Joomla\CMS\Application\CMSApplication->execute( )...\app.php:58
40.83236211624Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication->render( )...\CMSApplication.php:311
50.83246211744Joomla\CMS\Application\CMSApplication->render( )...\SiteApplication.php:732
61.26977519416Joomla\Application\AbstractApplication->dispatchEvent( $eventName = 'onAfterRender', $event = class Joomla\CMS\Event\Application\AfterRenderEvent { protected $name = 'onAfterRender'; protected $arguments = ['subject' => class Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication { ... }]; protected $stopped = FALSE; private ${Joomla\CMS\Event\AbstractImmutableEvent}constructed = TRUE } )...\CMSApplication.php:1079
71.26977519416Joomla\Event\Dispatcher->dispatch( $name = 'onAfterRender', $event = class Joomla\CMS\Event\Application\AfterRenderEvent { protected $name = 'onAfterRender'; protected $arguments = ['subject' => class Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication { ... }]; protected $stopped = FALSE; private ${Joomla\CMS\Event\AbstractImmutableEvent}constructed = TRUE } )...\AbstractApplication.php:99
81.27387516464Joomla\CMS\Plugin\CMSPlugin->Joomla\CMS\Plugin\{closure:C:\wamp64\www\xanthi\libraries\src\plugin\CMSPlugin.php:273-303}( $event = class Joomla\CMS\Event\Application\AfterRenderEvent { protected $name = 'onAfterRender'; protected $arguments = ['subject' => class Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication { ... }]; protected $stopped = FALSE; private ${Joomla\CMS\Event\AbstractImmutableEvent}constructed = TRUE } )...\Dispatcher.php:454
91.27387516808PlgSystemAutotweetAutomator->onAfterRender( class Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication { protected $config = class Joomla\Registry\Registry { protected $data = class stdClass { ... }; protected $initialized = TRUE; protected $separator = '.' }; protected ?Psr\Log\LoggerInterface $logger = class Joomla\CMS\Log\DelegatingPsrLogger { protected $logger = class Joomla\CMS\Log\Log { ... }; protected $priorityMap = [...] }; private ${Joomla\Application\AbstractApplication}dispatcher = class Joomla\Event\Dispatcher { protected $events = [...]; protected $listeners = [...] }; protected $input = class Joomla\CMS\Input\Input { protected $options = [...]; protected $filter = class Joomla\Filter\InputFilter { ... }; protected $data = [...]; protected $inputs = [...] }; public $charSet = 'utf-8'; public $mimeType = 'text/html'; public $httpVersion = '1.1'; public $modifiedDate = NULL; public $client = class Joomla\Application\Web\WebClient { protected $platform = NULL; protected $mobile = FALSE; protected $engine = NULL; protected $browser = NULL; protected $browserVersion = NULL; protected $languages = [...]; protected $encodings = [...]; protected $userAgent = 'Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko; compatible; ClaudeBot/1.0; +claudebot@anthropic.com)'; protected $acceptEncoding = NULL; protected $acceptLanguage = NULL; protected $robot = TRUE; protected $detection = [...]; protected $headers = NULL }; protected $response = class Laminas\Diactoros\Response { private array $phrases = [...]; private string $reasonPhrase = 'OK'; private int $statusCode = 200; protected $headers = [...]; protected $headerNames = [...]; private $protocol = '1.1'; private $stream = class Laminas\Diactoros\Stream { ... } }; private ${Joomla\Application\AbstractWebApplication}cacheable = FALSE; private ${Joomla\Application\AbstractWebApplication}responseMap = [100 => 'HTTP/{version} 100 Continue', 101 => 'HTTP/{version} 101 Switching Protocols', 102 => 'HTTP/{version} 102 Processing', 200 => 'HTTP/{version} 200 OK', 201 => 'HTTP/{version} 201 Created', 202 => 'HTTP/{version} 202 Accepted', 203 => 'HTTP/{version} 203 Non-Authoritative Information', 204 => 'HTTP/{version} 204 No Content', 205 => 'HTTP/{version} 205 Reset Content', 206 => 'HTTP/{version} 206 Partial Content', 207 => 'HTTP/{version} 207 Multi-Status', 208 => 'HTTP/{version} 208 Already Reported', 226 => 'HTTP/{version} 226 IM Used', 300 => 'HTTP/{version} 300 Multiple Choices', 301 => 'HTTP/{version} 301 Moved Permanently', 302 => 'HTTP/{version} 302 Found', 303 => 'HTTP/{version} 303 See other', 304 => 'HTTP/{version} 304 Not Modified', 305 => 'HTTP/{version} 305 Use Proxy', 306 => 'HTTP/{version} 306 (Unused)', 307 => 'HTTP/{version} 307 Temporary Redirect', 308 => 'HTTP/{version} 308 Permanent Redirect', 400 => 'HTTP/{version} 400 Bad Request', 401 => 'HTTP/{version} 401 Unauthorized', 402 => 'HTTP/{version} 402 Payment Required', 403 => 'HTTP/{version} 403 Forbidden', 404 => 'HTTP/{version} 404 Not Found', 405 => 'HTTP/{version} 405 Method Not Allowed', 406 => 'HTTP/{version} 406 Not Acceptable', 407 => 'HTTP/{version} 407 Proxy Authentication Required', 408 => 'HTTP/{version} 408 Request Timeout', 409 => 'HTTP/{version} 409 Conflict', 410 => 'HTTP/{version} 410 Gone', 411 => 'HTTP/{version} 411 Length Required', 412 => 'HTTP/{version} 412 Precondition Failed', 413 => 'HTTP/{version} 413 Payload Too Large', 414 => 'HTTP/{version} 414 URI Too Long', 415 => 'HTTP/{version} 415 Unsupported Media Type', 416 => 'HTTP/{version} 416 Range Not Satisfiable', 417 => 'HTTP/{version} 417 Expectation Failed', 418 => 'HTTP/{version} 418 I\'m a teapot', 421 => 'HTTP/{version} 421 Misdirected Request', 422 => 'HTTP/{version} 422 Unprocessable Entity', 423 => 'HTTP/{version} 423 Locked', 424 => 'HTTP/{version} 424 Failed Dependency', 426 => 'HTTP/{version} 426 Upgrade Required', 428 => 'HTTP/{version} 428 Precondition Required', 429 => 'HTTP/{version} 429 Too Many Requests', 431 => 'HTTP/{version} 431 Request Header Fields Too Large', 451 => 'HTTP/{version} 451 Unavailable For Legal Reasons', 500 => 'HTTP/{version} 500 Internal Server Error', 501 => 'HTTP/{version} 501 Not Implemented', 502 => 'HTTP/{version} 502 Bad Gateway', 503 => 'HTTP/{version} 503 Service Unavailable', 504 => 'HTTP/{version} 504 Gateway Timeout', 505 => 'HTTP/{version} 505 HTTP Version Not Supported', 506 => 'HTTP/{version} 506 Variant Also Negotiates', 507 => 'HTTP/{version} 507 Insufficient Storage', 508 => 'HTTP/{version} 508 Loop Detected', 510 => 'HTTP/{version} 510 Not Extended', 511 => 'HTTP/{version} 511 Network Authentication Required']; public $JComponentTitle = NULL; public $item_associations = NULL; protected $document = class Joomla\CMS\Document\HtmlDocument { public $title = 'Όλα τα νέα από τον Δήμο Ξάνθης - Δήμος Ξάνθης'; public $description = 'Όλα τα νέα του Δήμου Ξάνθης: Δελτία Τύπου και Ανακοινώσεις, προκηρύξεις, διαγωνισμοί κ.α.'; public $link = ''; public $base = ''; public $language = 'el-gr'; public $direction = 'ltr'; public $_generator = 'City of Xanthi'; public $_mdate = ''; public $_tab = '\t'; public $_lineEnd = '\n'; public $_charset = 'utf-8'; public $_mime = 'text/html'; public $_namespace = ''; public $_profile = ''; public $_scripts = [...]; public $_script = [...]; protected $scriptOptions = [...]; public $_styleSheets = [...]; public $_style = [...]; public $_metaTags = [...]; public $_engine = NULL; public $_type = 'html'; protected $mediaVersion = '684516'; protected $factory = class Joomla\CMS\Document\Factory { ... }; protected $preloadManager = class Joomla\CMS\Document\PreloadManager { ... }; protected $preloadTypes = [...]; protected $webAssetManager = class Joomla\CMS\WebAsset\WebAssetManager { ... }; public $_links = [...]; public $_custom = [...]; public $template = 'purity_iii'; public $baseurl = ''; public $params = class Joomla\Registry\Registry { ... }; public $_file = 'C:\\wamp64\\www\\xanthi\\templates/purity_iii/index.php'; public $cspNonce = NULL; protected $_template = '<jdoc:include type="megamenurender" name="mainmenu-gr" />\n<!DOCTYPE html>\n<html lang="el-gr" dir="ltr"\n\t class=\'<jdoc:include type="pageclass" /> \'>\n\n<head>\n\t<jdoc:include type="head" />\n\t\r\n<!-- META FOR IOS & HANDHELD -->\r\n\t<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=yes"/>\r\n\t<style type="text/stylesheet">\r\n\t\t@-webkit-viewport { width: device-width; }\r\n\t\t@-moz-viewport { width: device-width; }\r\n\t\t@-ms-viewport { width: device-width; }'...; protected $_template_tags = [...]; protected $_caching = TRUE; private $html5 = TRUE; private $toolbars = [...]; private $cacheControllerFactory = class Joomla\CMS\Cache\CacheControllerFactory { ... } }; protected $language = class Joomla\CMS\Language\Language { protected $debug = FALSE; protected $default = 'en-GB'; protected $orphans = [...]; protected $metadata = [...]; protected $locale = NULL; protected $lang = 'el-GR'; protected $paths = [...]; protected $errorfiles = [...]; protected $used = [...]; protected $counter = 145; protected $override = [...]; protected $localise = NULL; protected $helper = NULL; protected $basePath = NULL; protected $catalogue = NULL; protected $parserRegistry = NULL; protected $strings = [...]; protected $transliterator = [...]; protected $pluralSuffixesCallback = [...]; protected $ignoredSearchWordsCallback = [...]; protected $lowerLimitSearchWordCallback = [...]; protected $upperLimitSearchWordCallback = [...]; protected $searchDisplayedCharactersNumberCallback = [...] }; protected $identity = class Joomla\CMS\User\User { protected $isRoot = FALSE; public $id = 0; public $name = NULL; public $username = NULL; public $email = NULL; public $password = NULL; public $password_clear = ''; public $block = NULL; public $sendEmail = 0; public $registerDate = NULL; public $lastvisitDate = NULL; public $activation = NULL; public $params = NULL; public $groups = [...]; public $guest = 1; public $lastResetTime = NULL; public $resetCount = NULL; public $requireReset = NULL; public $typeAlias = NULL; public $otpKey = NULL; public $otep = NULL; public $authProvider = NULL; protected $_params = class Joomla\Registry\Registry { ... }; protected $_authGroups = [...]; protected $_authLevels = [...]; protected $_authActions = NULL; protected $_errorMsg = NULL; protected $_errors = [...] }; private ${Joomla\CMS\Application\WebApplication}userFactory = class Joomla\CMS\User\UserFactory { private $db = class Joomla\Database\Mysqli\MysqliDriver { ... } }; protected $docOptions = ['template' => 'purity_iii', 'file' => 'index.php', 'params' => class Joomla\Registry\Registry { ... }, 'csp_nonce' => NULL, 'templateInherits' => NULL, 'directory' => 'C:\\wamp64\\www\\xanthi\\templates']; public $scope = NULL; protected $clientId = 0; protected $messageQueue = []; protected $name = 'site'; protected $profiler = NULL; protected $template = class stdClass { public $id = 14; public $home = 'el-GR'; public $template = 'purity_iii'; public $params = class Joomla\Registry\Registry { ... }; public $inheritable = 0; public $parent = '' }; protected $pathway = class Joomla\CMS\Pathway\SitePathway { protected $pathway = [...]; protected $count = 2 }; protected $authenticationPluginType = 'authentication'; protected $menus = ['site' => class Joomla\CMS\Menu\SiteMenu { ... }]; private ${Joomla\CMS\Application\CMSApplication}menuFactory = class Joomla\CMS\Menu\MenuFactory { private $cacheControllerFactory = class Joomla\CMS\Cache\CacheControllerFactory { ... }; private $databaseAwareTraitDatabase = class Joomla\Database\Mysqli\MysqliDriver { ... } }; private ${Joomla\CMS\Application\CMSApplication}container = class Joomla\DI\Container { protected $aliases = [...]; protected $resources = [...]; protected $parent = NULL; protected $tags = [...] }; protected $session = class Joomla\CMS\Session\Session { protected $state = 'active'; protected $expire = 1800; protected $store = class Joomla\CMS\Session\Storage\JoomlaStorage { ... }; protected $sessionValidators = [...]; private ${Joomla\Session\Session}dispatcher = class Joomla\Event\Dispatcher { ... } }; protected $language_filter = TRUE; protected $detect_browser = FALSE; public $registeredurlparams = class stdClass { public $catid = 'INT'; public $id = 'INT'; public $cid = 'ARRAY'; public $year = 'INT'; public $month = 'INT'; public $limit = 'UINT'; public $limitstart = 'UINT'; public $showall = 'INT'; public $return = 'BASE64'; public $filter = 'STRING'; public $filter_order = 'CMD'; public $filter_order_Dir = 'CMD'; public $filter-search = 'STRING'; public $print = 'BOOLEAN'; public $lang = 'CMD'; public $Itemid = 'INT'; public $format = 'WORD'; public $option = 'WORD'; public $view = 'WORD'; public $layout = 'WORD'; public $tpl = 'CMD' }; private $cacheControllerFactory = class Joomla\CMS\Cache\CacheControllerFactory { } } )...\CMSPlugin.php:289
101.27557534120PlgSystemAutotweetAutomator->_onAfterRender( )...\autotweetautomator.php:105
111.27947607088AutotweetModelAutomators->lastRunCheck( $plugin = 'automator', $interval = 180, $next = ??? )...\autotweetautomator.php:134
121.27947607088AutotweetModelAutomators->lastRun( $plugin = 'automator' )...\automators.php:33
131.28087790616XTF0FTable->load( $keys = ['plugin' => 'automator'], $reset = ??? )...\automators.php:85
141.29237800296XTF0FTable->bind( $src = ['id' => 1, 'plugin' => 'automator', 'lastexec' => '2024-04-30 07:56:59'], $ignore = ??? )...\table.php:867
151.29777800264XTF0FTable->onAfterBind( $src = ['id' => 1, 'plugin' => 'automator', 'lastexec' => '2024-04-30 07:56:59'] )...\table.php:1125
161.29777800888XTF0FUtilsObservableDispatcher->trigger( $event = 'onAfterBind', $args = [0 => class AutotweetTableAutomator { protected $_errors = [...]; protected $config = [...]; protected $_tbl = '#__autotweet_automator'; protected $_tbl_key = 'id'; protected $_db = class XTF0FDatabaseDriverJoomla { ... }; protected $_trackAssets = FALSE; protected $_has_tags = FALSE; protected $_rules = NULL; protected $_locked = FALSE; protected $_trigger_events = FALSE; protected $_tableAlias = ''; protected $_columnAlias = [...]; protected $_autoChecks = FALSE; protected $_skipChecks = [...]; protected $_tableExists = TRUE; protected $_assetKey = 'com_autotweet.automator'; protected $input = class Joomla\Input\Input { ... }; protected $_queryJoin = NULL; protected $_tablePrefix = 'AutotweetTable'; protected $knownFields = [...]; protected $configProvider = class XTF0FConfigProvider { ... }; protected $tableDispatcher = class XTF0FTableDispatcherBehavior { ... }; protected $default_behaviors = [...]; protected $_relations = NULL; protected $_configProviderKey = 'com_foobar.tables.automator'; protected $contentType = NULL; public $id = 1; public $plugin = 'automator'; public $lastexec = '2024-04-30 07:56:59' }, 1 => ['id' => 1, 'plugin' => 'automator', 'lastexec' => '2024-04-30 07:56:59'], 2 => ['component' => '', 'view' => NULL, 'table_prefix' => 'AutotweetTable']] )...\table.php:2922
171.29787801336XTF0FUtilsObservableEvent->update( $args = [0 => class AutotweetTableAutomator { protected $_errors = [...]; protected $config = [...]; protected $_tbl = '#__autotweet_automator'; protected $_tbl_key = 'id'; protected $_db = class XTF0FDatabaseDriverJoomla { ... }; protected $_trackAssets = FALSE; protected $_has_tags = FALSE; protected $_rules = NULL; protected $_locked = FALSE; protected $_trigger_events = FALSE; protected $_tableAlias = ''; protected $_columnAlias = [...]; protected $_autoChecks = FALSE; protected $_skipChecks = [...]; protected $_tableExists = TRUE; protected $_assetKey = 'com_autotweet.automator'; protected $input = class Joomla\Input\Input { ... }; protected $_queryJoin = NULL; protected $_tablePrefix = 'AutotweetTable'; protected $knownFields = [...]; protected $configProvider = class XTF0FConfigProvider { ... }; protected $tableDispatcher = class XTF0FTableDispatcherBehavior { ... }; protected $default_behaviors = [...]; protected $_relations = NULL; protected $_configProviderKey = 'com_foobar.tables.automator'; protected $contentType = NULL; public $id = 1; public $plugin = 'automator'; public $lastexec = '2024-04-30 07:56:59' }, 1 => ['id' => 1, 'plugin' => 'automator', 'lastexec' => '2024-04-30 07:56:59'], 2 => ['component' => '', 'view' => NULL, 'table_prefix' => 'AutotweetTable']] )...\dispatcher.php:139

( ! ) Warning: XTF0FTableBehaviorAssets::onAfterBind(): Argument #1 ($table) must be passed by reference, value given in C:\wamp64\www\xanthi\libraries\autotweet\vendor\extly\xt-fof254\src\utils\observable\event.php on line 67
Call Stack
10.0001461376{main}( )...\index.php:0
20.0001462032require_once( 'C:\wamp64\www\xanthi\includes\app.php )...\index.php:32
30.0046808040Joomla\CMS\Application\CMSApplication->execute( )...\app.php:58
40.83236211624Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication->render( )...\CMSApplication.php:311
50.83246211744Joomla\CMS\Application\CMSApplication->render( )...\SiteApplication.php:732
61.26977519416Joomla\Application\AbstractApplication->dispatchEvent( $eventName = 'onAfterRender', $event = class Joomla\CMS\Event\Application\AfterRenderEvent { protected $name = 'onAfterRender'; protected $arguments = ['subject' => class Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication { ... }]; protected $stopped = FALSE; private ${Joomla\CMS\Event\AbstractImmutableEvent}constructed = TRUE } )...\CMSApplication.php:1079
71.26977519416Joomla\Event\Dispatcher->dispatch( $name = 'onAfterRender', $event = class Joomla\CMS\Event\Application\AfterRenderEvent { protected $name = 'onAfterRender'; protected $arguments = ['subject' => class Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication { ... }]; protected $stopped = FALSE; private ${Joomla\CMS\Event\AbstractImmutableEvent}constructed = TRUE } )...\AbstractApplication.php:99
81.27387516464Joomla\CMS\Plugin\CMSPlugin->Joomla\CMS\Plugin\{closure:C:\wamp64\www\xanthi\libraries\src\plugin\CMSPlugin.php:273-303}( $event = class Joomla\CMS\Event\Application\AfterRenderEvent { protected $name = 'onAfterRender'; protected $arguments = ['subject' => class Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication { ... }]; protected $stopped = FALSE; private ${Joomla\CMS\Event\AbstractImmutableEvent}constructed = TRUE } )...\Dispatcher.php:454
91.27387516808PlgSystemAutotweetAutomator->onAfterRender( class Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication { protected $config = class Joomla\Registry\Registry { protected $data = class stdClass { ... }; protected $initialized = TRUE; protected $separator = '.' }; protected ?Psr\Log\LoggerInterface $logger = class Joomla\CMS\Log\DelegatingPsrLogger { protected $logger = class Joomla\CMS\Log\Log { ... }; protected $priorityMap = [...] }; private ${Joomla\Application\AbstractApplication}dispatcher = class Joomla\Event\Dispatcher { protected $events = [...]; protected $listeners = [...] }; protected $input = class Joomla\CMS\Input\Input { protected $options = [...]; protected $filter = class Joomla\Filter\InputFilter { ... }; protected $data = [...]; protected $inputs = [...] }; public $charSet = 'utf-8'; public $mimeType = 'text/html'; public $httpVersion = '1.1'; public $modifiedDate = NULL; public $client = class Joomla\Application\Web\WebClient { protected $platform = NULL; protected $mobile = FALSE; protected $engine = NULL; protected $browser = NULL; protected $browserVersion = NULL; protected $languages = [...]; protected $encodings = [...]; protected $userAgent = 'Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko; compatible; ClaudeBot/1.0; +claudebot@anthropic.com)'; protected $acceptEncoding = NULL; protected $acceptLanguage = NULL; protected $robot = TRUE; protected $detection = [...]; protected $headers = NULL }; protected $response = class Laminas\Diactoros\Response { private array $phrases = [...]; private string $reasonPhrase = 'OK'; private int $statusCode = 200; protected $headers = [...]; protected $headerNames = [...]; private $protocol = '1.1'; private $stream = class Laminas\Diactoros\Stream { ... } }; private ${Joomla\Application\AbstractWebApplication}cacheable = FALSE; private ${Joomla\Application\AbstractWebApplication}responseMap = [100 => 'HTTP/{version} 100 Continue', 101 => 'HTTP/{version} 101 Switching Protocols', 102 => 'HTTP/{version} 102 Processing', 200 => 'HTTP/{version} 200 OK', 201 => 'HTTP/{version} 201 Created', 202 => 'HTTP/{version} 202 Accepted', 203 => 'HTTP/{version} 203 Non-Authoritative Information', 204 => 'HTTP/{version} 204 No Content', 205 => 'HTTP/{version} 205 Reset Content', 206 => 'HTTP/{version} 206 Partial Content', 207 => 'HTTP/{version} 207 Multi-Status', 208 => 'HTTP/{version} 208 Already Reported', 226 => 'HTTP/{version} 226 IM Used', 300 => 'HTTP/{version} 300 Multiple Choices', 301 => 'HTTP/{version} 301 Moved Permanently', 302 => 'HTTP/{version} 302 Found', 303 => 'HTTP/{version} 303 See other', 304 => 'HTTP/{version} 304 Not Modified', 305 => 'HTTP/{version} 305 Use Proxy', 306 => 'HTTP/{version} 306 (Unused)', 307 => 'HTTP/{version} 307 Temporary Redirect', 308 => 'HTTP/{version} 308 Permanent Redirect', 400 => 'HTTP/{version} 400 Bad Request', 401 => 'HTTP/{version} 401 Unauthorized', 402 => 'HTTP/{version} 402 Payment Required', 403 => 'HTTP/{version} 403 Forbidden', 404 => 'HTTP/{version} 404 Not Found', 405 => 'HTTP/{version} 405 Method Not Allowed', 406 => 'HTTP/{version} 406 Not Acceptable', 407 => 'HTTP/{version} 407 Proxy Authentication Required', 408 => 'HTTP/{version} 408 Request Timeout', 409 => 'HTTP/{version} 409 Conflict', 410 => 'HTTP/{version} 410 Gone', 411 => 'HTTP/{version} 411 Length Required', 412 => 'HTTP/{version} 412 Precondition Failed', 413 => 'HTTP/{version} 413 Payload Too Large', 414 => 'HTTP/{version} 414 URI Too Long', 415 => 'HTTP/{version} 415 Unsupported Media Type', 416 => 'HTTP/{version} 416 Range Not Satisfiable', 417 => 'HTTP/{version} 417 Expectation Failed', 418 => 'HTTP/{version} 418 I\'m a teapot', 421 => 'HTTP/{version} 421 Misdirected Request', 422 => 'HTTP/{version} 422 Unprocessable Entity', 423 => 'HTTP/{version} 423 Locked', 424 => 'HTTP/{version} 424 Failed Dependency', 426 => 'HTTP/{version} 426 Upgrade Required', 428 => 'HTTP/{version} 428 Precondition Required', 429 => 'HTTP/{version} 429 Too Many Requests', 431 => 'HTTP/{version} 431 Request Header Fields Too Large', 451 => 'HTTP/{version} 451 Unavailable For Legal Reasons', 500 => 'HTTP/{version} 500 Internal Server Error', 501 => 'HTTP/{version} 501 Not Implemented', 502 => 'HTTP/{version} 502 Bad Gateway', 503 => 'HTTP/{version} 503 Service Unavailable', 504 => 'HTTP/{version} 504 Gateway Timeout', 505 => 'HTTP/{version} 505 HTTP Version Not Supported', 506 => 'HTTP/{version} 506 Variant Also Negotiates', 507 => 'HTTP/{version} 507 Insufficient Storage', 508 => 'HTTP/{version} 508 Loop Detected', 510 => 'HTTP/{version} 510 Not Extended', 511 => 'HTTP/{version} 511 Network Authentication Required']; public $JComponentTitle = NULL; public $item_associations = NULL; protected $document = class Joomla\CMS\Document\HtmlDocument { public $title = 'Όλα τα νέα από τον Δήμο Ξάνθης - Δήμος Ξάνθης'; public $description = 'Όλα τα νέα του Δήμου Ξάνθης: Δελτία Τύπου και Ανακοινώσεις, προκηρύξεις, διαγωνισμοί κ.α.'; public $link = ''; public $base = ''; public $language = 'el-gr'; public $direction = 'ltr'; public $_generator = 'City of Xanthi'; public $_mdate = ''; public $_tab = '\t'; public $_lineEnd = '\n'; public $_charset = 'utf-8'; public $_mime = 'text/html'; public $_namespace = ''; public $_profile = ''; public $_scripts = [...]; public $_script = [...]; protected $scriptOptions = [...]; public $_styleSheets = [...]; public $_style = [...]; public $_metaTags = [...]; public $_engine = NULL; public $_type = 'html'; protected $mediaVersion = '684516'; protected $factory = class Joomla\CMS\Document\Factory { ... }; protected $preloadManager = class Joomla\CMS\Document\PreloadManager { ... }; protected $preloadTypes = [...]; protected $webAssetManager = class Joomla\CMS\WebAsset\WebAssetManager { ... }; public $_links = [...]; public $_custom = [...]; public $template = 'purity_iii'; public $baseurl = ''; public $params = class Joomla\Registry\Registry { ... }; public $_file = 'C:\\wamp64\\www\\xanthi\\templates/purity_iii/index.php'; public $cspNonce = NULL; protected $_template = '<jdoc:include type="megamenurender" name="mainmenu-gr" />\n<!DOCTYPE html>\n<html lang="el-gr" dir="ltr"\n\t class=\'<jdoc:include type="pageclass" /> \'>\n\n<head>\n\t<jdoc:include type="head" />\n\t\r\n<!-- META FOR IOS & HANDHELD -->\r\n\t<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=yes"/>\r\n\t<style type="text/stylesheet">\r\n\t\t@-webkit-viewport { width: device-width; }\r\n\t\t@-moz-viewport { width: device-width; }\r\n\t\t@-ms-viewport { width: device-width; }'...; protected $_template_tags = [...]; protected $_caching = TRUE; private $html5 = TRUE; private $toolbars = [...]; private $cacheControllerFactory = class Joomla\CMS\Cache\CacheControllerFactory { ... } }; protected $language = class Joomla\CMS\Language\Language { protected $debug = FALSE; protected $default = 'en-GB'; protected $orphans = [...]; protected $metadata = [...]; protected $locale = NULL; protected $lang = 'el-GR'; protected $paths = [...]; protected $errorfiles = [...]; protected $used = [...]; protected $counter = 145; protected $override = [...]; protected $localise = NULL; protected $helper = NULL; protected $basePath = NULL; protected $catalogue = NULL; protected $parserRegistry = NULL; protected $strings = [...]; protected $transliterator = [...]; protected $pluralSuffixesCallback = [...]; protected $ignoredSearchWordsCallback = [...]; protected $lowerLimitSearchWordCallback = [...]; protected $upperLimitSearchWordCallback = [...]; protected $searchDisplayedCharactersNumberCallback = [...] }; protected $identity = class Joomla\CMS\User\User { protected $isRoot = FALSE; public $id = 0; public $name = NULL; public $username = NULL; public $email = NULL; public $password = NULL; public $password_clear = ''; public $block = NULL; public $sendEmail = 0; public $registerDate = NULL; public $lastvisitDate = NULL; public $activation = NULL; public $params = NULL; public $groups = [...]; public $guest = 1; public $lastResetTime = NULL; public $resetCount = NULL; public $requireReset = NULL; public $typeAlias = NULL; public $otpKey = NULL; public $otep = NULL; public $authProvider = NULL; protected $_params = class Joomla\Registry\Registry { ... }; protected $_authGroups = [...]; protected $_authLevels = [...]; protected $_authActions = NULL; protected $_errorMsg = NULL; protected $_errors = [...] }; private ${Joomla\CMS\Application\WebApplication}userFactory = class Joomla\CMS\User\UserFactory { private $db = class Joomla\Database\Mysqli\MysqliDriver { ... } }; protected $docOptions = ['template' => 'purity_iii', 'file' => 'index.php', 'params' => class Joomla\Registry\Registry { ... }, 'csp_nonce' => NULL, 'templateInherits' => NULL, 'directory' => 'C:\\wamp64\\www\\xanthi\\templates']; public $scope = NULL; protected $clientId = 0; protected $messageQueue = []; protected $name = 'site'; protected $profiler = NULL; protected $template = class stdClass { public $id = 14; public $home = 'el-GR'; public $template = 'purity_iii'; public $params = class Joomla\Registry\Registry { ... }; public $inheritable = 0; public $parent = '' }; protected $pathway = class Joomla\CMS\Pathway\SitePathway { protected $pathway = [...]; protected $count = 2 }; protected $authenticationPluginType = 'authentication'; protected $menus = ['site' => class Joomla\CMS\Menu\SiteMenu { ... }]; private ${Joomla\CMS\Application\CMSApplication}menuFactory = class Joomla\CMS\Menu\MenuFactory { private $cacheControllerFactory = class Joomla\CMS\Cache\CacheControllerFactory { ... }; private $databaseAwareTraitDatabase = class Joomla\Database\Mysqli\MysqliDriver { ... } }; private ${Joomla\CMS\Application\CMSApplication}container = class Joomla\DI\Container { protected $aliases = [...]; protected $resources = [...]; protected $parent = NULL; protected $tags = [...] }; protected $session = class Joomla\CMS\Session\Session { protected $state = 'active'; protected $expire = 1800; protected $store = class Joomla\CMS\Session\Storage\JoomlaStorage { ... }; protected $sessionValidators = [...]; private ${Joomla\Session\Session}dispatcher = class Joomla\Event\Dispatcher { ... } }; protected $language_filter = TRUE; protected $detect_browser = FALSE; public $registeredurlparams = class stdClass { public $catid = 'INT'; public $id = 'INT'; public $cid = 'ARRAY'; public $year = 'INT'; public $month = 'INT'; public $limit = 'UINT'; public $limitstart = 'UINT'; public $showall = 'INT'; public $return = 'BASE64'; public $filter = 'STRING'; public $filter_order = 'CMD'; public $filter_order_Dir = 'CMD'; public $filter-search = 'STRING'; public $print = 'BOOLEAN'; public $lang = 'CMD'; public $Itemid = 'INT'; public $format = 'WORD'; public $option = 'WORD'; public $view = 'WORD'; public $layout = 'WORD'; public $tpl = 'CMD' }; private $cacheControllerFactory = class Joomla\CMS\Cache\CacheControllerFactory { } } )...\CMSPlugin.php:289
101.27557534120PlgSystemAutotweetAutomator->_onAfterRender( )...\autotweetautomator.php:105
111.27947607088AutotweetModelAutomators->lastRunCheck( $plugin = 'automator', $interval = 180, $next = ??? )...\autotweetautomator.php:134
121.27947607088AutotweetModelAutomators->lastRun( $plugin = 'automator' )...\automators.php:33
131.28087790616XTF0FTable->load( $keys = ['plugin' => 'automator'], $reset = ??? )...\automators.php:85
141.29237800296XTF0FTable->bind( $src = ['id' => 1, 'plugin' => 'automator', 'lastexec' => '2024-04-30 07:56:59'], $ignore = ??? )...\table.php:867
151.29777800264XTF0FTable->onAfterBind( $src = ['id' => 1, 'plugin' => 'automator', 'lastexec' => '2024-04-30 07:56:59'] )...\table.php:1125
161.29777800888XTF0FUtilsObservableDispatcher->trigger( $event = 'onAfterBind', $args = [0 => class AutotweetTableAutomator { protected $_errors = [...]; protected $config = [...]; protected $_tbl = '#__autotweet_automator'; protected $_tbl_key = 'id'; protected $_db = class XTF0FDatabaseDriverJoomla { ... }; protected $_trackAssets = FALSE; protected $_has_tags = FALSE; protected $_rules = NULL; protected $_locked = FALSE; protected $_trigger_events = FALSE; protected $_tableAlias = ''; protected $_columnAlias = [...]; protected $_autoChecks = FALSE; protected $_skipChecks = [...]; protected $_tableExists = TRUE; protected $_assetKey = 'com_autotweet.automator'; protected $input = class Joomla\Input\Input { ... }; protected $_queryJoin = NULL; protected $_tablePrefix = 'AutotweetTable'; protected $knownFields = [...]; protected $configProvider = class XTF0FConfigProvider { ... }; protected $tableDispatcher = class XTF0FTableDispatcherBehavior { ... }; protected $default_behaviors = [...]; protected $_relations = NULL; protected $_configProviderKey = 'com_foobar.tables.automator'; protected $contentType = NULL; public $id = 1; public $plugin = 'automator'; public $lastexec = '2024-04-30 07:56:59' }, 1 => ['id' => 1, 'plugin' => 'automator', 'lastexec' => '2024-04-30 07:56:59'], 2 => ['component' => '', 'view' => NULL, 'table_prefix' => 'AutotweetTable']] )...\table.php:2922
171.58557801552XTF0FUtilsObservableEvent->update( $args = [0 => class AutotweetTableAutomator { protected $_errors = [...]; protected $config = [...]; protected $_tbl = '#__autotweet_automator'; protected $_tbl_key = 'id'; protected $_db = class XTF0FDatabaseDriverJoomla { ... }; protected $_trackAssets = FALSE; protected $_has_tags = FALSE; protected $_rules = NULL; protected $_locked = FALSE; protected $_trigger_events = FALSE; protected $_tableAlias = ''; protected $_columnAlias = [...]; protected $_autoChecks = FALSE; protected $_skipChecks = [...]; protected $_tableExists = TRUE; protected $_assetKey = 'com_autotweet.automator'; protected $input = class Joomla\Input\Input { ... }; protected $_queryJoin = NULL; protected $_tablePrefix = 'AutotweetTable'; protected $knownFields = [...]; protected $configProvider = class XTF0FConfigProvider { ... }; protected $tableDispatcher = class XTF0FTableDispatcherBehavior { ... }; protected $default_behaviors = [...]; protected $_relations = NULL; protected $_configProviderKey = 'com_foobar.tables.automator'; protected $contentType = NULL; public $id = 1; public $plugin = 'automator'; public $lastexec = '2024-04-30 07:56:59' }, 1 => ['id' => 1, 'plugin' => 'automator', 'lastexec' => '2024-04-30 07:56:59'], 2 => ['component' => '', 'view' => NULL, 'table_prefix' => 'AutotweetTable']] )...\dispatcher.php:139

( ! ) Warning: XTF0FTableBehavior::onAfterLoad(): Argument #1 ($table) must be passed by reference, value given in C:\wamp64\www\xanthi\libraries\autotweet\vendor\extly\xt-fof254\src\utils\observable\event.php on line 67
Call Stack
10.0001461376{main}( )...\index.php:0
20.0001462032require_once( 'C:\wamp64\www\xanthi\includes\app.php )...\index.php:32
30.0046808040Joomla\CMS\Application\CMSApplication->execute( )...\app.php:58
40.83236211624Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication->render( )...\CMSApplication.php:311
50.83246211744Joomla\CMS\Application\CMSApplication->render( )...\SiteApplication.php:732
61.26977519416Joomla\Application\AbstractApplication->dispatchEvent( $eventName = 'onAfterRender', $event = class Joomla\CMS\Event\Application\AfterRenderEvent { protected $name = 'onAfterRender'; protected $arguments = ['subject' => class Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication { ... }]; protected $stopped = FALSE; private ${Joomla\CMS\Event\AbstractImmutableEvent}constructed = TRUE } )...\CMSApplication.php:1079
71.26977519416Joomla\Event\Dispatcher->dispatch( $name = 'onAfterRender', $event = class Joomla\CMS\Event\Application\AfterRenderEvent { protected $name = 'onAfterRender'; protected $arguments = ['subject' => class Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication { ... }]; protected $stopped = FALSE; private ${Joomla\CMS\Event\AbstractImmutableEvent}constructed = TRUE } )...\AbstractApplication.php:99
81.27387516464Joomla\CMS\Plugin\CMSPlugin->Joomla\CMS\Plugin\{closure:C:\wamp64\www\xanthi\libraries\src\plugin\CMSPlugin.php:273-303}( $event = class Joomla\CMS\Event\Application\AfterRenderEvent { protected $name = 'onAfterRender'; protected $arguments = ['subject' => class Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication { ... }]; protected $stopped = FALSE; private ${Joomla\CMS\Event\AbstractImmutableEvent}constructed = TRUE } )...\Dispatcher.php:454
91.27387516808PlgSystemAutotweetAutomator->onAfterRender( class Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication { protected $config = class Joomla\Registry\Registry { protected $data = class stdClass { ... }; protected $initialized = TRUE; protected $separator = '.' }; protected ?Psr\Log\LoggerInterface $logger = class Joomla\CMS\Log\DelegatingPsrLogger { protected $logger = class Joomla\CMS\Log\Log { ... }; protected $priorityMap = [...] }; private ${Joomla\Application\AbstractApplication}dispatcher = class Joomla\Event\Dispatcher { protected $events = [...]; protected $listeners = [...] }; protected $input = class Joomla\CMS\Input\Input { protected $options = [...]; protected $filter = class Joomla\Filter\InputFilter { ... }; protected $data = [...]; protected $inputs = [...] }; public $charSet = 'utf-8'; public $mimeType = 'text/html'; public $httpVersion = '1.1'; public $modifiedDate = NULL; public $client = class Joomla\Application\Web\WebClient { protected $platform = NULL; protected $mobile = FALSE; protected $engine = NULL; protected $browser = NULL; protected $browserVersion = NULL; protected $languages = [...]; protected $encodings = [...]; protected $userAgent = 'Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko; compatible; ClaudeBot/1.0; +claudebot@anthropic.com)'; protected $acceptEncoding = NULL; protected $acceptLanguage = NULL; protected $robot = TRUE; protected $detection = [...]; protected $headers = NULL }; protected $response = class Laminas\Diactoros\Response { private array $phrases = [...]; private string $reasonPhrase = 'OK'; private int $statusCode = 200; protected $headers = [...]; protected $headerNames = [...]; private $protocol = '1.1'; private $stream = class Laminas\Diactoros\Stream { ... } }; private ${Joomla\Application\AbstractWebApplication}cacheable = FALSE; private ${Joomla\Application\AbstractWebApplication}responseMap = [100 => 'HTTP/{version} 100 Continue', 101 => 'HTTP/{version} 101 Switching Protocols', 102 => 'HTTP/{version} 102 Processing', 200 => 'HTTP/{version} 200 OK', 201 => 'HTTP/{version} 201 Created', 202 => 'HTTP/{version} 202 Accepted', 203 => 'HTTP/{version} 203 Non-Authoritative Information', 204 => 'HTTP/{version} 204 No Content', 205 => 'HTTP/{version} 205 Reset Content', 206 => 'HTTP/{version} 206 Partial Content', 207 => 'HTTP/{version} 207 Multi-Status', 208 => 'HTTP/{version} 208 Already Reported', 226 => 'HTTP/{version} 226 IM Used', 300 => 'HTTP/{version} 300 Multiple Choices', 301 => 'HTTP/{version} 301 Moved Permanently', 302 => 'HTTP/{version} 302 Found', 303 => 'HTTP/{version} 303 See other', 304 => 'HTTP/{version} 304 Not Modified', 305 => 'HTTP/{version} 305 Use Proxy', 306 => 'HTTP/{version} 306 (Unused)', 307 => 'HTTP/{version} 307 Temporary Redirect', 308 => 'HTTP/{version} 308 Permanent Redirect', 400 => 'HTTP/{version} 400 Bad Request', 401 => 'HTTP/{version} 401 Unauthorized', 402 => 'HTTP/{version} 402 Payment Required', 403 => 'HTTP/{version} 403 Forbidden', 404 => 'HTTP/{version} 404 Not Found', 405 => 'HTTP/{version} 405 Method Not Allowed', 406 => 'HTTP/{version} 406 Not Acceptable', 407 => 'HTTP/{version} 407 Proxy Authentication Required', 408 => 'HTTP/{version} 408 Request Timeout', 409 => 'HTTP/{version} 409 Conflict', 410 => 'HTTP/{version} 410 Gone', 411 => 'HTTP/{version} 411 Length Required', 412 => 'HTTP/{version} 412 Precondition Failed', 413 => 'HTTP/{version} 413 Payload Too Large', 414 => 'HTTP/{version} 414 URI Too Long', 415 => 'HTTP/{version} 415 Unsupported Media Type', 416 => 'HTTP/{version} 416 Range Not Satisfiable', 417 => 'HTTP/{version} 417 Expectation Failed', 418 => 'HTTP/{version} 418 I\'m a teapot', 421 => 'HTTP/{version} 421 Misdirected Request', 422 => 'HTTP/{version} 422 Unprocessable Entity', 423 => 'HTTP/{version} 423 Locked', 424 => 'HTTP/{version} 424 Failed Dependency', 426 => 'HTTP/{version} 426 Upgrade Required', 428 => 'HTTP/{version} 428 Precondition Required', 429 => 'HTTP/{version} 429 Too Many Requests', 431 => 'HTTP/{version} 431 Request Header Fields Too Large', 451 => 'HTTP/{version} 451 Unavailable For Legal Reasons', 500 => 'HTTP/{version} 500 Internal Server Error', 501 => 'HTTP/{version} 501 Not Implemented', 502 => 'HTTP/{version} 502 Bad Gateway', 503 => 'HTTP/{version} 503 Service Unavailable', 504 => 'HTTP/{version} 504 Gateway Timeout', 505 => 'HTTP/{version} 505 HTTP Version Not Supported', 506 => 'HTTP/{version} 506 Variant Also Negotiates', 507 => 'HTTP/{version} 507 Insufficient Storage', 508 => 'HTTP/{version} 508 Loop Detected', 510 => 'HTTP/{version} 510 Not Extended', 511 => 'HTTP/{version} 511 Network Authentication Required']; public $JComponentTitle = NULL; public $item_associations = NULL; protected $document = class Joomla\CMS\Document\HtmlDocument { public $title = 'Όλα τα νέα από τον Δήμο Ξάνθης - Δήμος Ξάνθης'; public $description = 'Όλα τα νέα του Δήμου Ξάνθης: Δελτία Τύπου και Ανακοινώσεις, προκηρύξεις, διαγωνισμοί κ.α.'; public $link = ''; public $base = ''; public $language = 'el-gr'; public $direction = 'ltr'; public $_generator = 'City of Xanthi'; public $_mdate = ''; public $_tab = '\t'; public $_lineEnd = '\n'; public $_charset = 'utf-8'; public $_mime = 'text/html'; public $_namespace = ''; public $_profile = ''; public $_scripts = [...]; public $_script = [...]; protected $scriptOptions = [...]; public $_styleSheets = [...]; public $_style = [...]; public $_metaTags = [...]; public $_engine = NULL; public $_type = 'html'; protected $mediaVersion = '684516'; protected $factory = class Joomla\CMS\Document\Factory { ... }; protected $preloadManager = class Joomla\CMS\Document\PreloadManager { ... }; protected $preloadTypes = [...]; protected $webAssetManager = class Joomla\CMS\WebAsset\WebAssetManager { ... }; public $_links = [...]; public $_custom = [...]; public $template = 'purity_iii'; public $baseurl = ''; public $params = class Joomla\Registry\Registry { ... }; public $_file = 'C:\\wamp64\\www\\xanthi\\templates/purity_iii/index.php'; public $cspNonce = NULL; protected $_template = '<jdoc:include type="megamenurender" name="mainmenu-gr" />\n<!DOCTYPE html>\n<html lang="el-gr" dir="ltr"\n\t class=\'<jdoc:include type="pageclass" /> \'>\n\n<head>\n\t<jdoc:include type="head" />\n\t\r\n<!-- META FOR IOS & HANDHELD -->\r\n\t<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=yes"/>\r\n\t<style type="text/stylesheet">\r\n\t\t@-webkit-viewport { width: device-width; }\r\n\t\t@-moz-viewport { width: device-width; }\r\n\t\t@-ms-viewport { width: device-width; }'...; protected $_template_tags = [...]; protected $_caching = TRUE; private $html5 = TRUE; private $toolbars = [...]; private $cacheControllerFactory = class Joomla\CMS\Cache\CacheControllerFactory { ... } }; protected $language = class Joomla\CMS\Language\Language { protected $debug = FALSE; protected $default = 'en-GB'; protected $orphans = [...]; protected $metadata = [...]; protected $locale = NULL; protected $lang = 'el-GR'; protected $paths = [...]; protected $errorfiles = [...]; protected $used = [...]; protected $counter = 145; protected $override = [...]; protected $localise = NULL; protected $helper = NULL; protected $basePath = NULL; protected $catalogue = NULL; protected $parserRegistry = NULL; protected $strings = [...]; protected $transliterator = [...]; protected $pluralSuffixesCallback = [...]; protected $ignoredSearchWordsCallback = [...]; protected $lowerLimitSearchWordCallback = [...]; protected $upperLimitSearchWordCallback = [...]; protected $searchDisplayedCharactersNumberCallback = [...] }; protected $identity = class Joomla\CMS\User\User { protected $isRoot = FALSE; public $id = 0; public $name = NULL; public $username = NULL; public $email = NULL; public $password = NULL; public $password_clear = ''; public $block = NULL; public $sendEmail = 0; public $registerDate = NULL; public $lastvisitDate = NULL; public $activation = NULL; public $params = NULL; public $groups = [...]; public $guest = 1; public $lastResetTime = NULL; public $resetCount = NULL; public $requireReset = NULL; public $typeAlias = NULL; public $otpKey = NULL; public $otep = NULL; public $authProvider = NULL; protected $_params = class Joomla\Registry\Registry { ... }; protected $_authGroups = [...]; protected $_authLevels = [...]; protected $_authActions = NULL; protected $_errorMsg = NULL; protected $_errors = [...] }; private ${Joomla\CMS\Application\WebApplication}userFactory = class Joomla\CMS\User\UserFactory { private $db = class Joomla\Database\Mysqli\MysqliDriver { ... } }; protected $docOptions = ['template' => 'purity_iii', 'file' => 'index.php', 'params' => class Joomla\Registry\Registry { ... }, 'csp_nonce' => NULL, 'templateInherits' => NULL, 'directory' => 'C:\\wamp64\\www\\xanthi\\templates']; public $scope = NULL; protected $clientId = 0; protected $messageQueue = []; protected $name = 'site'; protected $profiler = NULL; protected $template = class stdClass { public $id = 14; public $home = 'el-GR'; public $template = 'purity_iii'; public $params = class Joomla\Registry\Registry { ... }; public $inheritable = 0; public $parent = '' }; protected $pathway = class Joomla\CMS\Pathway\SitePathway { protected $pathway = [...]; protected $count = 2 }; protected $authenticationPluginType = 'authentication'; protected $menus = ['site' => class Joomla\CMS\Menu\SiteMenu { ... }]; private ${Joomla\CMS\Application\CMSApplication}menuFactory = class Joomla\CMS\Menu\MenuFactory { private $cacheControllerFactory = class Joomla\CMS\Cache\CacheControllerFactory { ... }; private $databaseAwareTraitDatabase = class Joomla\Database\Mysqli\MysqliDriver { ... } }; private ${Joomla\CMS\Application\CMSApplication}container = class Joomla\DI\Container { protected $aliases = [...]; protected $resources = [...]; protected $parent = NULL; protected $tags = [...] }; protected $session = class Joomla\CMS\Session\Session { protected $state = 'active'; protected $expire = 1800; protected $store = class Joomla\CMS\Session\Storage\JoomlaStorage { ... }; protected $sessionValidators = [...]; private ${Joomla\Session\Session}dispatcher = class Joomla\Event\Dispatcher { ... } }; protected $language_filter = TRUE; protected $detect_browser = FALSE; public $registeredurlparams = class stdClass { public $catid = 'INT'; public $id = 'INT'; public $cid = 'ARRAY'; public $year = 'INT'; public $month = 'INT'; public $limit = 'UINT'; public $limitstart = 'UINT'; public $showall = 'INT'; public $return = 'BASE64'; public $filter = 'STRING'; public $filter_order = 'CMD'; public $filter_order_Dir = 'CMD'; public $filter-search = 'STRING'; public $print = 'BOOLEAN'; public $lang = 'CMD'; public $Itemid = 'INT'; public $format = 'WORD'; public $option = 'WORD'; public $view = 'WORD'; public $layout = 'WORD'; public $tpl = 'CMD' }; private $cacheControllerFactory = class Joomla\CMS\Cache\CacheControllerFactory { } } )...\CMSPlugin.php:289
101.27557534120PlgSystemAutotweetAutomator->_onAfterRender( )...\autotweetautomator.php:105
111.27947607088AutotweetModelAutomators->lastRunCheck( $plugin = 'automator', $interval = 180, $next = ??? )...\autotweetautomator.php:134
121.27947607088AutotweetModelAutomators->lastRun( $plugin = 'automator' )...\automators.php:33
131.28087790616XTF0FTable->load( $keys = ['plugin' => 'automator'], $reset = ??? )...\automators.php:85
141.58857800264XTF0FTable->onAfterLoad( $result = TRUE )...\table.php:869
151.58857800512XTF0FUtilsObservableDispatcher->trigger( $event = 'onAfterLoad', $args = [0 => class AutotweetTableAutomator { protected $_errors = [...]; protected $config = [...]; protected $_tbl = '#__autotweet_automator'; protected $_tbl_key = 'id'; protected $_db = class XTF0FDatabaseDriverJoomla { ... }; protected $_trackAssets = FALSE; protected $_has_tags = FALSE; protected $_rules = NULL; protected $_locked = FALSE; protected $_trigger_events = FALSE; protected $_tableAlias = ''; protected $_columnAlias = [...]; protected $_autoChecks = FALSE; protected $_skipChecks = [...]; protected $_tableExists = TRUE; protected $_assetKey = 'com_autotweet.automator'; protected $input = class Joomla\Input\Input { ... }; protected $_queryJoin = NULL; protected $_tablePrefix = 'AutotweetTable'; protected $knownFields = [...]; protected $configProvider = class XTF0FConfigProvider { ... }; protected $tableDispatcher = class XTF0FTableDispatcherBehavior { ... }; protected $default_behaviors = [...]; protected $_relations = NULL; protected $_configProviderKey = 'com_foobar.tables.automator'; protected $contentType = NULL; public $id = 1; public $plugin = 'automator'; public $lastexec = '2024-04-30 07:56:59' }, 1 => TRUE] )...\table.php:2775
161.58857800960XTF0FUtilsObservableEvent->update( $args = [0 => class AutotweetTableAutomator { protected $_errors = [...]; protected $config = [...]; protected $_tbl = '#__autotweet_automator'; protected $_tbl_key = 'id'; protected $_db = class XTF0FDatabaseDriverJoomla { ... }; protected $_trackAssets = FALSE; protected $_has_tags = FALSE; protected $_rules = NULL; protected $_locked = FALSE; protected $_trigger_events = FALSE; protected $_tableAlias = ''; protected $_columnAlias = [...]; protected $_autoChecks = FALSE; protected $_skipChecks = [...]; protected $_tableExists = TRUE; protected $_assetKey = 'com_autotweet.automator'; protected $input = class Joomla\Input\Input { ... }; protected $_queryJoin = NULL; protected $_tablePrefix = 'AutotweetTable'; protected $knownFields = [...]; protected $configProvider = class XTF0FConfigProvider { ... }; protected $tableDispatcher = class XTF0FTableDispatcherBehavior { ... }; protected $default_behaviors = [...]; protected $_relations = NULL; protected $_configProviderKey = 'com_foobar.tables.automator'; protected $contentType = NULL; public $id = 1; public $plugin = 'automator'; public $lastexec = '2024-04-30 07:56:59' }, 1 => TRUE] )...\dispatcher.php:139

( ! ) Warning: XTF0FTableBehavior::onAfterLoad(): Argument #1 ($table) must be passed by reference, value given in C:\wamp64\www\xanthi\libraries\autotweet\vendor\extly\xt-fof254\src\utils\observable\event.php on line 67
Call Stack
10.0001461376{main}( )...\index.php:0
20.0001462032require_once( 'C:\wamp64\www\xanthi\includes\app.php )...\index.php:32
30.0046808040Joomla\CMS\Application\CMSApplication->execute( )...\app.php:58
40.83236211624Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication->render( )...\CMSApplication.php:311
50.83246211744Joomla\CMS\Application\CMSApplication->render( )...\SiteApplication.php:732
61.26977519416Joomla\Application\AbstractApplication->dispatchEvent( $eventName = 'onAfterRender', $event = class Joomla\CMS\Event\Application\AfterRenderEvent { protected $name = 'onAfterRender'; protected $arguments = ['subject' => class Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication { ... }]; protected $stopped = FALSE; private ${Joomla\CMS\Event\AbstractImmutableEvent}constructed = TRUE } )...\CMSApplication.php:1079
71.26977519416Joomla\Event\Dispatcher->dispatch( $name = 'onAfterRender', $event = class Joomla\CMS\Event\Application\AfterRenderEvent { protected $name = 'onAfterRender'; protected $arguments = ['subject' => class Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication { ... }]; protected $stopped = FALSE; private ${Joomla\CMS\Event\AbstractImmutableEvent}constructed = TRUE } )...\AbstractApplication.php:99
81.27387516464Joomla\CMS\Plugin\CMSPlugin->Joomla\CMS\Plugin\{closure:C:\wamp64\www\xanthi\libraries\src\plugin\CMSPlugin.php:273-303}( $event = class Joomla\CMS\Event\Application\AfterRenderEvent { protected $name = 'onAfterRender'; protected $arguments = ['subject' => class Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication { ... }]; protected $stopped = FALSE; private ${Joomla\CMS\Event\AbstractImmutableEvent}constructed = TRUE } )...\Dispatcher.php:454
91.27387516808PlgSystemAutotweetAutomator->onAfterRender( class Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication { protected $config = class Joomla\Registry\Registry { protected $data = class stdClass { ... }; protected $initialized = TRUE; protected $separator = '.' }; protected ?Psr\Log\LoggerInterface $logger = class Joomla\CMS\Log\DelegatingPsrLogger { protected $logger = class Joomla\CMS\Log\Log { ... }; protected $priorityMap = [...] }; private ${Joomla\Application\AbstractApplication}dispatcher = class Joomla\Event\Dispatcher { protected $events = [...]; protected $listeners = [...] }; protected $input = class Joomla\CMS\Input\Input { protected $options = [...]; protected $filter = class Joomla\Filter\InputFilter { ... }; protected $data = [...]; protected $inputs = [...] }; public $charSet = 'utf-8'; public $mimeType = 'text/html'; public $httpVersion = '1.1'; public $modifiedDate = NULL; public $client = class Joomla\Application\Web\WebClient { protected $platform = NULL; protected $mobile = FALSE; protected $engine = NULL; protected $browser = NULL; protected $browserVersion = NULL; protected $languages = [...]; protected $encodings = [...]; protected $userAgent = 'Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko; compatible; ClaudeBot/1.0; +claudebot@anthropic.com)'; protected $acceptEncoding = NULL; protected $acceptLanguage = NULL; protected $robot = TRUE; protected $detection = [...]; protected $headers = NULL }; protected $response = class Laminas\Diactoros\Response { private array $phrases = [...]; private string $reasonPhrase = 'OK'; private int $statusCode = 200; protected $headers = [...]; protected $headerNames = [...]; private $protocol = '1.1'; private $stream = class Laminas\Diactoros\Stream { ... } }; private ${Joomla\Application\AbstractWebApplication}cacheable = FALSE; private ${Joomla\Application\AbstractWebApplication}responseMap = [100 => 'HTTP/{version} 100 Continue', 101 => 'HTTP/{version} 101 Switching Protocols', 102 => 'HTTP/{version} 102 Processing', 200 => 'HTTP/{version} 200 OK', 201 => 'HTTP/{version} 201 Created', 202 => 'HTTP/{version} 202 Accepted', 203 => 'HTTP/{version} 203 Non-Authoritative Information', 204 => 'HTTP/{version} 204 No Content', 205 => 'HTTP/{version} 205 Reset Content', 206 => 'HTTP/{version} 206 Partial Content', 207 => 'HTTP/{version} 207 Multi-Status', 208 => 'HTTP/{version} 208 Already Reported', 226 => 'HTTP/{version} 226 IM Used', 300 => 'HTTP/{version} 300 Multiple Choices', 301 => 'HTTP/{version} 301 Moved Permanently', 302 => 'HTTP/{version} 302 Found', 303 => 'HTTP/{version} 303 See other', 304 => 'HTTP/{version} 304 Not Modified', 305 => 'HTTP/{version} 305 Use Proxy', 306 => 'HTTP/{version} 306 (Unused)', 307 => 'HTTP/{version} 307 Temporary Redirect', 308 => 'HTTP/{version} 308 Permanent Redirect', 400 => 'HTTP/{version} 400 Bad Request', 401 => 'HTTP/{version} 401 Unauthorized', 402 => 'HTTP/{version} 402 Payment Required', 403 => 'HTTP/{version} 403 Forbidden', 404 => 'HTTP/{version} 404 Not Found', 405 => 'HTTP/{version} 405 Method Not Allowed', 406 => 'HTTP/{version} 406 Not Acceptable', 407 => 'HTTP/{version} 407 Proxy Authentication Required', 408 => 'HTTP/{version} 408 Request Timeout', 409 => 'HTTP/{version} 409 Conflict', 410 => 'HTTP/{version} 410 Gone', 411 => 'HTTP/{version} 411 Length Required', 412 => 'HTTP/{version} 412 Precondition Failed', 413 => 'HTTP/{version} 413 Payload Too Large', 414 => 'HTTP/{version} 414 URI Too Long', 415 => 'HTTP/{version} 415 Unsupported Media Type', 416 => 'HTTP/{version} 416 Range Not Satisfiable', 417 => 'HTTP/{version} 417 Expectation Failed', 418 => 'HTTP/{version} 418 I\'m a teapot', 421 => 'HTTP/{version} 421 Misdirected Request', 422 => 'HTTP/{version} 422 Unprocessable Entity', 423 => 'HTTP/{version} 423 Locked', 424 => 'HTTP/{version} 424 Failed Dependency', 426 => 'HTTP/{version} 426 Upgrade Required', 428 => 'HTTP/{version} 428 Precondition Required', 429 => 'HTTP/{version} 429 Too Many Requests', 431 => 'HTTP/{version} 431 Request Header Fields Too Large', 451 => 'HTTP/{version} 451 Unavailable For Legal Reasons', 500 => 'HTTP/{version} 500 Internal Server Error', 501 => 'HTTP/{version} 501 Not Implemented', 502 => 'HTTP/{version} 502 Bad Gateway', 503 => 'HTTP/{version} 503 Service Unavailable', 504 => 'HTTP/{version} 504 Gateway Timeout', 505 => 'HTTP/{version} 505 HTTP Version Not Supported', 506 => 'HTTP/{version} 506 Variant Also Negotiates', 507 => 'HTTP/{version} 507 Insufficient Storage', 508 => 'HTTP/{version} 508 Loop Detected', 510 => 'HTTP/{version} 510 Not Extended', 511 => 'HTTP/{version} 511 Network Authentication Required']; public $JComponentTitle = NULL; public $item_associations = NULL; protected $document = class Joomla\CMS\Document\HtmlDocument { public $title = 'Όλα τα νέα από τον Δήμο Ξάνθης - Δήμος Ξάνθης'; public $description = 'Όλα τα νέα του Δήμου Ξάνθης: Δελτία Τύπου και Ανακοινώσεις, προκηρύξεις, διαγωνισμοί κ.α.'; public $link = ''; public $base = ''; public $language = 'el-gr'; public $direction = 'ltr'; public $_generator = 'City of Xanthi'; public $_mdate = ''; public $_tab = '\t'; public $_lineEnd = '\n'; public $_charset = 'utf-8'; public $_mime = 'text/html'; public $_namespace = ''; public $_profile = ''; public $_scripts = [...]; public $_script = [...]; protected $scriptOptions = [...]; public $_styleSheets = [...]; public $_style = [...]; public $_metaTags = [...]; public $_engine = NULL; public $_type = 'html'; protected $mediaVersion = '684516'; protected $factory = class Joomla\CMS\Document\Factory { ... }; protected $preloadManager = class Joomla\CMS\Document\PreloadManager { ... }; protected $preloadTypes = [...]; protected $webAssetManager = class Joomla\CMS\WebAsset\WebAssetManager { ... }; public $_links = [...]; public $_custom = [...]; public $template = 'purity_iii'; public $baseurl = ''; public $params = class Joomla\Registry\Registry { ... }; public $_file = 'C:\\wamp64\\www\\xanthi\\templates/purity_iii/index.php'; public $cspNonce = NULL; protected $_template = '<jdoc:include type="megamenurender" name="mainmenu-gr" />\n<!DOCTYPE html>\n<html lang="el-gr" dir="ltr"\n\t class=\'<jdoc:include type="pageclass" /> \'>\n\n<head>\n\t<jdoc:include type="head" />\n\t\r\n<!-- META FOR IOS & HANDHELD -->\r\n\t<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=yes"/>\r\n\t<style type="text/stylesheet">\r\n\t\t@-webkit-viewport { width: device-width; }\r\n\t\t@-moz-viewport { width: device-width; }\r\n\t\t@-ms-viewport { width: device-width; }'...; protected $_template_tags = [...]; protected $_caching = TRUE; private $html5 = TRUE; private $toolbars = [...]; private $cacheControllerFactory = class Joomla\CMS\Cache\CacheControllerFactory { ... } }; protected $language = class Joomla\CMS\Language\Language { protected $debug = FALSE; protected $default = 'en-GB'; protected $orphans = [...]; protected $metadata = [...]; protected $locale = NULL; protected $lang = 'el-GR'; protected $paths = [...]; protected $errorfiles = [...]; protected $used = [...]; protected $counter = 145; protected $override = [...]; protected $localise = NULL; protected $helper = NULL; protected $basePath = NULL; protected $catalogue = NULL; protected $parserRegistry = NULL; protected $strings = [...]; protected $transliterator = [...]; protected $pluralSuffixesCallback = [...]; protected $ignoredSearchWordsCallback = [...]; protected $lowerLimitSearchWordCallback = [...]; protected $upperLimitSearchWordCallback = [...]; protected $searchDisplayedCharactersNumberCallback = [...] }; protected $identity = class Joomla\CMS\User\User { protected $isRoot = FALSE; public $id = 0; public $name = NULL; public $username = NULL; public $email = NULL; public $password = NULL; public $password_clear = ''; public $block = NULL; public $sendEmail = 0; public $registerDate = NULL; public $lastvisitDate = NULL; public $activation = NULL; public $params = NULL; public $groups = [...]; public $guest = 1; public $lastResetTime = NULL; public $resetCount = NULL; public $requireReset = NULL; public $typeAlias = NULL; public $otpKey = NULL; public $otep = NULL; public $authProvider = NULL; protected $_params = class Joomla\Registry\Registry { ... }; protected $_authGroups = [...]; protected $_authLevels = [...]; protected $_authActions = NULL; protected $_errorMsg = NULL; protected $_errors = [...] }; private ${Joomla\CMS\Application\WebApplication}userFactory = class Joomla\CMS\User\UserFactory { private $db = class Joomla\Database\Mysqli\MysqliDriver { ... } }; protected $docOptions = ['template' => 'purity_iii', 'file' => 'index.php', 'params' => class Joomla\Registry\Registry { ... }, 'csp_nonce' => NULL, 'templateInherits' => NULL, 'directory' => 'C:\\wamp64\\www\\xanthi\\templates']; public $scope = NULL; protected $clientId = 0; protected $messageQueue = []; protected $name = 'site'; protected $profiler = NULL; protected $template = class stdClass { public $id = 14; public $home = 'el-GR'; public $template = 'purity_iii'; public $params = class Joomla\Registry\Registry { ... }; public $inheritable = 0; public $parent = '' }; protected $pathway = class Joomla\CMS\Pathway\SitePathway { protected $pathway = [...]; protected $count = 2 }; protected $authenticationPluginType = 'authentication'; protected $menus = ['site' => class Joomla\CMS\Menu\SiteMenu { ... }]; private ${Joomla\CMS\Application\CMSApplication}menuFactory = class Joomla\CMS\Menu\MenuFactory { private $cacheControllerFactory = class Joomla\CMS\Cache\CacheControllerFactory { ... }; private $databaseAwareTraitDatabase = class Joomla\Database\Mysqli\MysqliDriver { ... } }; private ${Joomla\CMS\Application\CMSApplication}container = class Joomla\DI\Container { protected $aliases = [...]; protected $resources = [...]; protected $parent = NULL; protected $tags = [...] }; protected $session = class Joomla\CMS\Session\Session { protected $state = 'active'; protected $expire = 1800; protected $store = class Joomla\CMS\Session\Storage\JoomlaStorage { ... }; protected $sessionValidators = [...]; private ${Joomla\Session\Session}dispatcher = class Joomla\Event\Dispatcher { ... } }; protected $language_filter = TRUE; protected $detect_browser = FALSE; public $registeredurlparams = class stdClass { public $catid = 'INT'; public $id = 'INT'; public $cid = 'ARRAY'; public $year = 'INT'; public $month = 'INT'; public $limit = 'UINT'; public $limitstart = 'UINT'; public $showall = 'INT'; public $return = 'BASE64'; public $filter = 'STRING'; public $filter_order = 'CMD'; public $filter_order_Dir = 'CMD'; public $filter-search = 'STRING'; public $print = 'BOOLEAN'; public $lang = 'CMD'; public $Itemid = 'INT'; public $format = 'WORD'; public $option = 'WORD'; public $view = 'WORD'; public $layout = 'WORD'; public $tpl = 'CMD' }; private $cacheControllerFactory = class Joomla\CMS\Cache\CacheControllerFactory { } } )...\CMSPlugin.php:289
101.27557534120PlgSystemAutotweetAutomator->_onAfterRender( )...\autotweetautomator.php:105
111.27947607088AutotweetModelAutomators->lastRunCheck( $plugin = 'automator', $interval = 180, $next = ??? )...\autotweetautomator.php:134
121.27947607088AutotweetModelAutomators->lastRun( $plugin = 'automator' )...\automators.php:33
131.28087790616XTF0FTable->load( $keys = ['plugin' => 'automator'], $reset = ??? )...\automators.php:85
141.58857800264XTF0FTable->onAfterLoad( $result = TRUE )...\table.php:869
151.58857800512XTF0FUtilsObservableDispatcher->trigger( $event = 'onAfterLoad', $args = [0 => class AutotweetTableAutomator { protected $_errors = [...]; protected $config = [...]; protected $_tbl = '#__autotweet_automator'; protected $_tbl_key = 'id'; protected $_db = class XTF0FDatabaseDriverJoomla { ... }; protected $_trackAssets = FALSE; protected $_has_tags = FALSE; protected $_rules = NULL; protected $_locked = FALSE; protected $_trigger_events = FALSE; protected $_tableAlias = ''; protected $_columnAlias = [...]; protected $_autoChecks = FALSE; protected $_skipChecks = [...]; protected $_tableExists = TRUE; protected $_assetKey = 'com_autotweet.automator'; protected $input = class Joomla\Input\Input { ... }; protected $_queryJoin = NULL; protected $_tablePrefix = 'AutotweetTable'; protected $knownFields = [...]; protected $configProvider = class XTF0FConfigProvider { ... }; protected $tableDispatcher = class XTF0FTableDispatcherBehavior { ... }; protected $default_behaviors = [...]; protected $_relations = NULL; protected $_configProviderKey = 'com_foobar.tables.automator'; protected $contentType = NULL; public $id = 1; public $plugin = 'automator'; public $lastexec = '2024-04-30 07:56:59' }, 1 => TRUE] )...\table.php:2775
161.59117800960XTF0FUtilsObservableEvent->update( $args = [0 => class AutotweetTableAutomator { protected $_errors = [...]; protected $config = [...]; protected $_tbl = '#__autotweet_automator'; protected $_tbl_key = 'id'; protected $_db = class XTF0FDatabaseDriverJoomla { ... }; protected $_trackAssets = FALSE; protected $_has_tags = FALSE; protected $_rules = NULL; protected $_locked = FALSE; protected $_trigger_events = FALSE; protected $_tableAlias = ''; protected $_columnAlias = [...]; protected $_autoChecks = FALSE; protected $_skipChecks = [...]; protected $_tableExists = TRUE; protected $_assetKey = 'com_autotweet.automator'; protected $input = class Joomla\Input\Input { ... }; protected $_queryJoin = NULL; protected $_tablePrefix = 'AutotweetTable'; protected $knownFields = [...]; protected $configProvider = class XTF0FConfigProvider { ... }; protected $tableDispatcher = class XTF0FTableDispatcherBehavior { ... }; protected $default_behaviors = [...]; protected $_relations = NULL; protected $_configProviderKey = 'com_foobar.tables.automator'; protected $contentType = NULL; public $id = 1; public $plugin = 'automator'; public $lastexec = '2024-04-30 07:56:59' }, 1 => TRUE] )...\dispatcher.php:139

( ! ) Warning: XTF0FTableBehavior::onBeforeReset(): Argument #1 ($table) must be passed by reference, value given in C:\wamp64\www\xanthi\libraries\autotweet\vendor\extly\xt-fof254\src\utils\observable\event.php on line 67
Call Stack
10.0001461376{main}( )...\index.php:0
20.0001462032require_once( 'C:\wamp64\www\xanthi\includes\app.php )...\index.php:32
30.0046808040Joomla\CMS\Application\CMSApplication->execute( )...\app.php:58
40.83236211624Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication->render( )...\CMSApplication.php:311
50.83246211744Joomla\CMS\Application\CMSApplication->render( )...\SiteApplication.php:732
61.26977519416Joomla\Application\AbstractApplication->dispatchEvent( $eventName = 'onAfterRender', $event = class Joomla\CMS\Event\Application\AfterRenderEvent { protected $name = 'onAfterRender'; protected $arguments = ['subject' => class Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication { ... }]; protected $stopped = FALSE; private ${Joomla\CMS\Event\AbstractImmutableEvent}constructed = TRUE } )...\CMSApplication.php:1079
71.26977519416Joomla\Event\Dispatcher->dispatch( $name = 'onAfterRender', $event = class Joomla\CMS\Event\Application\AfterRenderEvent { protected $name = 'onAfterRender'; protected $arguments = ['subject' => class Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication { ... }]; protected $stopped = FALSE; private ${Joomla\CMS\Event\AbstractImmutableEvent}constructed = TRUE } )...\AbstractApplication.php:99
81.27387516464Joomla\CMS\Plugin\CMSPlugin->Joomla\CMS\Plugin\{closure:C:\wamp64\www\xanthi\libraries\src\plugin\CMSPlugin.php:273-303}( $event = class Joomla\CMS\Event\Application\AfterRenderEvent { protected $name = 'onAfterRender'; protected $arguments = ['subject' => class Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication { ... }]; protected $stopped = FALSE; private ${Joomla\CMS\Event\AbstractImmutableEvent}constructed = TRUE } )...\Dispatcher.php:454
91.27387516808PlgSystemAutotweetAutomator->onAfterRender( class Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication { protected $config = class Joomla\Registry\Registry { protected $data = class stdClass { ... }; protected $initialized = TRUE; protected $separator = '.' }; protected ?Psr\Log\LoggerInterface $logger = class Joomla\CMS\Log\DelegatingPsrLogger { protected $logger = class Joomla\CMS\Log\Log { ... }; protected $priorityMap = [...] }; private ${Joomla\Application\AbstractApplication}dispatcher = class Joomla\Event\Dispatcher { protected $events = [...]; protected $listeners = [...] }; protected $input = class Joomla\CMS\Input\Input { protected $options = [...]; protected $filter = class Joomla\Filter\InputFilter { ... }; protected $data = [...]; protected $inputs = [...] }; public $charSet = 'utf-8'; public $mimeType = 'text/html'; public $httpVersion = '1.1'; public $modifiedDate = NULL; public $client = class Joomla\Application\Web\WebClient { protected $platform = NULL; protected $mobile = FALSE; protected $engine = NULL; protected $browser = NULL; protected $browserVersion = NULL; protected $languages = [...]; protected $encodings = [...]; protected $userAgent = 'Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko; compatible; ClaudeBot/1.0; +claudebot@anthropic.com)'; protected $acceptEncoding = NULL; protected $acceptLanguage = NULL; protected $robot = TRUE; protected $detection = [...]; protected $headers = NULL }; protected $response = class Laminas\Diactoros\Response { private array $phrases = [...]; private string $reasonPhrase = 'OK'; private int $statusCode = 200; protected $headers = [...]; protected $headerNames = [...]; private $protocol = '1.1'; private $stream = class Laminas\Diactoros\Stream { ... } }; private ${Joomla\Application\AbstractWebApplication}cacheable = FALSE; private ${Joomla\Application\AbstractWebApplication}responseMap = [100 => 'HTTP/{version} 100 Continue', 101 => 'HTTP/{version} 101 Switching Protocols', 102 => 'HTTP/{version} 102 Processing', 200 => 'HTTP/{version} 200 OK', 201 => 'HTTP/{version} 201 Created', 202 => 'HTTP/{version} 202 Accepted', 203 => 'HTTP/{version} 203 Non-Authoritative Information', 204 => 'HTTP/{version} 204 No Content', 205 => 'HTTP/{version} 205 Reset Content', 206 => 'HTTP/{version} 206 Partial Content', 207 => 'HTTP/{version} 207 Multi-Status', 208 => 'HTTP/{version} 208 Already Reported', 226 => 'HTTP/{version} 226 IM Used', 300 => 'HTTP/{version} 300 Multiple Choices', 301 => 'HTTP/{version} 301 Moved Permanently', 302 => 'HTTP/{version} 302 Found', 303 => 'HTTP/{version} 303 See other', 304 => 'HTTP/{version} 304 Not Modified', 305 => 'HTTP/{version} 305 Use Proxy', 306 => 'HTTP/{version} 306 (Unused)', 307 => 'HTTP/{version} 307 Temporary Redirect', 308 => 'HTTP/{version} 308 Permanent Redirect', 400 => 'HTTP/{version} 400 Bad Request', 401 => 'HTTP/{version} 401 Unauthorized', 402 => 'HTTP/{version} 402 Payment Required', 403 => 'HTTP/{version} 403 Forbidden', 404 => 'HTTP/{version} 404 Not Found', 405 => 'HTTP/{version} 405 Method Not Allowed', 406 => 'HTTP/{version} 406 Not Acceptable', 407 => 'HTTP/{version} 407 Proxy Authentication Required', 408 => 'HTTP/{version} 408 Request Timeout', 409 => 'HTTP/{version} 409 Conflict', 410 => 'HTTP/{version} 410 Gone', 411 => 'HTTP/{version} 411 Length Required', 412 => 'HTTP/{version} 412 Precondition Failed', 413 => 'HTTP/{version} 413 Payload Too Large', 414 => 'HTTP/{version} 414 URI Too Long', 415 => 'HTTP/{version} 415 Unsupported Media Type', 416 => 'HTTP/{version} 416 Range Not Satisfiable', 417 => 'HTTP/{version} 417 Expectation Failed', 418 => 'HTTP/{version} 418 I\'m a teapot', 421 => 'HTTP/{version} 421 Misdirected Request', 422 => 'HTTP/{version} 422 Unprocessable Entity', 423 => 'HTTP/{version} 423 Locked', 424 => 'HTTP/{version} 424 Failed Dependency', 426 => 'HTTP/{version} 426 Upgrade Required', 428 => 'HTTP/{version} 428 Precondition Required', 429 => 'HTTP/{version} 429 Too Many Requests', 431 => 'HTTP/{version} 431 Request Header Fields Too Large', 451 => 'HTTP/{version} 451 Unavailable For Legal Reasons', 500 => 'HTTP/{version} 500 Internal Server Error', 501 => 'HTTP/{version} 501 Not Implemented', 502 => 'HTTP/{version} 502 Bad Gateway', 503 => 'HTTP/{version} 503 Service Unavailable', 504 => 'HTTP/{version} 504 Gateway Timeout', 505 => 'HTTP/{version} 505 HTTP Version Not Supported', 506 => 'HTTP/{version} 506 Variant Also Negotiates', 507 => 'HTTP/{version} 507 Insufficient Storage', 508 => 'HTTP/{version} 508 Loop Detected', 510 => 'HTTP/{version} 510 Not Extended', 511 => 'HTTP/{version} 511 Network Authentication Required']; public $JComponentTitle = NULL; public $item_associations = NULL; protected $document = class Joomla\CMS\Document\HtmlDocument { public $title = 'Όλα τα νέα από τον Δήμο Ξάνθης - Δήμος Ξάνθης'; public $description = 'Όλα τα νέα του Δήμου Ξάνθης: Δελτία Τύπου και Ανακοινώσεις, προκηρύξεις, διαγωνισμοί κ.α.'; public $link = ''; public $base = ''; public $language = 'el-gr'; public $direction = 'ltr'; public $_generator = 'City of Xanthi'; public $_mdate = ''; public $_tab = '\t'; public $_lineEnd = '\n'; public $_charset = 'utf-8'; public $_mime = 'text/html'; public $_namespace = ''; public $_profile = ''; public $_scripts = [...]; public $_script = [...]; protected $scriptOptions = [...]; public $_styleSheets = [...]; public $_style = [...]; public $_metaTags = [...]; public $_engine = NULL; public $_type = 'html'; protected $mediaVersion = '684516'; protected $factory = class Joomla\CMS\Document\Factory { ... }; protected $preloadManager = class Joomla\CMS\Document\PreloadManager { ... }; protected $preloadTypes = [...]; protected $webAssetManager = class Joomla\CMS\WebAsset\WebAssetManager { ... }; public $_links = [...]; public $_custom = [...]; public $template = 'purity_iii'; public $baseurl = ''; public $params = class Joomla\Registry\Registry { ... }; public $_file = 'C:\\wamp64\\www\\xanthi\\templates/purity_iii/index.php'; public $cspNonce = NULL; protected $_template = '<jdoc:include type="megamenurender" name="mainmenu-gr" />\n<!DOCTYPE html>\n<html lang="el-gr" dir="ltr"\n\t class=\'<jdoc:include type="pageclass" /> \'>\n\n<head>\n\t<jdoc:include type="head" />\n\t\r\n<!-- META FOR IOS & HANDHELD -->\r\n\t<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=yes"/>\r\n\t<style type="text/stylesheet">\r\n\t\t@-webkit-viewport { width: device-width; }\r\n\t\t@-moz-viewport { width: device-width; }\r\n\t\t@-ms-viewport { width: device-width; }'...; protected $_template_tags = [...]; protected $_caching = TRUE; private $html5 = TRUE; private $toolbars = [...]; private $cacheControllerFactory = class Joomla\CMS\Cache\CacheControllerFactory { ... } }; protected $language = class Joomla\CMS\Language\Language { protected $debug = FALSE; protected $default = 'en-GB'; protected $orphans = [...]; protected $metadata = [...]; protected $locale = NULL; protected $lang = 'el-GR'; protected $paths = [...]; protected $errorfiles = [...]; protected $used = [...]; protected $counter = 145; protected $override = [...]; protected $localise = NULL; protected $helper = NULL; protected $basePath = NULL; protected $catalogue = NULL; protected $parserRegistry = NULL; protected $strings = [...]; protected $transliterator = [...]; protected $pluralSuffixesCallback = [...]; protected $ignoredSearchWordsCallback = [...]; protected $lowerLimitSearchWordCallback = [...]; protected $upperLimitSearchWordCallback = [...]; protected $searchDisplayedCharactersNumberCallback = [...] }; protected $identity = class Joomla\CMS\User\User { protected $isRoot = FALSE; public $id = 0; public $name = NULL; public $username = NULL; public $email = NULL; public $password = NULL; public $password_clear = ''; public $block = NULL; public $sendEmail = 0; public $registerDate = NULL; public $lastvisitDate = NULL; public $activation = NULL; public $params = NULL; public $groups = [...]; public $guest = 1; public $lastResetTime = NULL; public $resetCount = NULL; public $requireReset = NULL; public $typeAlias = NULL; public $otpKey = NULL; public $otep = NULL; public $authProvider = NULL; protected $_params = class Joomla\Registry\Registry { ... }; protected $_authGroups = [...]; protected $_authLevels = [...]; protected $_authActions = NULL; protected $_errorMsg = NULL; protected $_errors = [...] }; private ${Joomla\CMS\Application\WebApplication}userFactory = class Joomla\CMS\User\UserFactory { private $db = class Joomla\Database\Mysqli\MysqliDriver { ... } }; protected $docOptions = ['template' => 'purity_iii', 'file' => 'index.php', 'params' => class Joomla\Registry\Registry { ... }, 'csp_nonce' => NULL, 'templateInherits' => NULL, 'directory' => 'C:\\wamp64\\www\\xanthi\\templates']; public $scope = NULL; protected $clientId = 0; protected $messageQueue = []; protected $name = 'site'; protected $profiler = NULL; protected $template = class stdClass { public $id = 14; public $home = 'el-GR'; public $template = 'purity_iii'; public $params = class Joomla\Registry\Registry { ... }; public $inheritable = 0; public $parent = '' }; protected $pathway = class Joomla\CMS\Pathway\SitePathway { protected $pathway = [...]; protected $count = 2 }; protected $authenticationPluginType = 'authentication'; protected $menus = ['site' => class Joomla\CMS\Menu\SiteMenu { ... }]; private ${Joomla\CMS\Application\CMSApplication}menuFactory = class Joomla\CMS\Menu\MenuFactory { private $cacheControllerFactory = class Joomla\CMS\Cache\CacheControllerFactory { ... }; private $databaseAwareTraitDatabase = class Joomla\Database\Mysqli\MysqliDriver { ... } }; private ${Joomla\CMS\Application\CMSApplication}container = class Joomla\DI\Container { protected $aliases = [...]; protected $resources = [...]; protected $parent = NULL; protected $tags = [...] }; protected $session = class Joomla\CMS\Session\Session { protected $state = 'active'; protected $expire = 1800; protected $store = class Joomla\CMS\Session\Storage\JoomlaStorage { ... }; protected $sessionValidators = [...]; private ${Joomla\Session\Session}dispatcher = class Joomla\Event\Dispatcher { ... } }; protected $language_filter = TRUE; protected $detect_browser = FALSE; public $registeredurlparams = class stdClass { public $catid = 'INT'; public $id = 'INT'; public $cid = 'ARRAY'; public $year = 'INT'; public $month = 'INT'; public $limit = 'UINT'; public $limitstart = 'UINT'; public $showall = 'INT'; public $return = 'BASE64'; public $filter = 'STRING'; public $filter_order = 'CMD'; public $filter_order_Dir = 'CMD'; public $filter-search = 'STRING'; public $print = 'BOOLEAN'; public $lang = 'CMD'; public $Itemid = 'INT'; public $format = 'WORD'; public $option = 'WORD'; public $view = 'WORD'; public $layout = 'WORD'; public $tpl = 'CMD' }; private $cacheControllerFactory = class Joomla\CMS\Cache\CacheControllerFactory { } } )...\CMSPlugin.php:289
101.27557534120PlgSystemAutotweetAutomator->_onAfterRender( )...\autotweetautomator.php:105
111.27947607088AutotweetModelAutomators->lastRunCheck( $plugin = 'automator', $interval = 180, $next = ??? )...\autotweetautomator.php:134
121.27947607088AutotweetModelAutomators->lastRun( $plugin = 'automator' )...\automators.php:33
131.88517799480XTF0FModel->getItem( $id = 1 )...\automators.php:92
141.88527799696XTF0FTable->load( $keys = 1, $reset = ??? )...\model.php:1061
151.88527800072XTF0FTable->reset( )...\table.php:806
161.88527800072XTF0FTable->onBeforeReset( )...\table.php:953
171.88527800320XTF0FUtilsObservableDispatcher->trigger( $event = 'onBeforeReset', $args = [0 => class AutotweetTableAutomator { protected $_errors = [...]; protected $config = [...]; protected $_tbl = '#__autotweet_automator'; protected $_tbl_key = 'id'; protected $_db = class XTF0FDatabaseDriverJoomla { ... }; protected $_trackAssets = FALSE; protected $_has_tags = FALSE; protected $_rules = NULL; protected $_locked = FALSE; protected $_trigger_events = FALSE; protected $_tableAlias = ''; protected $_columnAlias = [...]; protected $_autoChecks = FALSE; protected $_skipChecks = [...]; protected $_tableExists = TRUE; protected $_assetKey = 'com_autotweet.automator'; protected $input = class Joomla\Input\Input { ... }; protected $_queryJoin = NULL; protected $_tablePrefix = 'AutotweetTable'; protected $knownFields = [...]; protected $configProvider = class XTF0FConfigProvider { ... }; protected $tableDispatcher = class XTF0FTableDispatcherBehavior { ... }; protected $default_behaviors = [...]; protected $_relations = NULL; protected $_configProviderKey = 'com_foobar.tables.automator'; protected $contentType = NULL; public $id = 1; public $plugin = 'automator'; public $lastexec = '2024-04-30 07:56:59' }] )...\table.php:3362
181.88537800768XTF0FUtilsObservableEvent->update( $args = [0 => class AutotweetTableAutomator { protected $_errors = [...]; protected $config = [...]; protected $_tbl = '#__autotweet_automator'; protected $_tbl_key = 'id'; protected $_db = class XTF0FDatabaseDriverJoomla { ... }; protected $_trackAssets = FALSE; protected $_has_tags = FALSE; protected $_rules = NULL; protected $_locked = FALSE; protected $_trigger_events = FALSE; protected $_tableAlias = ''; protected $_columnAlias = [...]; protected $_autoChecks = FALSE; protected $_skipChecks = [...]; protected $_tableExists = TRUE; protected $_assetKey = 'com_autotweet.automator'; protected $input = class Joomla\Input\Input { ... }; protected $_queryJoin = NULL; protected $_tablePrefix = 'AutotweetTable'; protected $knownFields = [...]; protected $configProvider = class XTF0FConfigProvider { ... }; protected $tableDispatcher = class XTF0FTableDispatcherBehavior { ... }; protected $default_behaviors = [...]; protected $_relations = NULL; protected $_configProviderKey = 'com_foobar.tables.automator'; protected $contentType = NULL; public $id = 1; public $plugin = 'automator'; public $lastexec = '2024-04-30 07:56:59' }] )...\dispatcher.php:139

( ! ) Warning: XTF0FTableBehavior::onBeforeReset(): Argument #1 ($table) must be passed by reference, value given in C:\wamp64\www\xanthi\libraries\autotweet\vendor\extly\xt-fof254\src\utils\observable\event.php on line 67
Call Stack
10.0001461376{main}( )...\index.php:0
20.0001462032require_once( 'C:\wamp64\www\xanthi\includes\app.php )...\index.php:32
30.0046808040Joomla\CMS\Application\CMSApplication->execute( )...\app.php:58
40.83236211624Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication->render( )...\CMSApplication.php:311
50.83246211744Joomla\CMS\Application\CMSApplication->render( )...\SiteApplication.php:732
61.26977519416Joomla\Application\AbstractApplication->dispatchEvent( $eventName = 'onAfterRender', $event = class Joomla\CMS\Event\Application\AfterRenderEvent { protected $name = 'onAfterRender'; protected $arguments = ['subject' => class Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication { ... }]; protected $stopped = FALSE; private ${Joomla\CMS\Event\AbstractImmutableEvent}constructed = TRUE } )...\CMSApplication.php:1079
71.26977519416Joomla\Event\Dispatcher->dispatch( $name = 'onAfterRender', $event = class Joomla\CMS\Event\Application\AfterRenderEvent { protected $name = 'onAfterRender'; protected $arguments = ['subject' => class Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication { ... }]; protected $stopped = FALSE; private ${Joomla\CMS\Event\AbstractImmutableEvent}constructed = TRUE } )...\AbstractApplication.php:99
81.27387516464Joomla\CMS\Plugin\CMSPlugin->Joomla\CMS\Plugin\{closure:C:\wamp64\www\xanthi\libraries\src\plugin\CMSPlugin.php:273-303}( $event = class Joomla\CMS\Event\Application\AfterRenderEvent { protected $name = 'onAfterRender'; protected $arguments = ['subject' => class Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication { ... }]; protected $stopped = FALSE; private ${Joomla\CMS\Event\AbstractImmutableEvent}constructed = TRUE } )...\Dispatcher.php:454
91.27387516808PlgSystemAutotweetAutomator->onAfterRender( class Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication { protected $config = class Joomla\Registry\Registry { protected $data = class stdClass { ... }; protected $initialized = TRUE; protected $separator = '.' }; protected ?Psr\Log\LoggerInterface $logger = class Joomla\CMS\Log\DelegatingPsrLogger { protected $logger = class Joomla\CMS\Log\Log { ... }; protected $priorityMap = [...] }; private ${Joomla\Application\AbstractApplication}dispatcher = class Joomla\Event\Dispatcher { protected $events = [...]; protected $listeners = [...] }; protected $input = class Joomla\CMS\Input\Input { protected $options = [...]; protected $filter = class Joomla\Filter\InputFilter { ... }; protected $data = [...]; protected $inputs = [...] }; public $charSet = 'utf-8'; public $mimeType = 'text/html'; public $httpVersion = '1.1'; public $modifiedDate = NULL; public $client = class Joomla\Application\Web\WebClient { protected $platform = NULL; protected $mobile = FALSE; protected $engine = NULL; protected $browser = NULL; protected $browserVersion = NULL; protected $languages = [...]; protected $encodings = [...]; protected $userAgent = 'Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko; compatible; ClaudeBot/1.0; +claudebot@anthropic.com)'; protected $acceptEncoding = NULL; protected $acceptLanguage = NULL; protected $robot = TRUE; protected $detection = [...]; protected $headers = NULL }; protected $response = class Laminas\Diactoros\Response { private array $phrases = [...]; private string $reasonPhrase = 'OK'; private int $statusCode = 200; protected $headers = [...]; protected $headerNames = [...]; private $protocol = '1.1'; private $stream = class Laminas\Diactoros\Stream { ... } }; private ${Joomla\Application\AbstractWebApplication}cacheable = FALSE; private ${Joomla\Application\AbstractWebApplication}responseMap = [100 => 'HTTP/{version} 100 Continue', 101 => 'HTTP/{version} 101 Switching Protocols', 102 => 'HTTP/{version} 102 Processing', 200 => 'HTTP/{version} 200 OK', 201 => 'HTTP/{version} 201 Created', 202 => 'HTTP/{version} 202 Accepted', 203 => 'HTTP/{version} 203 Non-Authoritative Information', 204 => 'HTTP/{version} 204 No Content', 205 => 'HTTP/{version} 205 Reset Content', 206 => 'HTTP/{version} 206 Partial Content', 207 => 'HTTP/{version} 207 Multi-Status', 208 => 'HTTP/{version} 208 Already Reported', 226 => 'HTTP/{version} 226 IM Used', 300 => 'HTTP/{version} 300 Multiple Choices', 301 => 'HTTP/{version} 301 Moved Permanently', 302 => 'HTTP/{version} 302 Found', 303 => 'HTTP/{version} 303 See other', 304 => 'HTTP/{version} 304 Not Modified', 305 => 'HTTP/{version} 305 Use Proxy', 306 => 'HTTP/{version} 306 (Unused)', 307 => 'HTTP/{version} 307 Temporary Redirect', 308 => 'HTTP/{version} 308 Permanent Redirect', 400 => 'HTTP/{version} 400 Bad Request', 401 => 'HTTP/{version} 401 Unauthorized', 402 => 'HTTP/{version} 402 Payment Required', 403 => 'HTTP/{version} 403 Forbidden', 404 => 'HTTP/{version} 404 Not Found', 405 => 'HTTP/{version} 405 Method Not Allowed', 406 => 'HTTP/{version} 406 Not Acceptable', 407 => 'HTTP/{version} 407 Proxy Authentication Required', 408 => 'HTTP/{version} 408 Request Timeout', 409 => 'HTTP/{version} 409 Conflict', 410 => 'HTTP/{version} 410 Gone', 411 => 'HTTP/{version} 411 Length Required', 412 => 'HTTP/{version} 412 Precondition Failed', 413 => 'HTTP/{version} 413 Payload Too Large', 414 => 'HTTP/{version} 414 URI Too Long', 415 => 'HTTP/{version} 415 Unsupported Media Type', 416 => 'HTTP/{version} 416 Range Not Satisfiable', 417 => 'HTTP/{version} 417 Expectation Failed', 418 => 'HTTP/{version} 418 I\'m a teapot', 421 => 'HTTP/{version} 421 Misdirected Request', 422 => 'HTTP/{version} 422 Unprocessable Entity', 423 => 'HTTP/{version} 423 Locked', 424 => 'HTTP/{version} 424 Failed Dependency', 426 => 'HTTP/{version} 426 Upgrade Required', 428 => 'HTTP/{version} 428 Precondition Required', 429 => 'HTTP/{version} 429 Too Many Requests', 431 => 'HTTP/{version} 431 Request Header Fields Too Large', 451 => 'HTTP/{version} 451 Unavailable For Legal Reasons', 500 => 'HTTP/{version} 500 Internal Server Error', 501 => 'HTTP/{version} 501 Not Implemented', 502 => 'HTTP/{version} 502 Bad Gateway', 503 => 'HTTP/{version} 503 Service Unavailable', 504 => 'HTTP/{version} 504 Gateway Timeout', 505 => 'HTTP/{version} 505 HTTP Version Not Supported', 506 => 'HTTP/{version} 506 Variant Also Negotiates', 507 => 'HTTP/{version} 507 Insufficient Storage', 508 => 'HTTP/{version} 508 Loop Detected', 510 => 'HTTP/{version} 510 Not Extended', 511 => 'HTTP/{version} 511 Network Authentication Required']; public $JComponentTitle = NULL; public $item_associations = NULL; protected $document = class Joomla\CMS\Document\HtmlDocument { public $title = 'Όλα τα νέα από τον Δήμο Ξάνθης - Δήμος Ξάνθης'; public $description = 'Όλα τα νέα του Δήμου Ξάνθης: Δελτία Τύπου και Ανακοινώσεις, προκηρύξεις, διαγωνισμοί κ.α.'; public $link = ''; public $base = ''; public $language = 'el-gr'; public $direction = 'ltr'; public $_generator = 'City of Xanthi'; public $_mdate = ''; public $_tab = '\t'; public $_lineEnd = '\n'; public $_charset = 'utf-8'; public $_mime = 'text/html'; public $_namespace = ''; public $_profile = ''; public $_scripts = [...]; public $_script = [...]; protected $scriptOptions = [...]; public $_styleSheets = [...]; public $_style = [...]; public $_metaTags = [...]; public $_engine = NULL; public $_type = 'html'; protected $mediaVersion = '684516'; protected $factory = class Joomla\CMS\Document\Factory { ... }; protected $preloadManager = class Joomla\CMS\Document\PreloadManager { ... }; protected $preloadTypes = [...]; protected $webAssetManager = class Joomla\CMS\WebAsset\WebAssetManager { ... }; public $_links = [...]; public $_custom = [...]; public $template = 'purity_iii'; public $baseurl = ''; public $params = class Joomla\Registry\Registry { ... }; public $_file = 'C:\\wamp64\\www\\xanthi\\templates/purity_iii/index.php'; public $cspNonce = NULL; protected $_template = '<jdoc:include type="megamenurender" name="mainmenu-gr" />\n<!DOCTYPE html>\n<html lang="el-gr" dir="ltr"\n\t class=\'<jdoc:include type="pageclass" /> \'>\n\n<head>\n\t<jdoc:include type="head" />\n\t\r\n<!-- META FOR IOS & HANDHELD -->\r\n\t<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=yes"/>\r\n\t<style type="text/stylesheet">\r\n\t\t@-webkit-viewport { width: device-width; }\r\n\t\t@-moz-viewport { width: device-width; }\r\n\t\t@-ms-viewport { width: device-width; }'...; protected $_template_tags = [...]; protected $_caching = TRUE; private $html5 = TRUE; private $toolbars = [...]; private $cacheControllerFactory = class Joomla\CMS\Cache\CacheControllerFactory { ... } }; protected $language = class Joomla\CMS\Language\Language { protected $debug = FALSE; protected $default = 'en-GB'; protected $orphans = [...]; protected $metadata = [...]; protected $locale = NULL; protected $lang = 'el-GR'; protected $paths = [...]; protected $errorfiles = [...]; protected $used = [...]; protected $counter = 145; protected $override = [...]; protected $localise = NULL; protected $helper = NULL; protected $basePath = NULL; protected $catalogue = NULL; protected $parserRegistry = NULL; protected $strings = [...]; protected $transliterator = [...]; protected $pluralSuffixesCallback = [...]; protected $ignoredSearchWordsCallback = [...]; protected $lowerLimitSearchWordCallback = [...]; protected $upperLimitSearchWordCallback = [...]; protected $searchDisplayedCharactersNumberCallback = [...] }; protected $identity = class Joomla\CMS\User\User { protected $isRoot = FALSE; public $id = 0; public $name = NULL; public $username = NULL; public $email = NULL; public $password = NULL; public $password_clear = ''; public $block = NULL; public $sendEmail = 0; public $registerDate = NULL; public $lastvisitDate = NULL; public $activation = NULL; public $params = NULL; public $groups = [...]; public $guest = 1; public $lastResetTime = NULL; public $resetCount = NULL; public $requireReset = NULL; public $typeAlias = NULL; public $otpKey = NULL; public $otep = NULL; public $authProvider = NULL; protected $_params = class Joomla\Registry\Registry { ... }; protected $_authGroups = [...]; protected $_authLevels = [...]; protected $_authActions = NULL; protected $_errorMsg = NULL; protected $_errors = [...] }; private ${Joomla\CMS\Application\WebApplication}userFactory = class Joomla\CMS\User\UserFactory { private $db = class Joomla\Database\Mysqli\MysqliDriver { ... } }; protected $docOptions = ['template' => 'purity_iii', 'file' => 'index.php', 'params' => class Joomla\Registry\Registry { ... }, 'csp_nonce' => NULL, 'templateInherits' => NULL, 'directory' => 'C:\\wamp64\\www\\xanthi\\templates']; public $scope = NULL; protected $clientId = 0; protected $messageQueue = []; protected $name = 'site'; protected $profiler = NULL; protected $template = class stdClass { public $id = 14; public $home = 'el-GR'; public $template = 'purity_iii'; public $params = class Joomla\Registry\Registry { ... }; public $inheritable = 0; public $parent = '' }; protected $pathway = class Joomla\CMS\Pathway\SitePathway { protected $pathway = [...]; protected $count = 2 }; protected $authenticationPluginType = 'authentication'; protected $menus = ['site' => class Joomla\CMS\Menu\SiteMenu { ... }]; private ${Joomla\CMS\Application\CMSApplication}menuFactory = class Joomla\CMS\Menu\MenuFactory { private $cacheControllerFactory = class Joomla\CMS\Cache\CacheControllerFactory { ... }; private $databaseAwareTraitDatabase = class Joomla\Database\Mysqli\MysqliDriver { ... } }; private ${Joomla\CMS\Application\CMSApplication}container = class Joomla\DI\Container { protected $aliases = [...]; protected $resources = [...]; protected $parent = NULL; protected $tags = [...] }; protected $session = class Joomla\CMS\Session\Session { protected $state = 'active'; protected $expire = 1800; protected $store = class Joomla\CMS\Session\Storage\JoomlaStorage { ... }; protected $sessionValidators = [...]; private ${Joomla\Session\Session}dispatcher = class Joomla\Event\Dispatcher { ... } }; protected $language_filter = TRUE; protected $detect_browser = FALSE; public $registeredurlparams = class stdClass { public $catid = 'INT'; public $id = 'INT'; public $cid = 'ARRAY'; public $year = 'INT'; public $month = 'INT'; public $limit = 'UINT'; public $limitstart = 'UINT'; public $showall = 'INT'; public $return = 'BASE64'; public $filter = 'STRING'; public $filter_order = 'CMD'; public $filter_order_Dir = 'CMD'; public $filter-search = 'STRING'; public $print = 'BOOLEAN'; public $lang = 'CMD'; public $Itemid = 'INT'; public $format = 'WORD'; public $option = 'WORD'; public $view = 'WORD'; public $layout = 'WORD'; public $tpl = 'CMD' }; private $cacheControllerFactory = class Joomla\CMS\Cache\CacheControllerFactory { } } )...\CMSPlugin.php:289
101.27557534120PlgSystemAutotweetAutomator->_onAfterRender( )...\autotweetautomator.php:105
111.27947607088AutotweetModelAutomators->lastRunCheck( $plugin = 'automator', $interval = 180, $next = ??? )...\autotweetautomator.php:134
121.27947607088AutotweetModelAutomators->lastRun( $plugin = 'automator' )...\automators.php:33
131.88517799480XTF0FModel->getItem( $id = 1 )...\automators.php:92
141.88527799696XTF0FTable->load( $keys = 1, $reset = ??? )...\model.php:1061
151.88527800072XTF0FTable->reset( )...\table.php:806
161.88527800072XTF0FTable->onBeforeReset( )...\table.php:953
171.88527800320XTF0FUtilsObservableDispatcher->trigger( $event = 'onBeforeReset', $args = [0 => class AutotweetTableAutomator { protected $_errors = [...]; protected $config = [...]; protected $_tbl = '#__autotweet_automator'; protected $_tbl_key = 'id'; protected $_db = class XTF0FDatabaseDriverJoomla { ... }; protected $_trackAssets = FALSE; protected $_has_tags = FALSE; protected $_rules = NULL; protected $_locked = FALSE; protected $_trigger_events = FALSE; protected $_tableAlias = ''; protected $_columnAlias = [...]; protected $_autoChecks = FALSE; protected $_skipChecks = [...]; protected $_tableExists = TRUE; protected $_assetKey = 'com_autotweet.automator'; protected $input = class Joomla\Input\Input { ... }; protected $_queryJoin = NULL; protected $_tablePrefix = 'AutotweetTable'; protected $knownFields = [...]; protected $configProvider = class XTF0FConfigProvider { ... }; protected $tableDispatcher = class XTF0FTableDispatcherBehavior { ... }; protected $default_behaviors = [...]; protected $_relations = NULL; protected $_configProviderKey = 'com_foobar.tables.automator'; protected $contentType = NULL; public $id = 1; public $plugin = 'automator'; public $lastexec = '2024-04-30 07:56:59' }] )...\table.php:3362
181.88827800984XTF0FUtilsObservableEvent->update( $args = [0 => class AutotweetTableAutomator { protected $_errors = [...]; protected $config = [...]; protected $_tbl = '#__autotweet_automator'; protected $_tbl_key = 'id'; protected $_db = class XTF0FDatabaseDriverJoomla { ... }; protected $_trackAssets = FALSE; protected $_has_tags = FALSE; protected $_rules = NULL; protected $_locked = FALSE; protected $_trigger_events = FALSE; protected $_tableAlias = ''; protected $_columnAlias = [...]; protected $_autoChecks = FALSE; protected $_skipChecks = [...]; protected $_tableExists = TRUE; protected $_assetKey = 'com_autotweet.automator'; protected $input = class Joomla\Input\Input { ... }; protected $_queryJoin = NULL; protected $_tablePrefix = 'AutotweetTable'; protected $knownFields = [...]; protected $configProvider = class XTF0FConfigProvider { ... }; protected $tableDispatcher = class XTF0FTableDispatcherBehavior { ... }; protected $default_behaviors = [...]; protected $_relations = NULL; protected $_configProviderKey = 'com_foobar.tables.automator'; protected $contentType = NULL; public $id = 1; public $plugin = 'automator'; public $lastexec = '2024-04-30 07:56:59' }] )...\dispatcher.php:139

( ! ) Warning: XTF0FTableBehavior::onAfterReset(): Argument #1 ($table) must be passed by reference, value given in C:\wamp64\www\xanthi\libraries\autotweet\vendor\extly\xt-fof254\src\utils\observable\event.php on line 67
Call Stack
10.0001461376{main}( )...\index.php:0
20.0001462032require_once( 'C:\wamp64\www\xanthi\includes\app.php )...\index.php:32
30.0046808040Joomla\CMS\Application\CMSApplication->execute( )...\app.php:58
40.83236211624Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication->render( )...\CMSApplication.php:311
50.83246211744Joomla\CMS\Application\CMSApplication->render( )...\SiteApplication.php:732
61.26977519416Joomla\Application\AbstractApplication->dispatchEvent( $eventName = 'onAfterRender', $event = class Joomla\CMS\Event\Application\AfterRenderEvent { protected $name = 'onAfterRender'; protected $arguments = ['subject' => class Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication { ... }]; protected $stopped = FALSE; private ${Joomla\CMS\Event\AbstractImmutableEvent}constructed = TRUE } )...\CMSApplication.php:1079
71.26977519416Joomla\Event\Dispatcher->dispatch( $name = 'onAfterRender', $event = class Joomla\CMS\Event\Application\AfterRenderEvent { protected $name = 'onAfterRender'; protected $arguments = ['subject' => class Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication { ... }]; protected $stopped = FALSE; private ${Joomla\CMS\Event\AbstractImmutableEvent}constructed = TRUE } )...\AbstractApplication.php:99
81.27387516464Joomla\CMS\Plugin\CMSPlugin->Joomla\CMS\Plugin\{closure:C:\wamp64\www\xanthi\libraries\src\plugin\CMSPlugin.php:273-303}( $event = class Joomla\CMS\Event\Application\AfterRenderEvent { protected $name = 'onAfterRender'; protected $arguments = ['subject' => class Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication { ... }]; protected $stopped = FALSE; private ${Joomla\CMS\Event\AbstractImmutableEvent}constructed = TRUE } )...\Dispatcher.php:454
91.27387516808PlgSystemAutotweetAutomator->onAfterRender( class Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication { protected $config = class Joomla\Registry\Registry { protected $data = class stdClass { ... }; protected $initialized = TRUE; protected $separator = '.' }; protected ?Psr\Log\LoggerInterface $logger = class Joomla\CMS\Log\DelegatingPsrLogger { protected $logger = class Joomla\CMS\Log\Log { ... }; protected $priorityMap = [...] }; private ${Joomla\Application\AbstractApplication}dispatcher = class Joomla\Event\Dispatcher { protected $events = [...]; protected $listeners = [...] }; protected $input = class Joomla\CMS\Input\Input { protected $options = [...]; protected $filter = class Joomla\Filter\InputFilter { ... }; protected $data = [...]; protected $inputs = [...] }; public $charSet = 'utf-8'; public $mimeType = 'text/html'; public $httpVersion = '1.1'; public $modifiedDate = NULL; public $client = class Joomla\Application\Web\WebClient { protected $platform = NULL; protected $mobile = FALSE; protected $engine = NULL; protected $browser = NULL; protected $browserVersion = NULL; protected $languages = [...]; protected $encodings = [...]; protected $userAgent = 'Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko; compatible; ClaudeBot/1.0; +claudebot@anthropic.com)'; protected $acceptEncoding = NULL; protected $acceptLanguage = NULL; protected $robot = TRUE; protected $detection = [...]; protected $headers = NULL }; protected $response = class Laminas\Diactoros\Response { private array $phrases = [...]; private string $reasonPhrase = 'OK'; private int $statusCode = 200; protected $headers = [...]; protected $headerNames = [...]; private $protocol = '1.1'; private $stream = class Laminas\Diactoros\Stream { ... } }; private ${Joomla\Application\AbstractWebApplication}cacheable = FALSE; private ${Joomla\Application\AbstractWebApplication}responseMap = [100 => 'HTTP/{version} 100 Continue', 101 => 'HTTP/{version} 101 Switching Protocols', 102 => 'HTTP/{version} 102 Processing', 200 => 'HTTP/{version} 200 OK', 201 => 'HTTP/{version} 201 Created', 202 => 'HTTP/{version} 202 Accepted', 203 => 'HTTP/{version} 203 Non-Authoritative Information', 204 => 'HTTP/{version} 204 No Content', 205 => 'HTTP/{version} 205 Reset Content', 206 => 'HTTP/{version} 206 Partial Content', 207 => 'HTTP/{version} 207 Multi-Status', 208 => 'HTTP/{version} 208 Already Reported', 226 => 'HTTP/{version} 226 IM Used', 300 => 'HTTP/{version} 300 Multiple Choices', 301 => 'HTTP/{version} 301 Moved Permanently', 302 => 'HTTP/{version} 302 Found', 303 => 'HTTP/{version} 303 See other', 304 => 'HTTP/{version} 304 Not Modified', 305 => 'HTTP/{version} 305 Use Proxy', 306 => 'HTTP/{version} 306 (Unused)', 307 => 'HTTP/{version} 307 Temporary Redirect', 308 => 'HTTP/{version} 308 Permanent Redirect', 400 => 'HTTP/{version} 400 Bad Request', 401 => 'HTTP/{version} 401 Unauthorized', 402 => 'HTTP/{version} 402 Payment Required', 403 => 'HTTP/{version} 403 Forbidden', 404 => 'HTTP/{version} 404 Not Found', 405 => 'HTTP/{version} 405 Method Not Allowed', 406 => 'HTTP/{version} 406 Not Acceptable', 407 => 'HTTP/{version} 407 Proxy Authentication Required', 408 => 'HTTP/{version} 408 Request Timeout', 409 => 'HTTP/{version} 409 Conflict', 410 => 'HTTP/{version} 410 Gone', 411 => 'HTTP/{version} 411 Length Required', 412 => 'HTTP/{version} 412 Precondition Failed', 413 => 'HTTP/{version} 413 Payload Too Large', 414 => 'HTTP/{version} 414 URI Too Long', 415 => 'HTTP/{version} 415 Unsupported Media Type', 416 => 'HTTP/{version} 416 Range Not Satisfiable', 417 => 'HTTP/{version} 417 Expectation Failed', 418 => 'HTTP/{version} 418 I\'m a teapot', 421 => 'HTTP/{version} 421 Misdirected Request', 422 => 'HTTP/{version} 422 Unprocessable Entity', 423 => 'HTTP/{version} 423 Locked', 424 => 'HTTP/{version} 424 Failed Dependency', 426 => 'HTTP/{version} 426 Upgrade Required', 428 => 'HTTP/{version} 428 Precondition Required', 429 => 'HTTP/{version} 429 Too Many Requests', 431 => 'HTTP/{version} 431 Request Header Fields Too Large', 451 => 'HTTP/{version} 451 Unavailable For Legal Reasons', 500 => 'HTTP/{version} 500 Internal Server Error', 501 => 'HTTP/{version} 501 Not Implemented', 502 => 'HTTP/{version} 502 Bad Gateway', 503 => 'HTTP/{version} 503 Service Unavailable', 504 => 'HTTP/{version} 504 Gateway Timeout', 505 => 'HTTP/{version} 505 HTTP Version Not Supported', 506 => 'HTTP/{version} 506 Variant Also Negotiates', 507 => 'HTTP/{version} 507 Insufficient Storage', 508 => 'HTTP/{version} 508 Loop Detected', 510 => 'HTTP/{version} 510 Not Extended', 511 => 'HTTP/{version} 511 Network Authentication Required']; public $JComponentTitle = NULL; public $item_associations = NULL; protected $document = class Joomla\CMS\Document\HtmlDocument { public $title = 'Όλα τα νέα από τον Δήμο Ξάνθης - Δήμος Ξάνθης'; public $description = 'Όλα τα νέα του Δήμου Ξάνθης: Δελτία Τύπου και Ανακοινώσεις, προκηρύξεις, διαγωνισμοί κ.α.'; public $link = ''; public $base = ''; public $language = 'el-gr'; public $direction = 'ltr'; public $_generator = 'City of Xanthi'; public $_mdate = ''; public $_tab = '\t'; public $_lineEnd = '\n'; public $_charset = 'utf-8'; public $_mime = 'text/html'; public $_namespace = ''; public $_profile = ''; public $_scripts = [...]; public $_script = [...]; protected $scriptOptions = [...]; public $_styleSheets = [...]; public $_style = [...]; public $_metaTags = [...]; public $_engine = NULL; public $_type = 'html'; protected $mediaVersion = '684516'; protected $factory = class Joomla\CMS\Document\Factory { ... }; protected $preloadManager = class Joomla\CMS\Document\PreloadManager { ... }; protected $preloadTypes = [...]; protected $webAssetManager = class Joomla\CMS\WebAsset\WebAssetManager { ... }; public $_links = [...]; public $_custom = [...]; public $template = 'purity_iii'; public $baseurl = ''; public $params = class Joomla\Registry\Registry { ... }; public $_file = 'C:\\wamp64\\www\\xanthi\\templates/purity_iii/index.php'; public $cspNonce = NULL; protected $_template = '<jdoc:include type="megamenurender" name="mainmenu-gr" />\n<!DOCTYPE html>\n<html lang="el-gr" dir="ltr"\n\t class=\'<jdoc:include type="pageclass" /> \'>\n\n<head>\n\t<jdoc:include type="head" />\n\t\r\n<!-- META FOR IOS & HANDHELD -->\r\n\t<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=yes"/>\r\n\t<style type="text/stylesheet">\r\n\t\t@-webkit-viewport { width: device-width; }\r\n\t\t@-moz-viewport { width: device-width; }\r\n\t\t@-ms-viewport { width: device-width; }'...; protected $_template_tags = [...]; protected $_caching = TRUE; private $html5 = TRUE; private $toolbars = [...]; private $cacheControllerFactory = class Joomla\CMS\Cache\CacheControllerFactory { ... } }; protected $language = class Joomla\CMS\Language\Language { protected $debug = FALSE; protected $default = 'en-GB'; protected $orphans = [...]; protected $metadata = [...]; protected $locale = NULL; protected $lang = 'el-GR'; protected $paths = [...]; protected $errorfiles = [...]; protected $used = [...]; protected $counter = 145; protected $override = [...]; protected $localise = NULL; protected $helper = NULL; protected $basePath = NULL; protected $catalogue = NULL; protected $parserRegistry = NULL; protected $strings = [...]; protected $transliterator = [...]; protected $pluralSuffixesCallback = [...]; protected $ignoredSearchWordsCallback = [...]; protected $lowerLimitSearchWordCallback = [...]; protected $upperLimitSearchWordCallback = [...]; protected $searchDisplayedCharactersNumberCallback = [...] }; protected $identity = class Joomla\CMS\User\User { protected $isRoot = FALSE; public $id = 0; public $name = NULL; public $username = NULL; public $email = NULL; public $password = NULL; public $password_clear = ''; public $block = NULL; public $sendEmail = 0; public $registerDate = NULL; public $lastvisitDate = NULL; public $activation = NULL; public $params = NULL; public $groups = [...]; public $guest = 1; public $lastResetTime = NULL; public $resetCount = NULL; public $requireReset = NULL; public $typeAlias = NULL; public $otpKey = NULL; public $otep = NULL; public $authProvider = NULL; protected $_params = class Joomla\Registry\Registry { ... }; protected $_authGroups = [...]; protected $_authLevels = [...]; protected $_authActions = NULL; protected $_errorMsg = NULL; protected $_errors = [...] }; private ${Joomla\CMS\Application\WebApplication}userFactory = class Joomla\CMS\User\UserFactory { private $db = class Joomla\Database\Mysqli\MysqliDriver { ... } }; protected $docOptions = ['template' => 'purity_iii', 'file' => 'index.php', 'params' => class Joomla\Registry\Registry { ... }, 'csp_nonce' => NULL, 'templateInherits' => NULL, 'directory' => 'C:\\wamp64\\www\\xanthi\\templates']; public $scope = NULL; protected $clientId = 0; protected $messageQueue = []; protected $name = 'site'; protected $profiler = NULL; protected $template = class stdClass { public $id = 14; public $home = 'el-GR'; public $template = 'purity_iii'; public $params = class Joomla\Registry\Registry { ... }; public $inheritable = 0; public $parent = '' }; protected $pathway = class Joomla\CMS\Pathway\SitePathway { protected $pathway = [...]; protected $count = 2 }; protected $authenticationPluginType = 'authentication'; protected $menus = ['site' => class Joomla\CMS\Menu\SiteMenu { ... }]; private ${Joomla\CMS\Application\CMSApplication}menuFactory = class Joomla\CMS\Menu\MenuFactory { private $cacheControllerFactory = class Joomla\CMS\Cache\CacheControllerFactory { ... }; private $databaseAwareTraitDatabase = class Joomla\Database\Mysqli\MysqliDriver { ... } }; private ${Joomla\CMS\Application\CMSApplication}container = class Joomla\DI\Container { protected $aliases = [...]; protected $resources = [...]; protected $parent = NULL; protected $tags = [...] }; protected $session = class Joomla\CMS\Session\Session { protected $state = 'active'; protected $expire = 1800; protected $store = class Joomla\CMS\Session\Storage\JoomlaStorage { ... }; protected $sessionValidators = [...]; private ${Joomla\Session\Session}dispatcher = class Joomla\Event\Dispatcher { ... } }; protected $language_filter = TRUE; protected $detect_browser = FALSE; public $registeredurlparams = class stdClass { public $catid = 'INT'; public $id = 'INT'; public $cid = 'ARRAY'; public $year = 'INT'; public $month = 'INT'; public $limit = 'UINT'; public $limitstart = 'UINT'; public $showall = 'INT'; public $return = 'BASE64'; public $filter = 'STRING'; public $filter_order = 'CMD'; public $filter_order_Dir = 'CMD'; public $filter-search = 'STRING'; public $print = 'BOOLEAN'; public $lang = 'CMD'; public $Itemid = 'INT'; public $format = 'WORD'; public $option = 'WORD'; public $view = 'WORD'; public $layout = 'WORD'; public $tpl = 'CMD' }; private $cacheControllerFactory = class Joomla\CMS\Cache\CacheControllerFactory { } } )...\CMSPlugin.php:289
101.27557534120PlgSystemAutotweetAutomator->_onAfterRender( )...\autotweetautomator.php:105
111.27947607088AutotweetModelAutomators->lastRunCheck( $plugin = 'automator', $interval = 180, $next = ??? )...\autotweetautomator.php:134
121.27947607088AutotweetModelAutomators->lastRun( $plugin = 'automator' )...\automators.php:33
131.88517799480XTF0FModel->getItem( $id = 1 )...\automators.php:92
141.88527799696XTF0FTable->load( $keys = 1, $reset = ??? )...\model.php:1061
151.88527800072XTF0FTable->reset( )...\table.php:806
161.89087800072XTF0FTable->onAfterReset( )...\table.php:973
171.89087800320XTF0FUtilsObservableDispatcher->trigger( $event = 'onAfterReset', $args = [0 => class AutotweetTableAutomator { protected $_errors = [...]; protected $config = [...]; protected $_tbl = '#__autotweet_automator'; protected $_tbl_key = 'id'; protected $_db = class XTF0FDatabaseDriverJoomla { ... }; protected $_trackAssets = FALSE; protected $_has_tags = FALSE; protected $_rules = NULL; protected $_locked = FALSE; protected $_trigger_events = FALSE; protected $_tableAlias = ''; protected $_columnAlias = [...]; protected $_autoChecks = FALSE; protected $_skipChecks = [...]; protected $_tableExists = TRUE; protected $_assetKey = 'com_autotweet.automator'; protected $input = class Joomla\Input\Input { ... }; protected $_queryJoin = NULL; protected $_tablePrefix = 'AutotweetTable'; protected $knownFields = [...]; protected $configProvider = class XTF0FConfigProvider { ... }; protected $tableDispatcher = class XTF0FTableDispatcherBehavior { ... }; protected $default_behaviors = [...]; protected $_relations = NULL; protected $_configProviderKey = 'com_foobar.tables.automator'; protected $contentType = NULL; public $id = 1; public $plugin = NULL; public $lastexec = NULL }] )...\table.php:3332
181.89087800768XTF0FUtilsObservableEvent->update( $args = [0 => class AutotweetTableAutomator { protected $_errors = [...]; protected $config = [...]; protected $_tbl = '#__autotweet_automator'; protected $_tbl_key = 'id'; protected $_db = class XTF0FDatabaseDriverJoomla { ... }; protected $_trackAssets = FALSE; protected $_has_tags = FALSE; protected $_rules = NULL; protected $_locked = FALSE; protected $_trigger_events = FALSE; protected $_tableAlias = ''; protected $_columnAlias = [...]; protected $_autoChecks = FALSE; protected $_skipChecks = [...]; protected $_tableExists = TRUE; protected $_assetKey = 'com_autotweet.automator'; protected $input = class Joomla\Input\Input { ... }; protected $_queryJoin = NULL; protected $_tablePrefix = 'AutotweetTable'; protected $knownFields = [...]; protected $configProvider = class XTF0FConfigProvider { ... }; protected $tableDispatcher = class XTF0FTableDispatcherBehavior { ... }; protected $default_behaviors = [...]; protected $_relations = NULL; protected $_configProviderKey = 'com_foobar.tables.automator'; protected $contentType = NULL; public $id = 1; public $plugin = NULL; public $lastexec = NULL }] )...\dispatcher.php:139

( ! ) Warning: XTF0FTableBehavior::onAfterReset(): Argument #1 ($table) must be passed by reference, value given in C:\wamp64\www\xanthi\libraries\autotweet\vendor\extly\xt-fof254\src\utils\observable\event.php on line 67
Call Stack
10.0001461376{main}( )...\index.php:0
20.0001462032require_once( 'C:\wamp64\www\xanthi\includes\app.php )...\index.php:32
30.0046808040Joomla\CMS\Application\CMSApplication->execute( )...\app.php:58
40.83236211624Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication->render( )...\CMSApplication.php:311
50.83246211744Joomla\CMS\Application\CMSApplication->render( )...\SiteApplication.php:732
61.26977519416Joomla\Application\AbstractApplication->dispatchEvent( $eventName = 'onAfterRender', $event = class Joomla\CMS\Event\Application\AfterRenderEvent { protected $name = 'onAfterRender'; protected $arguments = ['subject' => class Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication { ... }]; protected $stopped = FALSE; private ${Joomla\CMS\Event\AbstractImmutableEvent}constructed = TRUE } )...\CMSApplication.php:1079
71.26977519416Joomla\Event\Dispatcher->dispatch( $name = 'onAfterRender', $event = class Joomla\CMS\Event\Application\AfterRenderEvent { protected $name = 'onAfterRender'; protected $arguments = ['subject' => class Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication { ... }]; protected $stopped = FALSE; private ${Joomla\CMS\Event\AbstractImmutableEvent}constructed = TRUE } )...\AbstractApplication.php:99
81.27387516464Joomla\CMS\Plugin\CMSPlugin->Joomla\CMS\Plugin\{closure:C:\wamp64\www\xanthi\libraries\src\plugin\CMSPlugin.php:273-303}( $event = class Joomla\CMS\Event\Application\AfterRenderEvent { protected $name = 'onAfterRender'; protected $arguments = ['subject' => class Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication { ... }]; protected $stopped = FALSE; private ${Joomla\CMS\Event\AbstractImmutableEvent}constructed = TRUE } )...\Dispatcher.php:454
91.27387516808PlgSystemAutotweetAutomator->onAfterRender( class Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication { protected $config = class Joomla\Registry\Registry { protected $data = class stdClass { ... }; protected $initialized = TRUE; protected $separator = '.' }; protected ?Psr\Log\LoggerInterface $logger = class Joomla\CMS\Log\DelegatingPsrLogger { protected $logger = class Joomla\CMS\Log\Log { ... }; protected $priorityMap = [...] }; private ${Joomla\Application\AbstractApplication}dispatcher = class Joomla\Event\Dispatcher { protected $events = [...]; protected $listeners = [...] }; protected $input = class Joomla\CMS\Input\Input { protected $options = [...]; protected $filter = class Joomla\Filter\InputFilter { ... }; protected $data = [...]; protected $inputs = [...] }; public $charSet = 'utf-8'; public $mimeType = 'text/html'; public $httpVersion = '1.1'; public $modifiedDate = NULL; public $client = class Joomla\Application\Web\WebClient { protected $platform = NULL; protected $mobile = FALSE; protected $engine = NULL; protected $browser = NULL; protected $browserVersion = NULL; protected $languages = [...]; protected $encodings = [...]; protected $userAgent = 'Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko; compatible; ClaudeBot/1.0; +claudebot@anthropic.com)'; protected $acceptEncoding = NULL; protected $acceptLanguage = NULL; protected $robot = TRUE; protected $detection = [...]; protected $headers = NULL }; protected $response = class Laminas\Diactoros\Response { private array $phrases = [...]; private string $reasonPhrase = 'OK'; private int $statusCode = 200; protected $headers = [...]; protected $headerNames = [...]; private $protocol = '1.1'; private $stream = class Laminas\Diactoros\Stream { ... } }; private ${Joomla\Application\AbstractWebApplication}cacheable = FALSE; private ${Joomla\Application\AbstractWebApplication}responseMap = [100 => 'HTTP/{version} 100 Continue', 101 => 'HTTP/{version} 101 Switching Protocols', 102 => 'HTTP/{version} 102 Processing', 200 => 'HTTP/{version} 200 OK', 201 => 'HTTP/{version} 201 Created', 202 => 'HTTP/{version} 202 Accepted', 203 => 'HTTP/{version} 203 Non-Authoritative Information', 204 => 'HTTP/{version} 204 No Content', 205 => 'HTTP/{version} 205 Reset Content', 206 => 'HTTP/{version} 206 Partial Content', 207 => 'HTTP/{version} 207 Multi-Status', 208 => 'HTTP/{version} 208 Already Reported', 226 => 'HTTP/{version} 226 IM Used', 300 => 'HTTP/{version} 300 Multiple Choices', 301 => 'HTTP/{version} 301 Moved Permanently', 302 => 'HTTP/{version} 302 Found', 303 => 'HTTP/{version} 303 See other', 304 => 'HTTP/{version} 304 Not Modified', 305 => 'HTTP/{version} 305 Use Proxy', 306 => 'HTTP/{version} 306 (Unused)', 307 => 'HTTP/{version} 307 Temporary Redirect', 308 => 'HTTP/{version} 308 Permanent Redirect', 400 => 'HTTP/{version} 400 Bad Request', 401 => 'HTTP/{version} 401 Unauthorized', 402 => 'HTTP/{version} 402 Payment Required', 403 => 'HTTP/{version} 403 Forbidden', 404 => 'HTTP/{version} 404 Not Found', 405 => 'HTTP/{version} 405 Method Not Allowed', 406 => 'HTTP/{version} 406 Not Acceptable', 407 => 'HTTP/{version} 407 Proxy Authentication Required', 408 => 'HTTP/{version} 408 Request Timeout', 409 => 'HTTP/{version} 409 Conflict', 410 => 'HTTP/{version} 410 Gone', 411 => 'HTTP/{version} 411 Length Required', 412 => 'HTTP/{version} 412 Precondition Failed', 413 => 'HTTP/{version} 413 Payload Too Large', 414 => 'HTTP/{version} 414 URI Too Long', 415 => 'HTTP/{version} 415 Unsupported Media Type', 416 => 'HTTP/{version} 416 Range Not Satisfiable', 417 => 'HTTP/{version} 417 Expectation Failed', 418 => 'HTTP/{version} 418 I\'m a teapot', 421 => 'HTTP/{version} 421 Misdirected Request', 422 => 'HTTP/{version} 422 Unprocessable Entity', 423 => 'HTTP/{version} 423 Locked', 424 => 'HTTP/{version} 424 Failed Dependency', 426 => 'HTTP/{version} 426 Upgrade Required', 428 => 'HTTP/{version} 428 Precondition Required', 429 => 'HTTP/{version} 429 Too Many Requests', 431 => 'HTTP/{version} 431 Request Header Fields Too Large', 451 => 'HTTP/{version} 451 Unavailable For Legal Reasons', 500 => 'HTTP/{version} 500 Internal Server Error', 501 => 'HTTP/{version} 501 Not Implemented', 502 => 'HTTP/{version} 502 Bad Gateway', 503 => 'HTTP/{version} 503 Service Unavailable', 504 => 'HTTP/{version} 504 Gateway Timeout', 505 => 'HTTP/{version} 505 HTTP Version Not Supported', 506 => 'HTTP/{version} 506 Variant Also Negotiates', 507 => 'HTTP/{version} 507 Insufficient Storage', 508 => 'HTTP/{version} 508 Loop Detected', 510 => 'HTTP/{version} 510 Not Extended', 511 => 'HTTP/{version} 511 Network Authentication Required']; public $JComponentTitle = NULL; public $item_associations = NULL; protected $document = class Joomla\CMS\Document\HtmlDocument { public $title = 'Όλα τα νέα από τον Δήμο Ξάνθης - Δήμος Ξάνθης'; public $description = 'Όλα τα νέα του Δήμου Ξάνθης: Δελτία Τύπου και Ανακοινώσεις, προκηρύξεις, διαγωνισμοί κ.α.'; public $link = ''; public $base = ''; public $language = 'el-gr'; public $direction = 'ltr'; public $_generator = 'City of Xanthi'; public $_mdate = ''; public $_tab = '\t'; public $_lineEnd = '\n'; public $_charset = 'utf-8'; public $_mime = 'text/html'; public $_namespace = ''; public $_profile = ''; public $_scripts = [...]; public $_script = [...]; protected $scriptOptions = [...]; public $_styleSheets = [...]; public $_style = [...]; public $_metaTags = [...]; public $_engine = NULL; public $_type = 'html'; protected $mediaVersion = '684516'; protected $factory = class Joomla\CMS\Document\Factory { ... }; protected $preloadManager = class Joomla\CMS\Document\PreloadManager { ... }; protected $preloadTypes = [...]; protected $webAssetManager = class Joomla\CMS\WebAsset\WebAssetManager { ... }; public $_links = [...]; public $_custom = [...]; public $template = 'purity_iii'; public $baseurl = ''; public $params = class Joomla\Registry\Registry { ... }; public $_file = 'C:\\wamp64\\www\\xanthi\\templates/purity_iii/index.php'; public $cspNonce = NULL; protected $_template = '<jdoc:include type="megamenurender" name="mainmenu-gr" />\n<!DOCTYPE html>\n<html lang="el-gr" dir="ltr"\n\t class=\'<jdoc:include type="pageclass" /> \'>\n\n<head>\n\t<jdoc:include type="head" />\n\t\r\n<!-- META FOR IOS & HANDHELD -->\r\n\t<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=yes"/>\r\n\t<style type="text/stylesheet">\r\n\t\t@-webkit-viewport { width: device-width; }\r\n\t\t@-moz-viewport { width: device-width; }\r\n\t\t@-ms-viewport { width: device-width; }'...; protected $_template_tags = [...]; protected $_caching = TRUE; private $html5 = TRUE; private $toolbars = [...]; private $cacheControllerFactory = class Joomla\CMS\Cache\CacheControllerFactory { ... } }; protected $language = class Joomla\CMS\Language\Language { protected $debug = FALSE; protected $default = 'en-GB'; protected $orphans = [...]; protected $metadata = [...]; protected $locale = NULL; protected $lang = 'el-GR'; protected $paths = [...]; protected $errorfiles = [...]; protected $used = [...]; protected $counter = 145; protected $override = [...]; protected $localise = NULL; protected $helper = NULL; protected $basePath = NULL; protected $catalogue = NULL; protected $parserRegistry = NULL; protected $strings = [...]; protected $transliterator = [...]; protected $pluralSuffixesCallback = [...]; protected $ignoredSearchWordsCallback = [...]; protected $lowerLimitSearchWordCallback = [...]; protected $upperLimitSearchWordCallback = [...]; protected $searchDisplayedCharactersNumberCallback = [...] }; protected $identity = class Joomla\CMS\User\User { protected $isRoot = FALSE; public $id = 0; public $name = NULL; public $username = NULL; public $email = NULL; public $password = NULL; public $password_clear = ''; public $block = NULL; public $sendEmail = 0; public $registerDate = NULL; public $lastvisitDate = NULL; public $activation = NULL; public $params = NULL; public $groups = [...]; public $guest = 1; public $lastResetTime = NULL; public $resetCount = NULL; public $requireReset = NULL; public $typeAlias = NULL; public $otpKey = NULL; public $otep = NULL; public $authProvider = NULL; protected $_params = class Joomla\Registry\Registry { ... }; protected $_authGroups = [...]; protected $_authLevels = [...]; protected $_authActions = NULL; protected $_errorMsg = NULL; protected $_errors = [...] }; private ${Joomla\CMS\Application\WebApplication}userFactory = class Joomla\CMS\User\UserFactory { private $db = class Joomla\Database\Mysqli\MysqliDriver { ... } }; protected $docOptions = ['template' => 'purity_iii', 'file' => 'index.php', 'params' => class Joomla\Registry\Registry { ... }, 'csp_nonce' => NULL, 'templateInherits' => NULL, 'directory' => 'C:\\wamp64\\www\\xanthi\\templates']; public $scope = NULL; protected $clientId = 0; protected $messageQueue = []; protected $name = 'site'; protected $profiler = NULL; protected $template = class stdClass { public $id = 14; public $home = 'el-GR'; public $template = 'purity_iii'; public $params = class Joomla\Registry\Registry { ... }; public $inheritable = 0; public $parent = '' }; protected $pathway = class Joomla\CMS\Pathway\SitePathway { protected $pathway = [...]; protected $count = 2 }; protected $authenticationPluginType = 'authentication'; protected $menus = ['site' => class Joomla\CMS\Menu\SiteMenu { ... }]; private ${Joomla\CMS\Application\CMSApplication}menuFactory = class Joomla\CMS\Menu\MenuFactory { private $cacheControllerFactory = class Joomla\CMS\Cache\CacheControllerFactory { ... }; private $databaseAwareTraitDatabase = class Joomla\Database\Mysqli\MysqliDriver { ... } }; private ${Joomla\CMS\Application\CMSApplication}container = class Joomla\DI\Container { protected $aliases = [...]; protected $resources = [...]; protected $parent = NULL; protected $tags = [...] }; protected $session = class Joomla\CMS\Session\Session { protected $state = 'active'; protected $expire = 1800; protected $store = class Joomla\CMS\Session\Storage\JoomlaStorage { ... }; protected $sessionValidators = [...]; private ${Joomla\Session\Session}dispatcher = class Joomla\Event\Dispatcher { ... } }; protected $language_filter = TRUE; protected $detect_browser = FALSE; public $registeredurlparams = class stdClass { public $catid = 'INT'; public $id = 'INT'; public $cid = 'ARRAY'; public $year = 'INT'; public $month = 'INT'; public $limit = 'UINT'; public $limitstart = 'UINT'; public $showall = 'INT'; public $return = 'BASE64'; public $filter = 'STRING'; public $filter_order = 'CMD'; public $filter_order_Dir = 'CMD'; public $filter-search = 'STRING'; public $print = 'BOOLEAN'; public $lang = 'CMD'; public $Itemid = 'INT'; public $format = 'WORD'; public $option = 'WORD'; public $view = 'WORD'; public $layout = 'WORD'; public $tpl = 'CMD' }; private $cacheControllerFactory = class Joomla\CMS\Cache\CacheControllerFactory { } } )...\CMSPlugin.php:289
101.27557534120PlgSystemAutotweetAutomator->_onAfterRender( )...\autotweetautomator.php:105
111.27947607088AutotweetModelAutomators->lastRunCheck( $plugin = 'automator', $interval = 180, $next = ??? )...\autotweetautomator.php:134
121.27947607088AutotweetModelAutomators->lastRun( $plugin = 'automator' )...\automators.php:33
131.88517799480XTF0FModel->getItem( $id = 1 )...\automators.php:92
141.88527799696XTF0FTable->load( $keys = 1, $reset = ??? )...\model.php:1061
151.88527800072XTF0FTable->reset( )...\table.php:806
161.89087800072XTF0FTable->onAfterReset( )...\table.php:973
171.89087800320XTF0FUtilsObservableDispatcher->trigger( $event = 'onAfterReset', $args = [0 => class AutotweetTableAutomator { protected $_errors = [...]; protected $config = [...]; protected $_tbl = '#__autotweet_automator'; protected $_tbl_key = 'id'; protected $_db = class XTF0FDatabaseDriverJoomla { ... }; protected $_trackAssets = FALSE; protected $_has_tags = FALSE; protected $_rules = NULL; protected $_locked = FALSE; protected $_trigger_events = FALSE; protected $_tableAlias = ''; protected $_columnAlias = [...]; protected $_autoChecks = FALSE; protected $_skipChecks = [...]; protected $_tableExists = TRUE; protected $_assetKey = 'com_autotweet.automator'; protected $input = class Joomla\Input\Input { ... }; protected $_queryJoin = NULL; protected $_tablePrefix = 'AutotweetTable'; protected $knownFields = [...]; protected $configProvider = class XTF0FConfigProvider { ... }; protected $tableDispatcher = class XTF0FTableDispatcherBehavior { ... }; protected $default_behaviors = [...]; protected $_relations = NULL; protected $_configProviderKey = 'com_foobar.tables.automator'; protected $contentType = NULL; public $id = 1; public $plugin = NULL; public $lastexec = NULL }] )...\table.php:3332
182.07487800984XTF0FUtilsObservableEvent->update( $args = [0 => class AutotweetTableAutomator { protected $_errors = [...]; protected $config = [...]; protected $_tbl = '#__autotweet_automator'; protected $_tbl_key = 'id'; protected $_db = class XTF0FDatabaseDriverJoomla { ... }; protected $_trackAssets = FALSE; protected $_has_tags = FALSE; protected $_rules = NULL; protected $_locked = FALSE; protected $_trigger_events = FALSE; protected $_tableAlias = ''; protected $_columnAlias = [...]; protected $_autoChecks = FALSE; protected $_skipChecks = [...]; protected $_tableExists = TRUE; protected $_assetKey = 'com_autotweet.automator'; protected $input = class Joomla\Input\Input { ... }; protected $_queryJoin = NULL; protected $_tablePrefix = 'AutotweetTable'; protected $knownFields = [...]; protected $configProvider = class XTF0FConfigProvider { ... }; protected $tableDispatcher = class XTF0FTableDispatcherBehavior { ... }; protected $default_behaviors = [...]; protected $_relations = NULL; protected $_configProviderKey = 'com_foobar.tables.automator'; protected $contentType = NULL; public $id = 1; public $plugin = NULL; public $lastexec = NULL }] )...\dispatcher.php:139

( ! ) Warning: XTF0FTableBehavior::onBeforeBind(): Argument #1 ($table) must be passed by reference, value given in C:\wamp64\www\xanthi\libraries\autotweet\vendor\extly\xt-fof254\src\utils\observable\event.php on line 67
Call Stack
10.0001461376{main}( )...\index.php:0
20.0001462032require_once( 'C:\wamp64\www\xanthi\includes\app.php )...\index.php:32
30.0046808040Joomla\CMS\Application\CMSApplication->execute( )...\app.php:58
40.83236211624Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication->render( )...\CMSApplication.php:311
50.83246211744Joomla\CMS\Application\CMSApplication->render( )...\SiteApplication.php:732
61.26977519416Joomla\Application\AbstractApplication->dispatchEvent( $eventName = 'onAfterRender', $event = class Joomla\CMS\Event\Application\AfterRenderEvent { protected $name = 'onAfterRender'; protected $arguments = ['subject' => class Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication { ... }]; protected $stopped = FALSE; private ${Joomla\CMS\Event\AbstractImmutableEvent}constructed = TRUE } )...\CMSApplication.php:1079
71.26977519416Joomla\Event\Dispatcher->dispatch( $name = 'onAfterRender', $event = class Joomla\CMS\Event\Application\AfterRenderEvent { protected $name = 'onAfterRender'; protected $arguments = ['subject' => class Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication { ... }]; protected $stopped = FALSE; private ${Joomla\CMS\Event\AbstractImmutableEvent}constructed = TRUE } )...\AbstractApplication.php:99
81.27387516464Joomla\CMS\Plugin\CMSPlugin->Joomla\CMS\Plugin\{closure:C:\wamp64\www\xanthi\libraries\src\plugin\CMSPlugin.php:273-303}( $event = class Joomla\CMS\Event\Application\AfterRenderEvent { protected $name = 'onAfterRender'; protected $arguments = ['subject' => class Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication { ... }]; protected $stopped = FALSE; private ${Joomla\CMS\Event\AbstractImmutableEvent}constructed = TRUE } )...\Dispatcher.php:454
91.27387516808PlgSystemAutotweetAutomator->onAfterRender( class Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication { protected $config = class Joomla\Registry\Registry { protected $data = class stdClass { ... }; protected $initialized = TRUE; protected $separator = '.' }; protected ?Psr\Log\LoggerInterface $logger = class Joomla\CMS\Log\DelegatingPsrLogger { protected $logger = class Joomla\CMS\Log\Log { ... }; protected $priorityMap = [...] }; private ${Joomla\Application\AbstractApplication}dispatcher = class Joomla\Event\Dispatcher { protected $events = [...]; protected $listeners = [...] }; protected $input = class Joomla\CMS\Input\Input { protected $options = [...]; protected $filter = class Joomla\Filter\InputFilter { ... }; protected $data = [...]; protected $inputs = [...] }; public $charSet = 'utf-8'; public $mimeType = 'text/html'; public $httpVersion = '1.1'; public $modifiedDate = NULL; public $client = class Joomla\Application\Web\WebClient { protected $platform = NULL; protected $mobile = FALSE; protected $engine = NULL; protected $browser = NULL; protected $browserVersion = NULL; protected $languages = [...]; protected $encodings = [...]; protected $userAgent = 'Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko; compatible; ClaudeBot/1.0; +claudebot@anthropic.com)'; protected $acceptEncoding = NULL; protected $acceptLanguage = NULL; protected $robot = TRUE; protected $detection = [...]; protected $headers = NULL }; protected $response = class Laminas\Diactoros\Response { private array $phrases = [...]; private string $reasonPhrase = 'OK'; private int $statusCode = 200; protected $headers = [...]; protected $headerNames = [...]; private $protocol = '1.1'; private $stream = class Laminas\Diactoros\Stream { ... } }; private ${Joomla\Application\AbstractWebApplication}cacheable = FALSE; private ${Joomla\Application\AbstractWebApplication}responseMap = [100 => 'HTTP/{version} 100 Continue', 101 => 'HTTP/{version} 101 Switching Protocols', 102 => 'HTTP/{version} 102 Processing', 200 => 'HTTP/{version} 200 OK', 201 => 'HTTP/{version} 201 Created', 202 => 'HTTP/{version} 202 Accepted', 203 => 'HTTP/{version} 203 Non-Authoritative Information', 204 => 'HTTP/{version} 204 No Content', 205 => 'HTTP/{version} 205 Reset Content', 206 => 'HTTP/{version} 206 Partial Content', 207 => 'HTTP/{version} 207 Multi-Status', 208 => 'HTTP/{version} 208 Already Reported', 226 => 'HTTP/{version} 226 IM Used', 300 => 'HTTP/{version} 300 Multiple Choices', 301 => 'HTTP/{version} 301 Moved Permanently', 302 => 'HTTP/{version} 302 Found', 303 => 'HTTP/{version} 303 See other', 304 => 'HTTP/{version} 304 Not Modified', 305 => 'HTTP/{version} 305 Use Proxy', 306 => 'HTTP/{version} 306 (Unused)', 307 => 'HTTP/{version} 307 Temporary Redirect', 308 => 'HTTP/{version} 308 Permanent Redirect', 400 => 'HTTP/{version} 400 Bad Request', 401 => 'HTTP/{version} 401 Unauthorized', 402 => 'HTTP/{version} 402 Payment Required', 403 => 'HTTP/{version} 403 Forbidden', 404 => 'HTTP/{version} 404 Not Found', 405 => 'HTTP/{version} 405 Method Not Allowed', 406 => 'HTTP/{version} 406 Not Acceptable', 407 => 'HTTP/{version} 407 Proxy Authentication Required', 408 => 'HTTP/{version} 408 Request Timeout', 409 => 'HTTP/{version} 409 Conflict', 410 => 'HTTP/{version} 410 Gone', 411 => 'HTTP/{version} 411 Length Required', 412 => 'HTTP/{version} 412 Precondition Failed', 413 => 'HTTP/{version} 413 Payload Too Large', 414 => 'HTTP/{version} 414 URI Too Long', 415 => 'HTTP/{version} 415 Unsupported Media Type', 416 => 'HTTP/{version} 416 Range Not Satisfiable', 417 => 'HTTP/{version} 417 Expectation Failed', 418 => 'HTTP/{version} 418 I\'m a teapot', 421 => 'HTTP/{version} 421 Misdirected Request', 422 => 'HTTP/{version} 422 Unprocessable Entity', 423 => 'HTTP/{version} 423 Locked', 424 => 'HTTP/{version} 424 Failed Dependency', 426 => 'HTTP/{version} 426 Upgrade Required', 428 => 'HTTP/{version} 428 Precondition Required', 429 => 'HTTP/{version} 429 Too Many Requests', 431 => 'HTTP/{version} 431 Request Header Fields Too Large', 451 => 'HTTP/{version} 451 Unavailable For Legal Reasons', 500 => 'HTTP/{version} 500 Internal Server Error', 501 => 'HTTP/{version} 501 Not Implemented', 502 => 'HTTP/{version} 502 Bad Gateway', 503 => 'HTTP/{version} 503 Service Unavailable', 504 => 'HTTP/{version} 504 Gateway Timeout', 505 => 'HTTP/{version} 505 HTTP Version Not Supported', 506 => 'HTTP/{version} 506 Variant Also Negotiates', 507 => 'HTTP/{version} 507 Insufficient Storage', 508 => 'HTTP/{version} 508 Loop Detected', 510 => 'HTTP/{version} 510 Not Extended', 511 => 'HTTP/{version} 511 Network Authentication Required']; public $JComponentTitle = NULL; public $item_associations = NULL; protected $document = class Joomla\CMS\Document\HtmlDocument { public $title = 'Όλα τα νέα από τον Δήμο Ξάνθης - Δήμος Ξάνθης'; public $description = 'Όλα τα νέα του Δήμου Ξάνθης: Δελτία Τύπου και Ανακοινώσεις, προκηρύξεις, διαγωνισμοί κ.α.'; public $link = ''; public $base = ''; public $language = 'el-gr'; public $direction = 'ltr'; public $_generator = 'City of Xanthi'; public $_mdate = ''; public $_tab = '\t'; public $_lineEnd = '\n'; public $_charset = 'utf-8'; public $_mime = 'text/html'; public $_namespace = ''; public $_profile = ''; public $_scripts = [...]; public $_script = [...]; protected $scriptOptions = [...]; public $_styleSheets = [...]; public $_style = [...]; public $_metaTags = [...]; public $_engine = NULL; public $_type = 'html'; protected $mediaVersion = '684516'; protected $factory = class Joomla\CMS\Document\Factory { ... }; protected $preloadManager = class Joomla\CMS\Document\PreloadManager { ... }; protected $preloadTypes = [...]; protected $webAssetManager = class Joomla\CMS\WebAsset\WebAssetManager { ... }; public $_links = [...]; public $_custom = [...]; public $template = 'purity_iii'; public $baseurl = ''; public $params = class Joomla\Registry\Registry { ... }; public $_file = 'C:\\wamp64\\www\\xanthi\\templates/purity_iii/index.php'; public $cspNonce = NULL; protected $_template = '<jdoc:include type="megamenurender" name="mainmenu-gr" />\n<!DOCTYPE html>\n<html lang="el-gr" dir="ltr"\n\t class=\'<jdoc:include type="pageclass" /> \'>\n\n<head>\n\t<jdoc:include type="head" />\n\t\r\n<!-- META FOR IOS & HANDHELD -->\r\n\t<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=yes"/>\r\n\t<style type="text/stylesheet">\r\n\t\t@-webkit-viewport { width: device-width; }\r\n\t\t@-moz-viewport { width: device-width; }\r\n\t\t@-ms-viewport { width: device-width; }'...; protected $_template_tags = [...]; protected $_caching = TRUE; private $html5 = TRUE; private $toolbars = [...]; private $cacheControllerFactory = class Joomla\CMS\Cache\CacheControllerFactory { ... } }; protected $language = class Joomla\CMS\Language\Language { protected $debug = FALSE; protected $default = 'en-GB'; protected $orphans = [...]; protected $metadata = [...]; protected $locale = NULL; protected $lang = 'el-GR'; protected $paths = [...]; protected $errorfiles = [...]; protected $used = [...]; protected $counter = 145; protected $override = [...]; protected $localise = NULL; protected $helper = NULL; protected $basePath = NULL; protected $catalogue = NULL; protected $parserRegistry = NULL; protected $strings = [...]; protected $transliterator = [...]; protected $pluralSuffixesCallback = [...]; protected $ignoredSearchWordsCallback = [...]; protected $lowerLimitSearchWordCallback = [...]; protected $upperLimitSearchWordCallback = [...]; protected $searchDisplayedCharactersNumberCallback = [...] }; protected $identity = class Joomla\CMS\User\User { protected $isRoot = FALSE; public $id = 0; public $name = NULL; public $username = NULL; public $email = NULL; public $password = NULL; public $password_clear = ''; public $block = NULL; public $sendEmail = 0; public $registerDate = NULL; public $lastvisitDate = NULL; public $activation = NULL; public $params = NULL; public $groups = [...]; public $guest = 1; public $lastResetTime = NULL; public $resetCount = NULL; public $requireReset = NULL; public $typeAlias = NULL; public $otpKey = NULL; public $otep = NULL; public $authProvider = NULL; protected $_params = class Joomla\Registry\Registry { ... }; protected $_authGroups = [...]; protected $_authLevels = [...]; protected $_authActions = NULL; protected $_errorMsg = NULL; protected $_errors = [...] }; private ${Joomla\CMS\Application\WebApplication}userFactory = class Joomla\CMS\User\UserFactory { private $db = class Joomla\Database\Mysqli\MysqliDriver { ... } }; protected $docOptions = ['template' => 'purity_iii', 'file' => 'index.php', 'params' => class Joomla\Registry\Registry { ... }, 'csp_nonce' => NULL, 'templateInherits' => NULL, 'directory' => 'C:\\wamp64\\www\\xanthi\\templates']; public $scope = NULL; protected $clientId = 0; protected $messageQueue = []; protected $name = 'site'; protected $profiler = NULL; protected $template = class stdClass { public $id = 14; public $home = 'el-GR'; public $template = 'purity_iii'; public $params = class Joomla\Registry\Registry { ... }; public $inheritable = 0; public $parent = '' }; protected $pathway = class Joomla\CMS\Pathway\SitePathway { protected $pathway = [...]; protected $count = 2 }; protected $authenticationPluginType = 'authentication'; protected $menus = ['site' => class Joomla\CMS\Menu\SiteMenu { ... }]; private ${Joomla\CMS\Application\CMSApplication}menuFactory = class Joomla\CMS\Menu\MenuFactory { private $cacheControllerFactory = class Joomla\CMS\Cache\CacheControllerFactory { ... }; private $databaseAwareTraitDatabase = class Joomla\Database\Mysqli\MysqliDriver { ... } }; private ${Joomla\CMS\Application\CMSApplication}container = class Joomla\DI\Container { protected $aliases = [...]; protected $resources = [...]; protected $parent = NULL; protected $tags = [...] }; protected $session = class Joomla\CMS\Session\Session { protected $state = 'active'; protected $expire = 1800; protected $store = class Joomla\CMS\Session\Storage\JoomlaStorage { ... }; protected $sessionValidators = [...]; private ${Joomla\Session\Session}dispatcher = class Joomla\Event\Dispatcher { ... } }; protected $language_filter = TRUE; protected $detect_browser = FALSE; public $registeredurlparams = class stdClass { public $catid = 'INT'; public $id = 'INT'; public $cid = 'ARRAY'; public $year = 'INT'; public $month = 'INT'; public $limit = 'UINT'; public $limitstart = 'UINT'; public $showall = 'INT'; public $return = 'BASE64'; public $filter = 'STRING'; public $filter_order = 'CMD'; public $filter_order_Dir = 'CMD'; public $filter-search = 'STRING'; public $print = 'BOOLEAN'; public $lang = 'CMD'; public $Itemid = 'INT'; public $format = 'WORD'; public $option = 'WORD'; public $view = 'WORD'; public $layout = 'WORD'; public $tpl = 'CMD' }; private $cacheControllerFactory = class Joomla\CMS\Cache\CacheControllerFactory { } } )...\CMSPlugin.php:289
101.27557534120PlgSystemAutotweetAutomator->_onAfterRender( )...\autotweetautomator.php:105
111.27947607088AutotweetModelAutomators->lastRunCheck( $plugin = 'automator', $interval = 180, $next = ??? )...\autotweetautomator.php:134
121.27947607088AutotweetModelAutomators->lastRun( $plugin = 'automator' )...\automators.php:33
131.88517799480XTF0FModel->getItem( $id = 1 )...\automators.php:92
141.88527799696XTF0FTable->load( $keys = 1, $reset = ??? )...\model.php:1061
152.07837800496XTF0FTable->bind( $src = ['id' => 1, 'plugin' => 'automator', 'lastexec' => '2024-04-30 07:56:59'], $ignore = ??? )...\table.php:867
162.07837800528XTF0FTable->onBeforeBind( $from = ['id' => 1, 'plugin' => 'automator', 'lastexec' => '2024-04-30 07:56:59'] )...\table.php:1096
172.07837800776XTF0FUtilsObservableDispatcher->trigger( $event = 'onBeforeBind', $args = [0 => class AutotweetTableAutomator { protected $_errors = [...]; protected $config = [...]; protected $_tbl = '#__autotweet_automator'; protected $_tbl_key = 'id'; protected $_db = class XTF0FDatabaseDriverJoomla { ... }; protected $_trackAssets = FALSE; protected $_has_tags = FALSE; protected $_rules = NULL; protected $_locked = FALSE; protected $_trigger_events = FALSE; protected $_tableAlias = ''; protected $_columnAlias = [...]; protected $_autoChecks = FALSE; protected $_skipChecks = [...]; protected $_tableExists = TRUE; protected $_assetKey = 'com_autotweet.automator'; protected $input = class Joomla\Input\Input { ... }; protected $_queryJoin = NULL; protected $_tablePrefix = 'AutotweetTable'; protected $knownFields = [...]; protected $configProvider = class XTF0FConfigProvider { ... }; protected $tableDispatcher = class XTF0FTableDispatcherBehavior { ... }; protected $default_behaviors = [...]; protected $_relations = NULL; protected $_configProviderKey = 'com_foobar.tables.automator'; protected $contentType = NULL; public $id = 1; public $plugin = NULL; public $lastexec = NULL }, 1 => ['id' => 1, 'plugin' => 'automator', 'lastexec' => '2024-04-30 07:56:59']] )...\table.php:2743
182.07837801224XTF0FUtilsObservableEvent->update( $args = [0 => class AutotweetTableAutomator { protected $_errors = [...]; protected $config = [...]; protected $_tbl = '#__autotweet_automator'; protected $_tbl_key = 'id'; protected $_db = class XTF0FDatabaseDriverJoomla { ... }; protected $_trackAssets = FALSE; protected $_has_tags = FALSE; protected $_rules = NULL; protected $_locked = FALSE; protected $_trigger_events = FALSE; protected $_tableAlias = ''; protected $_columnAlias = [...]; protected $_autoChecks = FALSE; protected $_skipChecks = [...]; protected $_tableExists = TRUE; protected $_assetKey = 'com_autotweet.automator'; protected $input = class Joomla\Input\Input { ... }; protected $_queryJoin = NULL; protected $_tablePrefix = 'AutotweetTable'; protected $knownFields = [...]; protected $configProvider = class XTF0FConfigProvider { ... }; protected $tableDispatcher = class XTF0FTableDispatcherBehavior { ... }; protected $default_behaviors = [...]; protected $_relations = NULL; protected $_configProviderKey = 'com_foobar.tables.automator'; protected $contentType = NULL; public $id = 1; public $plugin = NULL; public $lastexec = NULL }, 1 => ['id' => 1, 'plugin' => 'automator', 'lastexec' => '2024-04-30 07:56:59']] )...\dispatcher.php:139

( ! ) Warning: XTF0FTableBehavior::onBeforeBind(): Argument #1 ($table) must be passed by reference, value given in C:\wamp64\www\xanthi\libraries\autotweet\vendor\extly\xt-fof254\src\utils\observable\event.php on line 67
Call Stack
10.0001461376{main}( )...\index.php:0
20.0001462032require_once( 'C:\wamp64\www\xanthi\includes\app.php )...\index.php:32
30.0046808040Joomla\CMS\Application\CMSApplication->execute( )...\app.php:58
40.83236211624Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication->render( )...\CMSApplication.php:311
50.83246211744Joomla\CMS\Application\CMSApplication->render( )...\SiteApplication.php:732
61.26977519416Joomla\Application\AbstractApplication->dispatchEvent( $eventName = 'onAfterRender', $event = class Joomla\CMS\Event\Application\AfterRenderEvent { protected $name = 'onAfterRender'; protected $arguments = ['subject' => class Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication { ... }]; protected $stopped = FALSE; private ${Joomla\CMS\Event\AbstractImmutableEvent}constructed = TRUE } )...\CMSApplication.php:1079
71.26977519416Joomla\Event\Dispatcher->dispatch( $name = 'onAfterRender', $event = class Joomla\CMS\Event\Application\AfterRenderEvent { protected $name = 'onAfterRender'; protected $arguments = ['subject' => class Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication { ... }]; protected $stopped = FALSE; private ${Joomla\CMS\Event\AbstractImmutableEvent}constructed = TRUE } )...\AbstractApplication.php:99
81.27387516464Joomla\CMS\Plugin\CMSPlugin->Joomla\CMS\Plugin\{closure:C:\wamp64\www\xanthi\libraries\src\plugin\CMSPlugin.php:273-303}( $event = class Joomla\CMS\Event\Application\AfterRenderEvent { protected $name = 'onAfterRender'; protected $arguments = ['subject' => class Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication { ... }]; protected $stopped = FALSE; private ${Joomla\CMS\Event\AbstractImmutableEvent}constructed = TRUE } )...\Dispatcher.php:454
91.27387516808PlgSystemAutotweetAutomator->onAfterRender( class Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication { protected $config = class Joomla\Registry\Registry { protected $data = class stdClass { ... }; protected $initialized = TRUE; protected $separator = '.' }; protected ?Psr\Log\LoggerInterface $logger = class Joomla\CMS\Log\DelegatingPsrLogger { protected $logger = class Joomla\CMS\Log\Log { ... }; protected $priorityMap = [...] }; private ${Joomla\Application\AbstractApplication}dispatcher = class Joomla\Event\Dispatcher { protected $events = [...]; protected $listeners = [...] }; protected $input = class Joomla\CMS\Input\Input { protected $options = [...]; protected $filter = class Joomla\Filter\InputFilter { ... }; protected $data = [...]; protected $inputs = [...] }; public $charSet = 'utf-8'; public $mimeType = 'text/html'; public $httpVersion = '1.1'; public $modifiedDate = NULL; public $client = class Joomla\Application\Web\WebClient { protected $platform = NULL; protected $mobile = FALSE; protected $engine = NULL; protected $browser = NULL; protected $browserVersion = NULL; protected $languages = [...]; protected $encodings = [...]; protected $userAgent = 'Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko; compatible; ClaudeBot/1.0; +claudebot@anthropic.com)'; protected $acceptEncoding = NULL; protected $acceptLanguage = NULL; protected $robot = TRUE; protected $detection = [...]; protected $headers = NULL }; protected $response = class Laminas\Diactoros\Response { private array $phrases = [...]; private string $reasonPhrase = 'OK'; private int $statusCode = 200; protected $headers = [...]; protected $headerNames = [...]; private $protocol = '1.1'; private $stream = class Laminas\Diactoros\Stream { ... } }; private ${Joomla\Application\AbstractWebApplication}cacheable = FALSE; private ${Joomla\Application\AbstractWebApplication}responseMap = [100 => 'HTTP/{version} 100 Continue', 101 => 'HTTP/{version} 101 Switching Protocols', 102 => 'HTTP/{version} 102 Processing', 200 => 'HTTP/{version} 200 OK', 201 => 'HTTP/{version} 201 Created', 202 => 'HTTP/{version} 202 Accepted', 203 => 'HTTP/{version} 203 Non-Authoritative Information', 204 => 'HTTP/{version} 204 No Content', 205 => 'HTTP/{version} 205 Reset Content', 206 => 'HTTP/{version} 206 Partial Content', 207 => 'HTTP/{version} 207 Multi-Status', 208 => 'HTTP/{version} 208 Already Reported', 226 => 'HTTP/{version} 226 IM Used', 300 => 'HTTP/{version} 300 Multiple Choices', 301 => 'HTTP/{version} 301 Moved Permanently', 302 => 'HTTP/{version} 302 Found', 303 => 'HTTP/{version} 303 See other', 304 => 'HTTP/{version} 304 Not Modified', 305 => 'HTTP/{version} 305 Use Proxy', 306 => 'HTTP/{version} 306 (Unused)', 307 => 'HTTP/{version} 307 Temporary Redirect', 308 => 'HTTP/{version} 308 Permanent Redirect', 400 => 'HTTP/{version} 400 Bad Request', 401 => 'HTTP/{version} 401 Unauthorized', 402 => 'HTTP/{version} 402 Payment Required', 403 => 'HTTP/{version} 403 Forbidden', 404 => 'HTTP/{version} 404 Not Found', 405 => 'HTTP/{version} 405 Method Not Allowed', 406 => 'HTTP/{version} 406 Not Acceptable', 407 => 'HTTP/{version} 407 Proxy Authentication Required', 408 => 'HTTP/{version} 408 Request Timeout', 409 => 'HTTP/{version} 409 Conflict', 410 => 'HTTP/{version} 410 Gone', 411 => 'HTTP/{version} 411 Length Required', 412 => 'HTTP/{version} 412 Precondition Failed', 413 => 'HTTP/{version} 413 Payload Too Large', 414 => 'HTTP/{version} 414 URI Too Long', 415 => 'HTTP/{version} 415 Unsupported Media Type', 416 => 'HTTP/{version} 416 Range Not Satisfiable', 417 => 'HTTP/{version} 417 Expectation Failed', 418 => 'HTTP/{version} 418 I\'m a teapot', 421 => 'HTTP/{version} 421 Misdirected Request', 422 => 'HTTP/{version} 422 Unprocessable Entity', 423 => 'HTTP/{version} 423 Locked', 424 => 'HTTP/{version} 424 Failed Dependency', 426 => 'HTTP/{version} 426 Upgrade Required', 428 => 'HTTP/{version} 428 Precondition Required', 429 => 'HTTP/{version} 429 Too Many Requests', 431 => 'HTTP/{version} 431 Request Header Fields Too Large', 451 => 'HTTP/{version} 451 Unavailable For Legal Reasons', 500 => 'HTTP/{version} 500 Internal Server Error', 501 => 'HTTP/{version} 501 Not Implemented', 502 => 'HTTP/{version} 502 Bad Gateway', 503 => 'HTTP/{version} 503 Service Unavailable', 504 => 'HTTP/{version} 504 Gateway Timeout', 505 => 'HTTP/{version} 505 HTTP Version Not Supported', 506 => 'HTTP/{version} 506 Variant Also Negotiates', 507 => 'HTTP/{version} 507 Insufficient Storage', 508 => 'HTTP/{version} 508 Loop Detected', 510 => 'HTTP/{version} 510 Not Extended', 511 => 'HTTP/{version} 511 Network Authentication Required']; public $JComponentTitle = NULL; public $item_associations = NULL; protected $document = class Joomla\CMS\Document\HtmlDocument { public $title = 'Όλα τα νέα από τον Δήμο Ξάνθης - Δήμος Ξάνθης'; public $description = 'Όλα τα νέα του Δήμου Ξάνθης: Δελτία Τύπου και Ανακοινώσεις, προκηρύξεις, διαγωνισμοί κ.α.'; public $link = ''; public $base = ''; public $language = 'el-gr'; public $direction = 'ltr'; public $_generator = 'City of Xanthi'; public $_mdate = ''; public $_tab = '\t'; public $_lineEnd = '\n'; public $_charset = 'utf-8'; public $_mime = 'text/html'; public $_namespace = ''; public $_profile = ''; public $_scripts = [...]; public $_script = [...]; protected $scriptOptions = [...]; public $_styleSheets = [...]; public $_style = [...]; public $_metaTags = [...]; public $_engine = NULL; public $_type = 'html'; protected $mediaVersion = '684516'; protected $factory = class Joomla\CMS\Document\Factory { ... }; protected $preloadManager = class Joomla\CMS\Document\PreloadManager { ... }; protected $preloadTypes = [...]; protected $webAssetManager = class Joomla\CMS\WebAsset\WebAssetManager { ... }; public $_links = [...]; public $_custom = [...]; public $template = 'purity_iii'; public $baseurl = ''; public $params = class Joomla\Registry\Registry { ... }; public $_file = 'C:\\wamp64\\www\\xanthi\\templates/purity_iii/index.php'; public $cspNonce = NULL; protected $_template = '<jdoc:include type="megamenurender" name="mainmenu-gr" />\n<!DOCTYPE html>\n<html lang="el-gr" dir="ltr"\n\t class=\'<jdoc:include type="pageclass" /> \'>\n\n<head>\n\t<jdoc:include type="head" />\n\t\r\n<!-- META FOR IOS & HANDHELD -->\r\n\t<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=yes"/>\r\n\t<style type="text/stylesheet">\r\n\t\t@-webkit-viewport { width: device-width; }\r\n\t\t@-moz-viewport { width: device-width; }\r\n\t\t@-ms-viewport { width: device-width; }'...; protected $_template_tags = [...]; protected $_caching = TRUE; private $html5 = TRUE; private $toolbars = [...]; private $cacheControllerFactory = class Joomla\CMS\Cache\CacheControllerFactory { ... } }; protected $language = class Joomla\CMS\Language\Language { protected $debug = FALSE; protected $default = 'en-GB'; protected $orphans = [...]; protected $metadata = [...]; protected $locale = NULL; protected $lang = 'el-GR'; protected $paths = [...]; protected $errorfiles = [...]; protected $used = [...]; protected $counter = 145; protected $override = [...]; protected $localise = NULL; protected $helper = NULL; protected $basePath = NULL; protected $catalogue = NULL; protected $parserRegistry = NULL; protected $strings = [...]; protected $transliterator = [...]; protected $pluralSuffixesCallback = [...]; protected $ignoredSearchWordsCallback = [...]; protected $lowerLimitSearchWordCallback = [...]; protected $upperLimitSearchWordCallback = [...]; protected $searchDisplayedCharactersNumberCallback = [...] }; protected $identity = class Joomla\CMS\User\User { protected $isRoot = FALSE; public $id = 0; public $name = NULL; public $username = NULL; public $email = NULL; public $password = NULL; public $password_clear = ''; public $block = NULL; public $sendEmail = 0; public $registerDate = NULL; public $lastvisitDate = NULL; public $activation = NULL; public $params = NULL; public $groups = [...]; public $guest = 1; public $lastResetTime = NULL; public $resetCount = NULL; public $requireReset = NULL; public $typeAlias = NULL; public $otpKey = NULL; public $otep = NULL; public $authProvider = NULL; protected $_params = class Joomla\Registry\Registry { ... }; protected $_authGroups = [...]; protected $_authLevels = [...]; protected $_authActions = NULL; protected $_errorMsg = NULL; protected $_errors = [...] }; private ${Joomla\CMS\Application\WebApplication}userFactory = class Joomla\CMS\User\UserFactory { private $db = class Joomla\Database\Mysqli\MysqliDriver { ... } }; protected $docOptions = ['template' => 'purity_iii', 'file' => 'index.php', 'params' => class Joomla\Registry\Registry { ... }, 'csp_nonce' => NULL, 'templateInherits' => NULL, 'directory' => 'C:\\wamp64\\www\\xanthi\\templates']; public $scope = NULL; protected $clientId = 0; protected $messageQueue = []; protected $name = 'site'; protected $profiler = NULL; protected $template = class stdClass { public $id = 14; public $home = 'el-GR'; public $template = 'purity_iii'; public $params = class Joomla\Registry\Registry { ... }; public $inheritable = 0; public $parent = '' }; protected $pathway = class Joomla\CMS\Pathway\SitePathway { protected $pathway = [...]; protected $count = 2 }; protected $authenticationPluginType = 'authentication'; protected $menus = ['site' => class Joomla\CMS\Menu\SiteMenu { ... }]; private ${Joomla\CMS\Application\CMSApplication}menuFactory = class Joomla\CMS\Menu\MenuFactory { private $cacheControllerFactory = class Joomla\CMS\Cache\CacheControllerFactory { ... }; private $databaseAwareTraitDatabase = class Joomla\Database\Mysqli\MysqliDriver { ... } }; private ${Joomla\CMS\Application\CMSApplication}container = class Joomla\DI\Container { protected $aliases = [...]; protected $resources = [...]; protected $parent = NULL; protected $tags = [...] }; protected $session = class Joomla\CMS\Session\Session { protected $state = 'active'; protected $expire = 1800; protected $store = class Joomla\CMS\Session\Storage\JoomlaStorage { ... }; protected $sessionValidators = [...]; private ${Joomla\Session\Session}dispatcher = class Joomla\Event\Dispatcher { ... } }; protected $language_filter = TRUE; protected $detect_browser = FALSE; public $registeredurlparams = class stdClass { public $catid = 'INT'; public $id = 'INT'; public $cid = 'ARRAY'; public $year = 'INT'; public $month = 'INT'; public $limit = 'UINT'; public $limitstart = 'UINT'; public $showall = 'INT'; public $return = 'BASE64'; public $filter = 'STRING'; public $filter_order = 'CMD'; public $filter_order_Dir = 'CMD'; public $filter-search = 'STRING'; public $print = 'BOOLEAN'; public $lang = 'CMD'; public $Itemid = 'INT'; public $format = 'WORD'; public $option = 'WORD'; public $view = 'WORD'; public $layout = 'WORD'; public $tpl = 'CMD' }; private $cacheControllerFactory = class Joomla\CMS\Cache\CacheControllerFactory { } } )...\CMSPlugin.php:289
101.27557534120PlgSystemAutotweetAutomator->_onAfterRender( )...\autotweetautomator.php:105
111.27947607088AutotweetModelAutomators->lastRunCheck( $plugin = 'automator', $interval = 180, $next = ??? )...\autotweetautomator.php:134
121.27947607088AutotweetModelAutomators->lastRun( $plugin = 'automator' )...\automators.php:33
131.88517799480XTF0FModel->getItem( $id = 1 )...\automators.php:92
141.88527799696XTF0FTable->load( $keys = 1, $reset = ??? )...\model.php:1061
152.07837800496XTF0FTable->bind( $src = ['id' => 1, 'plugin' => 'automator', 'lastexec' => '2024-04-30 07:56:59'], $ignore = ??? )...\table.php:867
162.07837800528XTF0FTable->onBeforeBind( $from = ['id' => 1, 'plugin' => 'automator', 'lastexec' => '2024-04-30 07:56:59'] )...\table.php:1096
172.07837800776XTF0FUtilsObservableDispatcher->trigger( $event = 'onBeforeBind', $args = [0 => class AutotweetTableAutomator { protected $_errors = [...]; protected $config = [...]; protected $_tbl = '#__autotweet_automator'; protected $_tbl_key = 'id'; protected $_db = class XTF0FDatabaseDriverJoomla { ... }; protected $_trackAssets = FALSE; protected $_has_tags = FALSE; protected $_rules = NULL; protected $_locked = FALSE; protected $_trigger_events = FALSE; protected $_tableAlias = ''; protected $_columnAlias = [...]; protected $_autoChecks = FALSE; protected $_skipChecks = [...]; protected $_tableExists = TRUE; protected $_assetKey = 'com_autotweet.automator'; protected $input = class Joomla\Input\Input { ... }; protected $_queryJoin = NULL; protected $_tablePrefix = 'AutotweetTable'; protected $knownFields = [...]; protected $configProvider = class XTF0FConfigProvider { ... }; protected $tableDispatcher = class XTF0FTableDispatcherBehavior { ... }; protected $default_behaviors = [...]; protected $_relations = NULL; protected $_configProviderKey = 'com_foobar.tables.automator'; protected $contentType = NULL; public $id = 1; public $plugin = NULL; public $lastexec = NULL }, 1 => ['id' => 1, 'plugin' => 'automator', 'lastexec' => '2024-04-30 07:56:59']] )...\table.php:2743
182.08107801376XTF0FUtilsObservableEvent->update( $args = [0 => class AutotweetTableAutomator { protected $_errors = [...]; protected $config = [...]; protected $_tbl = '#__autotweet_automator'; protected $_tbl_key = 'id'; protected $_db = class XTF0FDatabaseDriverJoomla { ... }; protected $_trackAssets = FALSE; protected $_has_tags = FALSE; protected $_rules = NULL; protected $_locked = FALSE; protected $_trigger_events = FALSE; protected $_tableAlias = ''; protected $_columnAlias = [...]; protected $_autoChecks = FALSE; protected $_skipChecks = [...]; protected $_tableExists = TRUE; protected $_assetKey = 'com_autotweet.automator'; protected $input = class Joomla\Input\Input { ... }; protected $_queryJoin = NULL; protected $_tablePrefix = 'AutotweetTable'; protected $knownFields = [...]; protected $configProvider = class XTF0FConfigProvider { ... }; protected $tableDispatcher = class XTF0FTableDispatcherBehavior { ... }; protected $default_behaviors = [...]; protected $_relations = NULL; protected $_configProviderKey = 'com_foobar.tables.automator'; protected $contentType = NULL; public $id = 1; public $plugin = NULL; public $lastexec = NULL }, 1 => ['id' => 1, 'plugin' => 'automator', 'lastexec' => '2024-04-30 07:56:59']] )...\dispatcher.php:139

( ! ) Warning: XTF0FTableBehaviorTags::onAfterBind(): Argument #1 ($table) must be passed by reference, value given in C:\wamp64\www\xanthi\libraries\autotweet\vendor\extly\xt-fof254\src\utils\observable\event.php on line 67
Call Stack
10.0001461376{main}( )...\index.php:0
20.0001462032require_once( 'C:\wamp64\www\xanthi\includes\app.php )...\index.php:32
30.0046808040Joomla\CMS\Application\CMSApplication->execute( )...\app.php:58
40.83236211624Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication->render( )...\CMSApplication.php:311
50.83246211744Joomla\CMS\Application\CMSApplication->render( )...\SiteApplication.php:732
61.26977519416Joomla\Application\AbstractApplication->dispatchEvent( $eventName = 'onAfterRender', $event = class Joomla\CMS\Event\Application\AfterRenderEvent { protected $name = 'onAfterRender'; protected $arguments = ['subject' => class Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication { ... }]; protected $stopped = FALSE; private ${Joomla\CMS\Event\AbstractImmutableEvent}constructed = TRUE } )...\CMSApplication.php:1079
71.26977519416Joomla\Event\Dispatcher->dispatch( $name = 'onAfterRender', $event = class Joomla\CMS\Event\Application\AfterRenderEvent { protected $name = 'onAfterRender'; protected $arguments = ['subject' => class Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication { ... }]; protected $stopped = FALSE; private ${Joomla\CMS\Event\AbstractImmutableEvent}constructed = TRUE } )...\AbstractApplication.php:99
81.27387516464Joomla\CMS\Plugin\CMSPlugin->Joomla\CMS\Plugin\{closure:C:\wamp64\www\xanthi\libraries\src\plugin\CMSPlugin.php:273-303}( $event = class Joomla\CMS\Event\Application\AfterRenderEvent { protected $name = 'onAfterRender'; protected $arguments = ['subject' => class Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication { ... }]; protected $stopped = FALSE; private ${Joomla\CMS\Event\AbstractImmutableEvent}constructed = TRUE } )...\Dispatcher.php:454
91.27387516808PlgSystemAutotweetAutomator->onAfterRender( class Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication { protected $config = class Joomla\Registry\Registry { protected $data = class stdClass { ... }; protected $initialized = TRUE; protected $separator = '.' }; protected ?Psr\Log\LoggerInterface $logger = class Joomla\CMS\Log\DelegatingPsrLogger { protected $logger = class Joomla\CMS\Log\Log { ... }; protected $priorityMap = [...] }; private ${Joomla\Application\AbstractApplication}dispatcher = class Joomla\Event\Dispatcher { protected $events = [...]; protected $listeners = [...] }; protected $input = class Joomla\CMS\Input\Input { protected $options = [...]; protected $filter = class Joomla\Filter\InputFilter { ... }; protected $data = [...]; protected $inputs = [...] }; public $charSet = 'utf-8'; public $mimeType = 'text/html'; public $httpVersion = '1.1'; public $modifiedDate = NULL; public $client = class Joomla\Application\Web\WebClient { protected $platform = NULL; protected $mobile = FALSE; protected $engine = NULL; protected $browser = NULL; protected $browserVersion = NULL; protected $languages = [...]; protected $encodings = [...]; protected $userAgent = 'Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko; compatible; ClaudeBot/1.0; +claudebot@anthropic.com)'; protected $acceptEncoding = NULL; protected $acceptLanguage = NULL; protected $robot = TRUE; protected $detection = [...]; protected $headers = NULL }; protected $response = class Laminas\Diactoros\Response { private array $phrases = [...]; private string $reasonPhrase = 'OK'; private int $statusCode = 200; protected $headers = [...]; protected $headerNames = [...]; private $protocol = '1.1'; private $stream = class Laminas\Diactoros\Stream { ... } }; private ${Joomla\Application\AbstractWebApplication}cacheable = FALSE; private ${Joomla\Application\AbstractWebApplication}responseMap = [100 => 'HTTP/{version} 100 Continue', 101 => 'HTTP/{version} 101 Switching Protocols', 102 => 'HTTP/{version} 102 Processing', 200 => 'HTTP/{version} 200 OK', 201 => 'HTTP/{version} 201 Created', 202 => 'HTTP/{version} 202 Accepted', 203 => 'HTTP/{version} 203 Non-Authoritative Information', 204 => 'HTTP/{version} 204 No Content', 205 => 'HTTP/{version} 205 Reset Content', 206 => 'HTTP/{version} 206 Partial Content', 207 => 'HTTP/{version} 207 Multi-Status', 208 => 'HTTP/{version} 208 Already Reported', 226 => 'HTTP/{version} 226 IM Used', 300 => 'HTTP/{version} 300 Multiple Choices', 301 => 'HTTP/{version} 301 Moved Permanently', 302 => 'HTTP/{version} 302 Found', 303 => 'HTTP/{version} 303 See other', 304 => 'HTTP/{version} 304 Not Modified', 305 => 'HTTP/{version} 305 Use Proxy', 306 => 'HTTP/{version} 306 (Unused)', 307 => 'HTTP/{version} 307 Temporary Redirect', 308 => 'HTTP/{version} 308 Permanent Redirect', 400 => 'HTTP/{version} 400 Bad Request', 401 => 'HTTP/{version} 401 Unauthorized', 402 => 'HTTP/{version} 402 Payment Required', 403 => 'HTTP/{version} 403 Forbidden', 404 => 'HTTP/{version} 404 Not Found', 405 => 'HTTP/{version} 405 Method Not Allowed', 406 => 'HTTP/{version} 406 Not Acceptable', 407 => 'HTTP/{version} 407 Proxy Authentication Required', 408 => 'HTTP/{version} 408 Request Timeout', 409 => 'HTTP/{version} 409 Conflict', 410 => 'HTTP/{version} 410 Gone', 411 => 'HTTP/{version} 411 Length Required', 412 => 'HTTP/{version} 412 Precondition Failed', 413 => 'HTTP/{version} 413 Payload Too Large', 414 => 'HTTP/{version} 414 URI Too Long', 415 => 'HTTP/{version} 415 Unsupported Media Type', 416 => 'HTTP/{version} 416 Range Not Satisfiable', 417 => 'HTTP/{version} 417 Expectation Failed', 418 => 'HTTP/{version} 418 I\'m a teapot', 421 => 'HTTP/{version} 421 Misdirected Request', 422 => 'HTTP/{version} 422 Unprocessable Entity', 423 => 'HTTP/{version} 423 Locked', 424 => 'HTTP/{version} 424 Failed Dependency', 426 => 'HTTP/{version} 426 Upgrade Required', 428 => 'HTTP/{version} 428 Precondition Required', 429 => 'HTTP/{version} 429 Too Many Requests', 431 => 'HTTP/{version} 431 Request Header Fields Too Large', 451 => 'HTTP/{version} 451 Unavailable For Legal Reasons', 500 => 'HTTP/{version} 500 Internal Server Error', 501 => 'HTTP/{version} 501 Not Implemented', 502 => 'HTTP/{version} 502 Bad Gateway', 503 => 'HTTP/{version} 503 Service Unavailable', 504 => 'HTTP/{version} 504 Gateway Timeout', 505 => 'HTTP/{version} 505 HTTP Version Not Supported', 506 => 'HTTP/{version} 506 Variant Also Negotiates', 507 => 'HTTP/{version} 507 Insufficient Storage', 508 => 'HTTP/{version} 508 Loop Detected', 510 => 'HTTP/{version} 510 Not Extended', 511 => 'HTTP/{version} 511 Network Authentication Required']; public $JComponentTitle = NULL; public $item_associations = NULL; protected $document = class Joomla\CMS\Document\HtmlDocument { public $title = 'Όλα τα νέα από τον Δήμο Ξάνθης - Δήμος Ξάνθης'; public $description = 'Όλα τα νέα του Δήμου Ξάνθης: Δελτία Τύπου και Ανακοινώσεις, προκηρύξεις, διαγωνισμοί κ.α.'; public $link = ''; public $base = ''; public $language = 'el-gr'; public $direction = 'ltr'; public $_generator = 'City of Xanthi'; public $_mdate = ''; public $_tab = '\t'; public $_lineEnd = '\n'; public $_charset = 'utf-8'; public $_mime = 'text/html'; public $_namespace = ''; public $_profile = ''; public $_scripts = [...]; public $_script = [...]; protected $scriptOptions = [...]; public $_styleSheets = [...]; public $_style = [...]; public $_metaTags = [...]; public $_engine = NULL; public $_type = 'html'; protected $mediaVersion = '684516'; protected $factory = class Joomla\CMS\Document\Factory { ... }; protected $preloadManager = class Joomla\CMS\Document\PreloadManager { ... }; protected $preloadTypes = [...]; protected $webAssetManager = class Joomla\CMS\WebAsset\WebAssetManager { ... }; public $_links = [...]; public $_custom = [...]; public $template = 'purity_iii'; public $baseurl = ''; public $params = class Joomla\Registry\Registry { ... }; public $_file = 'C:\\wamp64\\www\\xanthi\\templates/purity_iii/index.php'; public $cspNonce = NULL; protected $_template = '<jdoc:include type="megamenurender" name="mainmenu-gr" />\n<!DOCTYPE html>\n<html lang="el-gr" dir="ltr"\n\t class=\'<jdoc:include type="pageclass" /> \'>\n\n<head>\n\t<jdoc:include type="head" />\n\t\r\n<!-- META FOR IOS & HANDHELD -->\r\n\t<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=yes"/>\r\n\t<style type="text/stylesheet">\r\n\t\t@-webkit-viewport { width: device-width; }\r\n\t\t@-moz-viewport { width: device-width; }\r\n\t\t@-ms-viewport { width: device-width; }'...; protected $_template_tags = [...]; protected $_caching = TRUE; private $html5 = TRUE; private $toolbars = [...]; private $cacheControllerFactory = class Joomla\CMS\Cache\CacheControllerFactory { ... } }; protected $language = class Joomla\CMS\Language\Language { protected $debug = FALSE; protected $default = 'en-GB'; protected $orphans = [...]; protected $metadata = [...]; protected $locale = NULL; protected $lang = 'el-GR'; protected $paths = [...]; protected $errorfiles = [...]; protected $used = [...]; protected $counter = 145; protected $override = [...]; protected $localise = NULL; protected $helper = NULL; protected $basePath = NULL; protected $catalogue = NULL; protected $parserRegistry = NULL; protected $strings = [...]; protected $transliterator = [...]; protected $pluralSuffixesCallback = [...]; protected $ignoredSearchWordsCallback = [...]; protected $lowerLimitSearchWordCallback = [...]; protected $upperLimitSearchWordCallback = [...]; protected $searchDisplayedCharactersNumberCallback = [...] }; protected $identity = class Joomla\CMS\User\User { protected $isRoot = FALSE; public $id = 0; public $name = NULL; public $username = NULL; public $email = NULL; public $password = NULL; public $password_clear = ''; public $block = NULL; public $sendEmail = 0; public $registerDate = NULL; public $lastvisitDate = NULL; public $activation = NULL; public $params = NULL; public $groups = [...]; public $guest = 1; public $lastResetTime = NULL; public $resetCount = NULL; public $requireReset = NULL; public $typeAlias = NULL; public $otpKey = NULL; public $otep = NULL; public $authProvider = NULL; protected $_params = class Joomla\Registry\Registry { ... }; protected $_authGroups = [...]; protected $_authLevels = [...]; protected $_authActions = NULL; protected $_errorMsg = NULL; protected $_errors = [...] }; private ${Joomla\CMS\Application\WebApplication}userFactory = class Joomla\CMS\User\UserFactory { private $db = class Joomla\Database\Mysqli\MysqliDriver { ... } }; protected $docOptions = ['template' => 'purity_iii', 'file' => 'index.php', 'params' => class Joomla\Registry\Registry { ... }, 'csp_nonce' => NULL, 'templateInherits' => NULL, 'directory' => 'C:\\wamp64\\www\\xanthi\\templates']; public $scope = NULL; protected $clientId = 0; protected $messageQueue = []; protected $name = 'site'; protected $profiler = NULL; protected $template = class stdClass { public $id = 14; public $home = 'el-GR'; public $template = 'purity_iii'; public $params = class Joomla\Registry\Registry { ... }; public $inheritable = 0; public $parent = '' }; protected $pathway = class Joomla\CMS\Pathway\SitePathway { protected $pathway = [...]; protected $count = 2 }; protected $authenticationPluginType = 'authentication'; protected $menus = ['site' => class Joomla\CMS\Menu\SiteMenu { ... }]; private ${Joomla\CMS\Application\CMSApplication}menuFactory = class Joomla\CMS\Menu\MenuFactory { private $cacheControllerFactory = class Joomla\CMS\Cache\CacheControllerFactory { ... }; private $databaseAwareTraitDatabase = class Joomla\Database\Mysqli\MysqliDriver { ... } }; private ${Joomla\CMS\Application\CMSApplication}container = class Joomla\DI\Container { protected $aliases = [...]; protected $resources = [...]; protected $parent = NULL; protected $tags = [...] }; protected $session = class Joomla\CMS\Session\Session { protected $state = 'active'; protected $expire = 1800; protected $store = class Joomla\CMS\Session\Storage\JoomlaStorage { ... }; protected $sessionValidators = [...]; private ${Joomla\Session\Session}dispatcher = class Joomla\Event\Dispatcher { ... } }; protected $language_filter = TRUE; protected $detect_browser = FALSE; public $registeredurlparams = class stdClass { public $catid = 'INT'; public $id = 'INT'; public $cid = 'ARRAY'; public $year = 'INT'; public $month = 'INT'; public $limit = 'UINT'; public $limitstart = 'UINT'; public $showall = 'INT'; public $return = 'BASE64'; public $filter = 'STRING'; public $filter_order = 'CMD'; public $filter_order_Dir = 'CMD'; public $filter-search = 'STRING'; public $print = 'BOOLEAN'; public $lang = 'CMD'; public $Itemid = 'INT'; public $format = 'WORD'; public $option = 'WORD'; public $view = 'WORD'; public $layout = 'WORD'; public $tpl = 'CMD' }; private $cacheControllerFactory = class Joomla\CMS\Cache\CacheControllerFactory { } } )...\CMSPlugin.php:289
101.27557534120PlgSystemAutotweetAutomator->_onAfterRender( )...\autotweetautomator.php:105
111.27947607088AutotweetModelAutomators->lastRunCheck( $plugin = 'automator', $interval = 180, $next = ??? )...\autotweetautomator.php:134
121.27947607088AutotweetModelAutomators->lastRun( $plugin = 'automator' )...\automators.php:33
131.88517799480XTF0FModel->getItem( $id = 1 )...\automators.php:92
141.88527799696XTF0FTable->load( $keys = 1, $reset = ??? )...\model.php:1061
152.07837800496XTF0FTable->bind( $src = ['id' => 1, 'plugin' => 'automator', 'lastexec' => '2024-04-30 07:56:59'], $ignore = ??? )...\table.php:867
162.41707800464XTF0FTable->onAfterBind( $src = ['id' => 1, 'plugin' => 'automator', 'lastexec' => '2024-04-30 07:56:59'] )...\table.php:1125
172.41707801088XTF0FUtilsObservableDispatcher->trigger( $event = 'onAfterBind', $args = [0 => class AutotweetTableAutomator { protected $_errors = [...]; protected $config = [...]; protected $_tbl = '#__autotweet_automator'; protected $_tbl_key = 'id'; protected $_db = class XTF0FDatabaseDriverJoomla { ... }; protected $_trackAssets = FALSE; protected $_has_tags = FALSE; protected $_rules = NULL; protected $_locked = FALSE; protected $_trigger_events = FALSE; protected $_tableAlias = ''; protected $_columnAlias = [...]; protected $_autoChecks = FALSE; protected $_skipChecks = [...]; protected $_tableExists = TRUE; protected $_assetKey = 'com_autotweet.automator'; protected $input = class Joomla\Input\Input { ... }; protected $_queryJoin = NULL; protected $_tablePrefix = 'AutotweetTable'; protected $knownFields = [...]; protected $configProvider = class XTF0FConfigProvider { ... }; protected $tableDispatcher = class XTF0FTableDispatcherBehavior { ... }; protected $default_behaviors = [...]; protected $_relations = NULL; protected $_configProviderKey = 'com_foobar.tables.automator'; protected $contentType = NULL; public $id = 1; public $plugin = 'automator'; public $lastexec = '2024-04-30 07:56:59' }, 1 => ['id' => 1, 'plugin' => 'automator', 'lastexec' => '2024-04-30 07:56:59'], 2 => ['component' => '', 'view' => NULL, 'table_prefix' => 'AutotweetTable']] )...\table.php:2922
182.41717801536XTF0FUtilsObservableEvent->update( $args = [0 => class AutotweetTableAutomator { protected $_errors = [...]; protected $config = [...]; protected $_tbl = '#__autotweet_automator'; protected $_tbl_key = 'id'; protected $_db = class XTF0FDatabaseDriverJoomla { ... }; protected $_trackAssets = FALSE; protected $_has_tags = FALSE; protected $_rules = NULL; protected $_locked = FALSE; protected $_trigger_events = FALSE; protected $_tableAlias = ''; protected $_columnAlias = [...]; protected $_autoChecks = FALSE; protected $_skipChecks = [...]; protected $_tableExists = TRUE; protected $_assetKey = 'com_autotweet.automator'; protected $input = class Joomla\Input\Input { ... }; protected $_queryJoin = NULL; protected $_tablePrefix = 'AutotweetTable'; protected $knownFields = [...]; protected $configProvider = class XTF0FConfigProvider { ... }; protected $tableDispatcher = class XTF0FTableDispatcherBehavior { ... }; protected $default_behaviors = [...]; protected $_relations = NULL; protected $_configProviderKey = 'com_foobar.tables.automator'; protected $contentType = NULL; public $id = 1; public $plugin = 'automator'; public $lastexec = '2024-04-30 07:56:59' }, 1 => ['id' => 1, 'plugin' => 'automator', 'lastexec' => '2024-04-30 07:56:59'], 2 => ['component' => '', 'view' => NULL, 'table_prefix' => 'AutotweetTable']] )...\dispatcher.php:139

( ! ) Warning: XTF0FTableBehaviorAssets::onAfterBind(): Argument #1 ($table) must be passed by reference, value given in C:\wamp64\www\xanthi\libraries\autotweet\vendor\extly\xt-fof254\src\utils\observable\event.php on line 67
Call Stack
10.0001461376{main}( )...\index.php:0
20.0001462032require_once( 'C:\wamp64\www\xanthi\includes\app.php )...\index.php:32
30.0046808040Joomla\CMS\Application\CMSApplication->execute( )...\app.php:58
40.83236211624Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication->render( )...\CMSApplication.php:311
50.83246211744Joomla\CMS\Application\CMSApplication->render( )...\SiteApplication.php:732
61.26977519416Joomla\Application\AbstractApplication->dispatchEvent( $eventName = 'onAfterRender', $event = class Joomla\CMS\Event\Application\AfterRenderEvent { protected $name = 'onAfterRender'; protected $arguments = ['subject' => class Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication { ... }]; protected $stopped = FALSE; private ${Joomla\CMS\Event\AbstractImmutableEvent}constructed = TRUE } )...\CMSApplication.php:1079
71.26977519416Joomla\Event\Dispatcher->dispatch( $name = 'onAfterRender', $event = class Joomla\CMS\Event\Application\AfterRenderEvent { protected $name = 'onAfterRender'; protected $arguments = ['subject' => class Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication { ... }]; protected $stopped = FALSE; private ${Joomla\CMS\Event\AbstractImmutableEvent}constructed = TRUE } )...\AbstractApplication.php:99
81.27387516464Joomla\CMS\Plugin\CMSPlugin->Joomla\CMS\Plugin\{closure:C:\wamp64\www\xanthi\libraries\src\plugin\CMSPlugin.php:273-303}( $event = class Joomla\CMS\Event\Application\AfterRenderEvent { protected $name = 'onAfterRender'; protected $arguments = ['subject' => class Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication { ... }]; protected $stopped = FALSE; private ${Joomla\CMS\Event\AbstractImmutableEvent}constructed = TRUE } )...\Dispatcher.php:454
91.27387516808PlgSystemAutotweetAutomator->onAfterRender( class Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication { protected $config = class Joomla\Registry\Registry { protected $data = class stdClass { ... }; protected $initialized = TRUE; protected $separator = '.' }; protected ?Psr\Log\LoggerInterface $logger = class Joomla\CMS\Log\DelegatingPsrLogger { protected $logger = class Joomla\CMS\Log\Log { ... }; protected $priorityMap = [...] }; private ${Joomla\Application\AbstractApplication}dispatcher = class Joomla\Event\Dispatcher { protected $events = [...]; protected $listeners = [...] }; protected $input = class Joomla\CMS\Input\Input { protected $options = [...]; protected $filter = class Joomla\Filter\InputFilter { ... }; protected $data = [...]; protected $inputs = [...] }; public $charSet = 'utf-8'; public $mimeType = 'text/html'; public $httpVersion = '1.1'; public $modifiedDate = NULL; public $client = class Joomla\Application\Web\WebClient { protected $platform = NULL; protected $mobile = FALSE; protected $engine = NULL; protected $browser = NULL; protected $browserVersion = NULL; protected $languages = [...]; protected $encodings = [...]; protected $userAgent = 'Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko; compatible; ClaudeBot/1.0; +claudebot@anthropic.com)'; protected $acceptEncoding = NULL; protected $acceptLanguage = NULL; protected $robot = TRUE; protected $detection = [...]; protected $headers = NULL }; protected $response = class Laminas\Diactoros\Response { private array $phrases = [...]; private string $reasonPhrase = 'OK'; private int $statusCode = 200; protected $headers = [...]; protected $headerNames = [...]; private $protocol = '1.1'; private $stream = class Laminas\Diactoros\Stream { ... } }; private ${Joomla\Application\AbstractWebApplication}cacheable = FALSE; private ${Joomla\Application\AbstractWebApplication}responseMap = [100 => 'HTTP/{version} 100 Continue', 101 => 'HTTP/{version} 101 Switching Protocols', 102 => 'HTTP/{version} 102 Processing', 200 => 'HTTP/{version} 200 OK', 201 => 'HTTP/{version} 201 Created', 202 => 'HTTP/{version} 202 Accepted', 203 => 'HTTP/{version} 203 Non-Authoritative Information', 204 => 'HTTP/{version} 204 No Content', 205 => 'HTTP/{version} 205 Reset Content', 206 => 'HTTP/{version} 206 Partial Content', 207 => 'HTTP/{version} 207 Multi-Status', 208 => 'HTTP/{version} 208 Already Reported', 226 => 'HTTP/{version} 226 IM Used', 300 => 'HTTP/{version} 300 Multiple Choices', 301 => 'HTTP/{version} 301 Moved Permanently', 302 => 'HTTP/{version} 302 Found', 303 => 'HTTP/{version} 303 See other', 304 => 'HTTP/{version} 304 Not Modified', 305 => 'HTTP/{version} 305 Use Proxy', 306 => 'HTTP/{version} 306 (Unused)', 307 => 'HTTP/{version} 307 Temporary Redirect', 308 => 'HTTP/{version} 308 Permanent Redirect', 400 => 'HTTP/{version} 400 Bad Request', 401 => 'HTTP/{version} 401 Unauthorized', 402 => 'HTTP/{version} 402 Payment Required', 403 => 'HTTP/{version} 403 Forbidden', 404 => 'HTTP/{version} 404 Not Found', 405 => 'HTTP/{version} 405 Method Not Allowed', 406 => 'HTTP/{version} 406 Not Acceptable', 407 => 'HTTP/{version} 407 Proxy Authentication Required', 408 => 'HTTP/{version} 408 Request Timeout', 409 => 'HTTP/{version} 409 Conflict', 410 => 'HTTP/{version} 410 Gone', 411 => 'HTTP/{version} 411 Length Required', 412 => 'HTTP/{version} 412 Precondition Failed', 413 => 'HTTP/{version} 413 Payload Too Large', 414 => 'HTTP/{version} 414 URI Too Long', 415 => 'HTTP/{version} 415 Unsupported Media Type', 416 => 'HTTP/{version} 416 Range Not Satisfiable', 417 => 'HTTP/{version} 417 Expectation Failed', 418 => 'HTTP/{version} 418 I\'m a teapot', 421 => 'HTTP/{version} 421 Misdirected Request', 422 => 'HTTP/{version} 422 Unprocessable Entity', 423 => 'HTTP/{version} 423 Locked', 424 => 'HTTP/{version} 424 Failed Dependency', 426 => 'HTTP/{version} 426 Upgrade Required', 428 => 'HTTP/{version} 428 Precondition Required', 429 => 'HTTP/{version} 429 Too Many Requests', 431 => 'HTTP/{version} 431 Request Header Fields Too Large', 451 => 'HTTP/{version} 451 Unavailable For Legal Reasons', 500 => 'HTTP/{version} 500 Internal Server Error', 501 => 'HTTP/{version} 501 Not Implemented', 502 => 'HTTP/{version} 502 Bad Gateway', 503 => 'HTTP/{version} 503 Service Unavailable', 504 => 'HTTP/{version} 504 Gateway Timeout', 505 => 'HTTP/{version} 505 HTTP Version Not Supported', 506 => 'HTTP/{version} 506 Variant Also Negotiates', 507 => 'HTTP/{version} 507 Insufficient Storage', 508 => 'HTTP/{version} 508 Loop Detected', 510 => 'HTTP/{version} 510 Not Extended', 511 => 'HTTP/{version} 511 Network Authentication Required']; public $JComponentTitle = NULL; public $item_associations = NULL; protected $document = class Joomla\CMS\Document\HtmlDocument { public $title = 'Όλα τα νέα από τον Δήμο Ξάνθης - Δήμος Ξάνθης'; public $description = 'Όλα τα νέα του Δήμου Ξάνθης: Δελτία Τύπου και Ανακοινώσεις, προκηρύξεις, διαγωνισμοί κ.α.'; public $link = ''; public $base = ''; public $language = 'el-gr'; public $direction = 'ltr'; public $_generator = 'City of Xanthi'; public $_mdate = ''; public $_tab = '\t'; public $_lineEnd = '\n'; public $_charset = 'utf-8'; public $_mime = 'text/html'; public $_namespace = ''; public $_profile = ''; public $_scripts = [...]; public $_script = [...]; protected $scriptOptions = [...]; public $_styleSheets = [...]; public $_style = [...]; public $_metaTags = [...]; public $_engine = NULL; public $_type = 'html'; protected $mediaVersion = '684516'; protected $factory = class Joomla\CMS\Document\Factory { ... }; protected $preloadManager = class Joomla\CMS\Document\PreloadManager { ... }; protected $preloadTypes = [...]; protected $webAssetManager = class Joomla\CMS\WebAsset\WebAssetManager { ... }; public $_links = [...]; public $_custom = [...]; public $template = 'purity_iii'; public $baseurl = ''; public $params = class Joomla\Registry\Registry { ... }; public $_file = 'C:\\wamp64\\www\\xanthi\\templates/purity_iii/index.php'; public $cspNonce = NULL; protected $_template = '<jdoc:include type="megamenurender" name="mainmenu-gr" />\n<!DOCTYPE html>\n<html lang="el-gr" dir="ltr"\n\t class=\'<jdoc:include type="pageclass" /> \'>\n\n<head>\n\t<jdoc:include type="head" />\n\t\r\n<!-- META FOR IOS & HANDHELD -->\r\n\t<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=yes"/>\r\n\t<style type="text/stylesheet">\r\n\t\t@-webkit-viewport { width: device-width; }\r\n\t\t@-moz-viewport { width: device-width; }\r\n\t\t@-ms-viewport { width: device-width; }'...; protected $_template_tags = [...]; protected $_caching = TRUE; private $html5 = TRUE; private $toolbars = [...]; private $cacheControllerFactory = class Joomla\CMS\Cache\CacheControllerFactory { ... } }; protected $language = class Joomla\CMS\Language\Language { protected $debug = FALSE; protected $default = 'en-GB'; protected $orphans = [...]; protected $metadata = [...]; protected $locale = NULL; protected $lang = 'el-GR'; protected $paths = [...]; protected $errorfiles = [...]; protected $used = [...]; protected $counter = 145; protected $override = [...]; protected $localise = NULL; protected $helper = NULL; protected $basePath = NULL; protected $catalogue = NULL; protected $parserRegistry = NULL; protected $strings = [...]; protected $transliterator = [...]; protected $pluralSuffixesCallback = [...]; protected $ignoredSearchWordsCallback = [...]; protected $lowerLimitSearchWordCallback = [...]; protected $upperLimitSearchWordCallback = [...]; protected $searchDisplayedCharactersNumberCallback = [...] }; protected $identity = class Joomla\CMS\User\User { protected $isRoot = FALSE; public $id = 0; public $name = NULL; public $username = NULL; public $email = NULL; public $password = NULL; public $password_clear = ''; public $block = NULL; public $sendEmail = 0; public $registerDate = NULL; public $lastvisitDate = NULL; public $activation = NULL; public $params = NULL; public $groups = [...]; public $guest = 1; public $lastResetTime = NULL; public $resetCount = NULL; public $requireReset = NULL; public $typeAlias = NULL; public $otpKey = NULL; public $otep = NULL; public $authProvider = NULL; protected $_params = class Joomla\Registry\Registry { ... }; protected $_authGroups = [...]; protected $_authLevels = [...]; protected $_authActions = NULL; protected $_errorMsg = NULL; protected $_errors = [...] }; private ${Joomla\CMS\Application\WebApplication}userFactory = class Joomla\CMS\User\UserFactory { private $db = class Joomla\Database\Mysqli\MysqliDriver { ... } }; protected $docOptions = ['template' => 'purity_iii', 'file' => 'index.php', 'params' => class Joomla\Registry\Registry { ... }, 'csp_nonce' => NULL, 'templateInherits' => NULL, 'directory' => 'C:\\wamp64\\www\\xanthi\\templates']; public $scope = NULL; protected $clientId = 0; protected $messageQueue = []; protected $name = 'site'; protected $profiler = NULL; protected $template = class stdClass { public $id = 14; public $home = 'el-GR'; public $template = 'purity_iii'; public $params = class Joomla\Registry\Registry { ... }; public $inheritable = 0; public $parent = '' }; protected $pathway = class Joomla\CMS\Pathway\SitePathway { protected $pathway = [...]; protected $count = 2 }; protected $authenticationPluginType = 'authentication'; protected $menus = ['site' => class Joomla\CMS\Menu\SiteMenu { ... }]; private ${Joomla\CMS\Application\CMSApplication}menuFactory = class Joomla\CMS\Menu\MenuFactory { private $cacheControllerFactory = class Joomla\CMS\Cache\CacheControllerFactory { ... }; private $databaseAwareTraitDatabase = class Joomla\Database\Mysqli\MysqliDriver { ... } }; private ${Joomla\CMS\Application\CMSApplication}container = class Joomla\DI\Container { protected $aliases = [...]; protected $resources = [...]; protected $parent = NULL; protected $tags = [...] }; protected $session = class Joomla\CMS\Session\Session { protected $state = 'active'; protected $expire = 1800; protected $store = class Joomla\CMS\Session\Storage\JoomlaStorage { ... }; protected $sessionValidators = [...]; private ${Joomla\Session\Session}dispatcher = class Joomla\Event\Dispatcher { ... } }; protected $language_filter = TRUE; protected $detect_browser = FALSE; public $registeredurlparams = class stdClass { public $catid = 'INT'; public $id = 'INT'; public $cid = 'ARRAY'; public $year = 'INT'; public $month = 'INT'; public $limit = 'UINT'; public $limitstart = 'UINT'; public $showall = 'INT'; public $return = 'BASE64'; public $filter = 'STRING'; public $filter_order = 'CMD'; public $filter_order_Dir = 'CMD'; public $filter-search = 'STRING'; public $print = 'BOOLEAN'; public $lang = 'CMD'; public $Itemid = 'INT'; public $format = 'WORD'; public $option = 'WORD'; public $view = 'WORD'; public $layout = 'WORD'; public $tpl = 'CMD' }; private $cacheControllerFactory = class Joomla\CMS\Cache\CacheControllerFactory { } } )...\CMSPlugin.php:289
101.27557534120PlgSystemAutotweetAutomator->_onAfterRender( )...\autotweetautomator.php:105
111.27947607088AutotweetModelAutomators->lastRunCheck( $plugin = 'automator', $interval = 180, $next = ??? )...\autotweetautomator.php:134
121.27947607088AutotweetModelAutomators->lastRun( $plugin = 'automator' )...\automators.php:33
131.88517799480XTF0FModel->getItem( $id = 1 )...\automators.php:92
141.88527799696XTF0FTable->load( $keys = 1, $reset = ??? )...\model.php:1061
152.07837800496XTF0FTable->bind( $src = ['id' => 1, 'plugin' => 'automator', 'lastexec' => '2024-04-30 07:56:59'], $ignore = ??? )...\table.php:867
162.41707800464XTF0FTable->onAfterBind( $src = ['id' => 1, 'plugin' => 'automator', 'lastexec' => '2024-04-30 07:56:59'] )...\table.php:1125
172.41707801088XTF0FUtilsObservableDispatcher->trigger( $event = 'onAfterBind', $args = [0 => class AutotweetTableAutomator { protected $_errors = [...]; protected $config = [...]; protected $_tbl = '#__autotweet_automator'; protected $_tbl_key = 'id'; protected $_db = class XTF0FDatabaseDriverJoomla { ... }; protected $_trackAssets = FALSE; protected $_has_tags = FALSE; protected $_rules = NULL; protected $_locked = FALSE; protected $_trigger_events = FALSE; protected $_tableAlias = ''; protected $_columnAlias = [...]; protected $_autoChecks = FALSE; protected $_skipChecks = [...]; protected $_tableExists = TRUE; protected $_assetKey = 'com_autotweet.automator'; protected $input = class Joomla\Input\Input { ... }; protected $_queryJoin = NULL; protected $_tablePrefix = 'AutotweetTable'; protected $knownFields = [...]; protected $configProvider = class XTF0FConfigProvider { ... }; protected $tableDispatcher = class XTF0FTableDispatcherBehavior { ... }; protected $default_behaviors = [...]; protected $_relations = NULL; protected $_configProviderKey = 'com_foobar.tables.automator'; protected $contentType = NULL; public $id = 1; public $plugin = 'automator'; public $lastexec = '2024-04-30 07:56:59' }, 1 => ['id' => 1, 'plugin' => 'automator', 'lastexec' => '2024-04-30 07:56:59'], 2 => ['component' => '', 'view' => NULL, 'table_prefix' => 'AutotweetTable']] )...\table.php:2922
182.42027801752XTF0FUtilsObservableEvent->update( $args = [0 => class AutotweetTableAutomator { protected $_errors = [...]; protected $config = [...]; protected $_tbl = '#__autotweet_automator'; protected $_tbl_key = 'id'; protected $_db = class XTF0FDatabaseDriverJoomla { ... }; protected $_trackAssets = FALSE; protected $_has_tags = FALSE; protected $_rules = NULL; protected $_locked = FALSE; protected $_trigger_events = FALSE; protected $_tableAlias = ''; protected $_columnAlias = [...]; protected $_autoChecks = FALSE; protected $_skipChecks = [...]; protected $_tableExists = TRUE; protected $_assetKey = 'com_autotweet.automator'; protected $input = class Joomla\Input\Input { ... }; protected $_queryJoin = NULL; protected $_tablePrefix = 'AutotweetTable'; protected $knownFields = [...]; protected $configProvider = class XTF0FConfigProvider { ... }; protected $tableDispatcher = class XTF0FTableDispatcherBehavior { ... }; protected $default_behaviors = [...]; protected $_relations = NULL; protected $_configProviderKey = 'com_foobar.tables.automator'; protected $contentType = NULL; public $id = 1; public $plugin = 'automator'; public $lastexec = '2024-04-30 07:56:59' }, 1 => ['id' => 1, 'plugin' => 'automator', 'lastexec' => '2024-04-30 07:56:59'], 2 => ['component' => '', 'view' => NULL, 'table_prefix' => 'AutotweetTable']] )...\dispatcher.php:139

( ! ) Warning: XTF0FTableBehavior::onAfterLoad(): Argument #1 ($table) must be passed by reference, value given in C:\wamp64\www\xanthi\libraries\autotweet\vendor\extly\xt-fof254\src\utils\observable\event.php on line 67
Call Stack
10.0001461376{main}( )...\index.php:0
20.0001462032require_once( 'C:\wamp64\www\xanthi\includes\app.php )...\index.php:32
30.0046808040Joomla\CMS\Application\CMSApplication->execute( )...\app.php:58
40.83236211624Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication->render( )...\CMSApplication.php:311
50.83246211744Joomla\CMS\Application\CMSApplication->render( )...\SiteApplication.php:732
61.26977519416Joomla\Application\AbstractApplication->dispatchEvent( $eventName = 'onAfterRender', $event = class Joomla\CMS\Event\Application\AfterRenderEvent { protected $name = 'onAfterRender'; protected $arguments = ['subject' => class Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication { ... }]; protected $stopped = FALSE; private ${Joomla\CMS\Event\AbstractImmutableEvent}constructed = TRUE } )...\CMSApplication.php:1079
71.26977519416Joomla\Event\Dispatcher->dispatch( $name = 'onAfterRender', $event = class Joomla\CMS\Event\Application\AfterRenderEvent { protected $name = 'onAfterRender'; protected $arguments = ['subject' => class Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication { ... }]; protected $stopped = FALSE; private ${Joomla\CMS\Event\AbstractImmutableEvent}constructed = TRUE } )...\AbstractApplication.php:99
81.27387516464Joomla\CMS\Plugin\CMSPlugin->Joomla\CMS\Plugin\{closure:C:\wamp64\www\xanthi\libraries\src\plugin\CMSPlugin.php:273-303}( $event = class Joomla\CMS\Event\Application\AfterRenderEvent { protected $name = 'onAfterRender'; protected $arguments = ['subject' => class Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication { ... }]; protected $stopped = FALSE; private ${Joomla\CMS\Event\AbstractImmutableEvent}constructed = TRUE } )...\Dispatcher.php:454
91.27387516808PlgSystemAutotweetAutomator->onAfterRender( class Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication { protected $config = class Joomla\Registry\Registry { protected $data = class stdClass { ... }; protected $initialized = TRUE; protected $separator = '.' }; protected ?Psr\Log\LoggerInterface $logger = class Joomla\CMS\Log\DelegatingPsrLogger { protected $logger = class Joomla\CMS\Log\Log { ... }; protected $priorityMap = [...] }; private ${Joomla\Application\AbstractApplication}dispatcher = class Joomla\Event\Dispatcher { protected $events = [...]; protected $listeners = [...] }; protected $input = class Joomla\CMS\Input\Input { protected $options = [...]; protected $filter = class Joomla\Filter\InputFilter { ... }; protected $data = [...]; protected $inputs = [...] }; public $charSet = 'utf-8'; public $mimeType = 'text/html'; public $httpVersion = '1.1'; public $modifiedDate = NULL; public $client = class Joomla\Application\Web\WebClient { protected $platform = NULL; protected $mobile = FALSE; protected $engine = NULL; protected $browser = NULL; protected $browserVersion = NULL; protected $languages = [...]; protected $encodings = [...]; protected $userAgent = 'Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko; compatible; ClaudeBot/1.0; +claudebot@anthropic.com)'; protected $acceptEncoding = NULL; protected $acceptLanguage = NULL; protected $robot = TRUE; protected $detection = [...]; protected $headers = NULL }; protected $response = class Laminas\Diactoros\Response { private array $phrases = [...]; private string $reasonPhrase = 'OK'; private int $statusCode = 200; protected $headers = [...]; protected $headerNames = [...]; private $protocol = '1.1'; private $stream = class Laminas\Diactoros\Stream { ... } }; private ${Joomla\Application\AbstractWebApplication}cacheable = FALSE; private ${Joomla\Application\AbstractWebApplication}responseMap = [100 => 'HTTP/{version} 100 Continue', 101 => 'HTTP/{version} 101 Switching Protocols', 102 => 'HTTP/{version} 102 Processing', 200 => 'HTTP/{version} 200 OK', 201 => 'HTTP/{version} 201 Created', 202 => 'HTTP/{version} 202 Accepted', 203 => 'HTTP/{version} 203 Non-Authoritative Information', 204 => 'HTTP/{version} 204 No Content', 205 => 'HTTP/{version} 205 Reset Content', 206 => 'HTTP/{version} 206 Partial Content', 207 => 'HTTP/{version} 207 Multi-Status', 208 => 'HTTP/{version} 208 Already Reported', 226 => 'HTTP/{version} 226 IM Used', 300 => 'HTTP/{version} 300 Multiple Choices', 301 => 'HTTP/{version} 301 Moved Permanently', 302 => 'HTTP/{version} 302 Found', 303 => 'HTTP/{version} 303 See other', 304 => 'HTTP/{version} 304 Not Modified', 305 => 'HTTP/{version} 305 Use Proxy', 306 => 'HTTP/{version} 306 (Unused)', 307 => 'HTTP/{version} 307 Temporary Redirect', 308 => 'HTTP/{version} 308 Permanent Redirect', 400 => 'HTTP/{version} 400 Bad Request', 401 => 'HTTP/{version} 401 Unauthorized', 402 => 'HTTP/{version} 402 Payment Required', 403 => 'HTTP/{version} 403 Forbidden', 404 => 'HTTP/{version} 404 Not Found', 405 => 'HTTP/{version} 405 Method Not Allowed', 406 => 'HTTP/{version} 406 Not Acceptable', 407 => 'HTTP/{version} 407 Proxy Authentication Required', 408 => 'HTTP/{version} 408 Request Timeout', 409 => 'HTTP/{version} 409 Conflict', 410 => 'HTTP/{version} 410 Gone', 411 => 'HTTP/{version} 411 Length Required', 412 => 'HTTP/{version} 412 Precondition Failed', 413 => 'HTTP/{version} 413 Payload Too Large', 414 => 'HTTP/{version} 414 URI Too Long', 415 => 'HTTP/{version} 415 Unsupported Media Type', 416 => 'HTTP/{version} 416 Range Not Satisfiable', 417 => 'HTTP/{version} 417 Expectation Failed', 418 => 'HTTP/{version} 418 I\'m a teapot', 421 => 'HTTP/{version} 421 Misdirected Request', 422 => 'HTTP/{version} 422 Unprocessable Entity', 423 => 'HTTP/{version} 423 Locked', 424 => 'HTTP/{version} 424 Failed Dependency', 426 => 'HTTP/{version} 426 Upgrade Required', 428 => 'HTTP/{version} 428 Precondition Required', 429 => 'HTTP/{version} 429 Too Many Requests', 431 => 'HTTP/{version} 431 Request Header Fields Too Large', 451 => 'HTTP/{version} 451 Unavailable For Legal Reasons', 500 => 'HTTP/{version} 500 Internal Server Error', 501 => 'HTTP/{version} 501 Not Implemented', 502 => 'HTTP/{version} 502 Bad Gateway', 503 => 'HTTP/{version} 503 Service Unavailable', 504 => 'HTTP/{version} 504 Gateway Timeout', 505 => 'HTTP/{version} 505 HTTP Version Not Supported', 506 => 'HTTP/{version} 506 Variant Also Negotiates', 507 => 'HTTP/{version} 507 Insufficient Storage', 508 => 'HTTP/{version} 508 Loop Detected', 510 => 'HTTP/{version} 510 Not Extended', 511 => 'HTTP/{version} 511 Network Authentication Required']; public $JComponentTitle = NULL; public $item_associations = NULL; protected $document = class Joomla\CMS\Document\HtmlDocument { public $title = 'Όλα τα νέα από τον Δήμο Ξάνθης - Δήμος Ξάνθης'; public $description = 'Όλα τα νέα του Δήμου Ξάνθης: Δελτία Τύπου και Ανακοινώσεις, προκηρύξεις, διαγωνισμοί κ.α.'; public $link = ''; public $base = ''; public $language = 'el-gr'; public $direction = 'ltr'; public $_generator = 'City of Xanthi'; public $_mdate = ''; public $_tab = '\t'; public $_lineEnd = '\n'; public $_charset = 'utf-8'; public $_mime = 'text/html'; public $_namespace = ''; public $_profile = ''; public $_scripts = [...]; public $_script = [...]; protected $scriptOptions = [...]; public $_styleSheets = [...]; public $_style = [...]; public $_metaTags = [...]; public $_engine = NULL; public $_type = 'html'; protected $mediaVersion = '684516'; protected $factory = class Joomla\CMS\Document\Factory { ... }; protected $preloadManager = class Joomla\CMS\Document\PreloadManager { ... }; protected $preloadTypes = [...]; protected $webAssetManager = class Joomla\CMS\WebAsset\WebAssetManager { ... }; public $_links = [...]; public $_custom = [...]; public $template = 'purity_iii'; public $baseurl = ''; public $params = class Joomla\Registry\Registry { ... }; public $_file = 'C:\\wamp64\\www\\xanthi\\templates/purity_iii/index.php'; public $cspNonce = NULL; protected $_template = '<jdoc:include type="megamenurender" name="mainmenu-gr" />\n<!DOCTYPE html>\n<html lang="el-gr" dir="ltr"\n\t class=\'<jdoc:include type="pageclass" /> \'>\n\n<head>\n\t<jdoc:include type="head" />\n\t\r\n<!-- META FOR IOS & HANDHELD -->\r\n\t<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=yes"/>\r\n\t<style type="text/stylesheet">\r\n\t\t@-webkit-viewport { width: device-width; }\r\n\t\t@-moz-viewport { width: device-width; }\r\n\t\t@-ms-viewport { width: device-width; }'...; protected $_template_tags = [...]; protected $_caching = TRUE; private $html5 = TRUE; private $toolbars = [...]; private $cacheControllerFactory = class Joomla\CMS\Cache\CacheControllerFactory { ... } }; protected $language = class Joomla\CMS\Language\Language { protected $debug = FALSE; protected $default = 'en-GB'; protected $orphans = [...]; protected $metadata = [...]; protected $locale = NULL; protected $lang = 'el-GR'; protected $paths = [...]; protected $errorfiles = [...]; protected $used = [...]; protected $counter = 145; protected $override = [...]; protected $localise = NULL; protected $helper = NULL; protected $basePath = NULL; protected $catalogue = NULL; protected $parserRegistry = NULL; protected $strings = [...]; protected $transliterator = [...]; protected $pluralSuffixesCallback = [...]; protected $ignoredSearchWordsCallback = [...]; protected $lowerLimitSearchWordCallback = [...]; protected $upperLimitSearchWordCallback = [...]; protected $searchDisplayedCharactersNumberCallback = [...] }; protected $identity = class Joomla\CMS\User\User { protected $isRoot = FALSE; public $id = 0; public $name = NULL; public $username = NULL; public $email = NULL; public $password = NULL; public $password_clear = ''; public $block = NULL; public $sendEmail = 0; public $registerDate = NULL; public $lastvisitDate = NULL; public $activation = NULL; public $params = NULL; public $groups = [...]; public $guest = 1; public $lastResetTime = NULL; public $resetCount = NULL; public $requireReset = NULL; public $typeAlias = NULL; public $otpKey = NULL; public $otep = NULL; public $authProvider = NULL; protected $_params = class Joomla\Registry\Registry { ... }; protected $_authGroups = [...]; protected $_authLevels = [...]; protected $_authActions = NULL; protected $_errorMsg = NULL; protected $_errors = [...] }; private ${Joomla\CMS\Application\WebApplication}userFactory = class Joomla\CMS\User\UserFactory { private $db = class Joomla\Database\Mysqli\MysqliDriver { ... } }; protected $docOptions = ['template' => 'purity_iii', 'file' => 'index.php', 'params' => class Joomla\Registry\Registry { ... }, 'csp_nonce' => NULL, 'templateInherits' => NULL, 'directory' => 'C:\\wamp64\\www\\xanthi\\templates']; public $scope = NULL; protected $clientId = 0; protected $messageQueue = []; protected $name = 'site'; protected $profiler = NULL; protected $template = class stdClass { public $id = 14; public $home = 'el-GR'; public $template = 'purity_iii'; public $params = class Joomla\Registry\Registry { ... }; public $inheritable = 0; public $parent = '' }; protected $pathway = class Joomla\CMS\Pathway\SitePathway { protected $pathway = [...]; protected $count = 2 }; protected $authenticationPluginType = 'authentication'; protected $menus = ['site' => class Joomla\CMS\Menu\SiteMenu { ... }]; private ${Joomla\CMS\Application\CMSApplication}menuFactory = class Joomla\CMS\Menu\MenuFactory { private $cacheControllerFactory = class Joomla\CMS\Cache\CacheControllerFactory { ... }; private $databaseAwareTraitDatabase = class Joomla\Database\Mysqli\MysqliDriver { ... } }; private ${Joomla\CMS\Application\CMSApplication}container = class Joomla\DI\Container { protected $aliases = [...]; protected $resources = [...]; protected $parent = NULL; protected $tags = [...] }; protected $session = class Joomla\CMS\Session\Session { protected $state = 'active'; protected $expire = 1800; protected $store = class Joomla\CMS\Session\Storage\JoomlaStorage { ... }; protected $sessionValidators = [...]; private ${Joomla\Session\Session}dispatcher = class Joomla\Event\Dispatcher { ... } }; protected $language_filter = TRUE; protected $detect_browser = FALSE; public $registeredurlparams = class stdClass { public $catid = 'INT'; public $id = 'INT'; public $cid = 'ARRAY'; public $year = 'INT'; public $month = 'INT'; public $limit = 'UINT'; public $limitstart = 'UINT'; public $showall = 'INT'; public $return = 'BASE64'; public $filter = 'STRING'; public $filter_order = 'CMD'; public $filter_order_Dir = 'CMD'; public $filter-search = 'STRING'; public $print = 'BOOLEAN'; public $lang = 'CMD'; public $Itemid = 'INT'; public $format = 'WORD'; public $option = 'WORD'; public $view = 'WORD'; public $layout = 'WORD'; public $tpl = 'CMD' }; private $cacheControllerFactory = class Joomla\CMS\Cache\CacheControllerFactory { } } )...\CMSPlugin.php:289
101.27557534120PlgSystemAutotweetAutomator->_onAfterRender( )...\autotweetautomator.php:105
111.27947607088AutotweetModelAutomators->lastRunCheck( $plugin = 'automator', $interval = 180, $next = ??? )...\autotweetautomator.php:134
121.27947607088AutotweetModelAutomators->lastRun( $plugin = 'automator' )...\automators.php:33
131.88517799480XTF0FModel->getItem( $id = 1 )...\automators.php:92
141.88527799696XTF0FTable->load( $keys = 1, $reset = ??? )...\model.php:1061
152.42327800464XTF0FTable->onAfterLoad( $result = TRUE )...\table.php:869
162.42327800712XTF0FUtilsObservableDispatcher->trigger( $event = 'onAfterLoad', $args = [0 => class AutotweetTableAutomator { protected $_errors = [...]; protected $config = [...]; protected $_tbl = '#__autotweet_automator'; protected $_tbl_key = 'id'; protected $_db = class XTF0FDatabaseDriverJoomla { ... }; protected $_trackAssets = FALSE; protected $_has_tags = FALSE; protected $_rules = NULL; protected $_locked = FALSE; protected $_trigger_events = FALSE; protected $_tableAlias = ''; protected $_columnAlias = [...]; protected $_autoChecks = FALSE; protected $_skipChecks = [...]; protected $_tableExists = TRUE; protected $_assetKey = 'com_autotweet.automator'; protected $input = class Joomla\Input\Input { ... }; protected $_queryJoin = NULL; protected $_tablePrefix = 'AutotweetTable'; protected $knownFields = [...]; protected $configProvider = class XTF0FConfigProvider { ... }; protected $tableDispatcher = class XTF0FTableDispatcherBehavior { ... }; protected $default_behaviors = [...]; protected $_relations = NULL; protected $_configProviderKey = 'com_foobar.tables.automator'; protected $contentType = NULL; public $id = 1; public $plugin = 'automator'; public $lastexec = '2024-04-30 07:56:59' }, 1 => TRUE] )...\table.php:2775
172.42327801160XTF0FUtilsObservableEvent->update( $args = [0 => class AutotweetTableAutomator { protected $_errors = [...]; protected $config = [...]; protected $_tbl = '#__autotweet_automator'; protected $_tbl_key = 'id'; protected $_db = class XTF0FDatabaseDriverJoomla { ... }; protected $_trackAssets = FALSE; protected $_has_tags = FALSE; protected $_rules = NULL; protected $_locked = FALSE; protected $_trigger_events = FALSE; protected $_tableAlias = ''; protected $_columnAlias = [...]; protected $_autoChecks = FALSE; protected $_skipChecks = [...]; protected $_tableExists = TRUE; protected $_assetKey = 'com_autotweet.automator'; protected $input = class Joomla\Input\Input { ... }; protected $_queryJoin = NULL; protected $_tablePrefix = 'AutotweetTable'; protected $knownFields = [...]; protected $configProvider = class XTF0FConfigProvider { ... }; protected $tableDispatcher = class XTF0FTableDispatcherBehavior { ... }; protected $default_behaviors = [...]; protected $_relations = NULL; protected $_configProviderKey = 'com_foobar.tables.automator'; protected $contentType = NULL; public $id = 1; public $plugin = 'automator'; public $lastexec = '2024-04-30 07:56:59' }, 1 => TRUE] )...\dispatcher.php:139

( ! ) Warning: XTF0FTableBehavior::onAfterLoad(): Argument #1 ($table) must be passed by reference, value given in C:\wamp64\www\xanthi\libraries\autotweet\vendor\extly\xt-fof254\src\utils\observable\event.php on line 67
Call Stack
10.0001461376{main}( )...\index.php:0
20.0001462032require_once( 'C:\wamp64\www\xanthi\includes\app.php )...\index.php:32
30.0046808040Joomla\CMS\Application\CMSApplication->execute( )...\app.php:58
40.83236211624Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication->render( )...\CMSApplication.php:311
50.83246211744Joomla\CMS\Application\CMSApplication->render( )...\SiteApplication.php:732
61.26977519416Joomla\Application\AbstractApplication->dispatchEvent( $eventName = 'onAfterRender', $event = class Joomla\CMS\Event\Application\AfterRenderEvent { protected $name = 'onAfterRender'; protected $arguments = ['subject' => class Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication { ... }]; protected $stopped = FALSE; private ${Joomla\CMS\Event\AbstractImmutableEvent}constructed = TRUE } )...\CMSApplication.php:1079
71.26977519416Joomla\Event\Dispatcher->dispatch( $name = 'onAfterRender', $event = class Joomla\CMS\Event\Application\AfterRenderEvent { protected $name = 'onAfterRender'; protected $arguments = ['subject' => class Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication { ... }]; protected $stopped = FALSE; private ${Joomla\CMS\Event\AbstractImmutableEvent}constructed = TRUE } )...\AbstractApplication.php:99
81.27387516464Joomla\CMS\Plugin\CMSPlugin->Joomla\CMS\Plugin\{closure:C:\wamp64\www\xanthi\libraries\src\plugin\CMSPlugin.php:273-303}( $event = class Joomla\CMS\Event\Application\AfterRenderEvent { protected $name = 'onAfterRender'; protected $arguments = ['subject' => class Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication { ... }]; protected $stopped = FALSE; private ${Joomla\CMS\Event\AbstractImmutableEvent}constructed = TRUE } )...\Dispatcher.php:454
91.27387516808PlgSystemAutotweetAutomator->onAfterRender( class Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication { protected $config = class Joomla\Registry\Registry { protected $data = class stdClass { ... }; protected $initialized = TRUE; protected $separator = '.' }; protected ?Psr\Log\LoggerInterface $logger = class Joomla\CMS\Log\DelegatingPsrLogger { protected $logger = class Joomla\CMS\Log\Log { ... }; protected $priorityMap = [...] }; private ${Joomla\Application\AbstractApplication}dispatcher = class Joomla\Event\Dispatcher { protected $events = [...]; protected $listeners = [...] }; protected $input = class Joomla\CMS\Input\Input { protected $options = [...]; protected $filter = class Joomla\Filter\InputFilter { ... }; protected $data = [...]; protected $inputs = [...] }; public $charSet = 'utf-8'; public $mimeType = 'text/html'; public $httpVersion = '1.1'; public $modifiedDate = NULL; public $client = class Joomla\Application\Web\WebClient { protected $platform = NULL; protected $mobile = FALSE; protected $engine = NULL; protected $browser = NULL; protected $browserVersion = NULL; protected $languages = [...]; protected $encodings = [...]; protected $userAgent = 'Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko; compatible; ClaudeBot/1.0; +claudebot@anthropic.com)'; protected $acceptEncoding = NULL; protected $acceptLanguage = NULL; protected $robot = TRUE; protected $detection = [...]; protected $headers = NULL }; protected $response = class Laminas\Diactoros\Response { private array $phrases = [...]; private string $reasonPhrase = 'OK'; private int $statusCode = 200; protected $headers = [...]; protected $headerNames = [...]; private $protocol = '1.1'; private $stream = class Laminas\Diactoros\Stream { ... } }; private ${Joomla\Application\AbstractWebApplication}cacheable = FALSE; private ${Joomla\Application\AbstractWebApplication}responseMap = [100 => 'HTTP/{version} 100 Continue', 101 => 'HTTP/{version} 101 Switching Protocols', 102 => 'HTTP/{version} 102 Processing', 200 => 'HTTP/{version} 200 OK', 201 => 'HTTP/{version} 201 Created', 202 => 'HTTP/{version} 202 Accepted', 203 => 'HTTP/{version} 203 Non-Authoritative Information', 204 => 'HTTP/{version} 204 No Content', 205 => 'HTTP/{version} 205 Reset Content', 206 => 'HTTP/{version} 206 Partial Content', 207 => 'HTTP/{version} 207 Multi-Status', 208 => 'HTTP/{version} 208 Already Reported', 226 => 'HTTP/{version} 226 IM Used', 300 => 'HTTP/{version} 300 Multiple Choices', 301 => 'HTTP/{version} 301 Moved Permanently', 302 => 'HTTP/{version} 302 Found', 303 => 'HTTP/{version} 303 See other', 304 => 'HTTP/{version} 304 Not Modified', 305 => 'HTTP/{version} 305 Use Proxy', 306 => 'HTTP/{version} 306 (Unused)', 307 => 'HTTP/{version} 307 Temporary Redirect', 308 => 'HTTP/{version} 308 Permanent Redirect', 400 => 'HTTP/{version} 400 Bad Request', 401 => 'HTTP/{version} 401 Unauthorized', 402 => 'HTTP/{version} 402 Payment Required', 403 => 'HTTP/{version} 403 Forbidden', 404 => 'HTTP/{version} 404 Not Found', 405 => 'HTTP/{version} 405 Method Not Allowed', 406 => 'HTTP/{version} 406 Not Acceptable', 407 => 'HTTP/{version} 407 Proxy Authentication Required', 408 => 'HTTP/{version} 408 Request Timeout', 409 => 'HTTP/{version} 409 Conflict', 410 => 'HTTP/{version} 410 Gone', 411 => 'HTTP/{version} 411 Length Required', 412 => 'HTTP/{version} 412 Precondition Failed', 413 => 'HTTP/{version} 413 Payload Too Large', 414 => 'HTTP/{version} 414 URI Too Long', 415 => 'HTTP/{version} 415 Unsupported Media Type', 416 => 'HTTP/{version} 416 Range Not Satisfiable', 417 => 'HTTP/{version} 417 Expectation Failed', 418 => 'HTTP/{version} 418 I\'m a teapot', 421 => 'HTTP/{version} 421 Misdirected Request', 422 => 'HTTP/{version} 422 Unprocessable Entity', 423 => 'HTTP/{version} 423 Locked', 424 => 'HTTP/{version} 424 Failed Dependency', 426 => 'HTTP/{version} 426 Upgrade Required', 428 => 'HTTP/{version} 428 Precondition Required', 429 => 'HTTP/{version} 429 Too Many Requests', 431 => 'HTTP/{version} 431 Request Header Fields Too Large', 451 => 'HTTP/{version} 451 Unavailable For Legal Reasons', 500 => 'HTTP/{version} 500 Internal Server Error', 501 => 'HTTP/{version} 501 Not Implemented', 502 => 'HTTP/{version} 502 Bad Gateway', 503 => 'HTTP/{version} 503 Service Unavailable', 504 => 'HTTP/{version} 504 Gateway Timeout', 505 => 'HTTP/{version} 505 HTTP Version Not Supported', 506 => 'HTTP/{version} 506 Variant Also Negotiates', 507 => 'HTTP/{version} 507 Insufficient Storage', 508 => 'HTTP/{version} 508 Loop Detected', 510 => 'HTTP/{version} 510 Not Extended', 511 => 'HTTP/{version} 511 Network Authentication Required']; public $JComponentTitle = NULL; public $item_associations = NULL; protected $document = class Joomla\CMS\Document\HtmlDocument { public $title = 'Όλα τα νέα από τον Δήμο Ξάνθης - Δήμος Ξάνθης'; public $description = 'Όλα τα νέα του Δήμου Ξάνθης: Δελτία Τύπου και Ανακοινώσεις, προκηρύξεις, διαγωνισμοί κ.α.'; public $link = ''; public $base = ''; public $language = 'el-gr'; public $direction = 'ltr'; public $_generator = 'City of Xanthi'; public $_mdate = ''; public $_tab = '\t'; public $_lineEnd = '\n'; public $_charset = 'utf-8'; public $_mime = 'text/html'; public $_namespace = ''; public $_profile = ''; public $_scripts = [...]; public $_script = [...]; protected $scriptOptions = [...]; public $_styleSheets = [...]; public $_style = [...]; public $_metaTags = [...]; public $_engine = NULL; public $_type = 'html'; protected $mediaVersion = '684516'; protected $factory = class Joomla\CMS\Document\Factory { ... }; protected $preloadManager = class Joomla\CMS\Document\PreloadManager { ... }; protected $preloadTypes = [...]; protected $webAssetManager = class Joomla\CMS\WebAsset\WebAssetManager { ... }; public $_links = [...]; public $_custom = [...]; public $template = 'purity_iii'; public $baseurl = ''; public $params = class Joomla\Registry\Registry { ... }; public $_file = 'C:\\wamp64\\www\\xanthi\\templates/purity_iii/index.php'; public $cspNonce = NULL; protected $_template = '<jdoc:include type="megamenurender" name="mainmenu-gr" />\n<!DOCTYPE html>\n<html lang="el-gr" dir="ltr"\n\t class=\'<jdoc:include type="pageclass" /> \'>\n\n<head>\n\t<jdoc:include type="head" />\n\t\r\n<!-- META FOR IOS & HANDHELD -->\r\n\t<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=yes"/>\r\n\t<style type="text/stylesheet">\r\n\t\t@-webkit-viewport { width: device-width; }\r\n\t\t@-moz-viewport { width: device-width; }\r\n\t\t@-ms-viewport { width: device-width; }'...; protected $_template_tags = [...]; protected $_caching = TRUE; private $html5 = TRUE; private $toolbars = [...]; private $cacheControllerFactory = class Joomla\CMS\Cache\CacheControllerFactory { ... } }; protected $language = class Joomla\CMS\Language\Language { protected $debug = FALSE; protected $default = 'en-GB'; protected $orphans = [...]; protected $metadata = [...]; protected $locale = NULL; protected $lang = 'el-GR'; protected $paths = [...]; protected $errorfiles = [...]; protected $used = [...]; protected $counter = 145; protected $override = [...]; protected $localise = NULL; protected $helper = NULL; protected $basePath = NULL; protected $catalogue = NULL; protected $parserRegistry = NULL; protected $strings = [...]; protected $transliterator = [...]; protected $pluralSuffixesCallback = [...]; protected $ignoredSearchWordsCallback = [...]; protected $lowerLimitSearchWordCallback = [...]; protected $upperLimitSearchWordCallback = [...]; protected $searchDisplayedCharactersNumberCallback = [...] }; protected $identity = class Joomla\CMS\User\User { protected $isRoot = FALSE; public $id = 0; public $name = NULL; public $username = NULL; public $email = NULL; public $password = NULL; public $password_clear = ''; public $block = NULL; public $sendEmail = 0; public $registerDate = NULL; public $lastvisitDate = NULL; public $activation = NULL; public $params = NULL; public $groups = [...]; public $guest = 1; public $lastResetTime = NULL; public $resetCount = NULL; public $requireReset = NULL; public $typeAlias = NULL; public $otpKey = NULL; public $otep = NULL; public $authProvider = NULL; protected $_params = class Joomla\Registry\Registry { ... }; protected $_authGroups = [...]; protected $_authLevels = [...]; protected $_authActions = NULL; protected $_errorMsg = NULL; protected $_errors = [...] }; private ${Joomla\CMS\Application\WebApplication}userFactory = class Joomla\CMS\User\UserFactory { private $db = class Joomla\Database\Mysqli\MysqliDriver { ... } }; protected $docOptions = ['template' => 'purity_iii', 'file' => 'index.php', 'params' => class Joomla\Registry\Registry { ... }, 'csp_nonce' => NULL, 'templateInherits' => NULL, 'directory' => 'C:\\wamp64\\www\\xanthi\\templates']; public $scope = NULL; protected $clientId = 0; protected $messageQueue = []; protected $name = 'site'; protected $profiler = NULL; protected $template = class stdClass { public $id = 14; public $home = 'el-GR'; public $template = 'purity_iii'; public $params = class Joomla\Registry\Registry { ... }; public $inheritable = 0; public $parent = '' }; protected $pathway = class Joomla\CMS\Pathway\SitePathway { protected $pathway = [...]; protected $count = 2 }; protected $authenticationPluginType = 'authentication'; protected $menus = ['site' => class Joomla\CMS\Menu\SiteMenu { ... }]; private ${Joomla\CMS\Application\CMSApplication}menuFactory = class Joomla\CMS\Menu\MenuFactory { private $cacheControllerFactory = class Joomla\CMS\Cache\CacheControllerFactory { ... }; private $databaseAwareTraitDatabase = class Joomla\Database\Mysqli\MysqliDriver { ... } }; private ${Joomla\CMS\Application\CMSApplication}container = class Joomla\DI\Container { protected $aliases = [...]; protected $resources = [...]; protected $parent = NULL; protected $tags = [...] }; protected $session = class Joomla\CMS\Session\Session { protected $state = 'active'; protected $expire = 1800; protected $store = class Joomla\CMS\Session\Storage\JoomlaStorage { ... }; protected $sessionValidators = [...]; private ${Joomla\Session\Session}dispatcher = class Joomla\Event\Dispatcher { ... } }; protected $language_filter = TRUE; protected $detect_browser = FALSE; public $registeredurlparams = class stdClass { public $catid = 'INT'; public $id = 'INT'; public $cid = 'ARRAY'; public $year = 'INT'; public $month = 'INT'; public $limit = 'UINT'; public $limitstart = 'UINT'; public $showall = 'INT'; public $return = 'BASE64'; public $filter = 'STRING'; public $filter_order = 'CMD'; public $filter_order_Dir = 'CMD'; public $filter-search = 'STRING'; public $print = 'BOOLEAN'; public $lang = 'CMD'; public $Itemid = 'INT'; public $format = 'WORD'; public $option = 'WORD'; public $view = 'WORD'; public $layout = 'WORD'; public $tpl = 'CMD' }; private $cacheControllerFactory = class Joomla\CMS\Cache\CacheControllerFactory { } } )...\CMSPlugin.php:289
101.27557534120PlgSystemAutotweetAutomator->_onAfterRender( )...\autotweetautomator.php:105
111.27947607088AutotweetModelAutomators->lastRunCheck( $plugin = 'automator', $interval = 180, $next = ??? )...\autotweetautomator.php:134
121.27947607088AutotweetModelAutomators->lastRun( $plugin = 'automator' )...\automators.php:33
131.88517799480XTF0FModel->getItem( $id = 1 )...\automators.php:92
141.88527799696XTF0FTable->load( $keys = 1, $reset = ??? )...\model.php:1061
152.42327800464XTF0FTable->onAfterLoad( $result = TRUE )...\table.php:869
162.42327800712XTF0FUtilsObservableDispatcher->trigger( $event = 'onAfterLoad', $args = [0 => class AutotweetTableAutomator { protected $_errors = [...]; protected $config = [...]; protected $_tbl = '#__autotweet_automator'; protected $_tbl_key = 'id'; protected $_db = class XTF0FDatabaseDriverJoomla { ... }; protected $_trackAssets = FALSE; protected $_has_tags = FALSE; protected $_rules = NULL; protected $_locked = FALSE; protected $_trigger_events = FALSE; protected $_tableAlias = ''; protected $_columnAlias = [...]; protected $_autoChecks = FALSE; protected $_skipChecks = [...]; protected $_tableExists = TRUE; protected $_assetKey = 'com_autotweet.automator'; protected $input = class Joomla\Input\Input { ... }; protected $_queryJoin = NULL; protected $_tablePrefix = 'AutotweetTable'; protected $knownFields = [...]; protected $configProvider = class XTF0FConfigProvider { ... }; protected $tableDispatcher = class XTF0FTableDispatcherBehavior { ... }; protected $default_behaviors = [...]; protected $_relations = NULL; protected $_configProviderKey = 'com_foobar.tables.automator'; protected $contentType = NULL; public $id = 1; public $plugin = 'automator'; public $lastexec = '2024-04-30 07:56:59' }, 1 => TRUE] )...\table.php:2775
172.42587801160XTF0FUtilsObservableEvent->update( $args = [0 => class AutotweetTableAutomator { protected $_errors = [...]; protected $config = [...]; protected $_tbl = '#__autotweet_automator'; protected $_tbl_key = 'id'; protected $_db = class XTF0FDatabaseDriverJoomla { ... }; protected $_trackAssets = FALSE; protected $_has_tags = FALSE; protected $_rules = NULL; protected $_locked = FALSE; protected $_trigger_events = FALSE; protected $_tableAlias = ''; protected $_columnAlias = [...]; protected $_autoChecks = FALSE; protected $_skipChecks = [...]; protected $_tableExists = TRUE; protected $_assetKey = 'com_autotweet.automator'; protected $input = class Joomla\Input\Input { ... }; protected $_queryJoin = NULL; protected $_tablePrefix = 'AutotweetTable'; protected $knownFields = [...]; protected $configProvider = class XTF0FConfigProvider { ... }; protected $tableDispatcher = class XTF0FTableDispatcherBehavior { ... }; protected $default_behaviors = [...]; protected $_relations = NULL; protected $_configProviderKey = 'com_foobar.tables.automator'; protected $contentType = NULL; public $id = 1; public $plugin = 'automator'; public $lastexec = '2024-04-30 07:56:59' }, 1 => TRUE] )...\dispatcher.php:139

( ! ) Warning: XTF0FModelBehavior::onAfterGetItem(): Argument #1 ($model) must be passed by reference, value given in C:\wamp64\www\xanthi\libraries\autotweet\vendor\extly\xt-fof254\src\utils\observable\event.php on line 67
Call Stack
10.0001461376{main}( )...\index.php:0
20.0001462032require_once( 'C:\wamp64\www\xanthi\includes\app.php )...\index.php:32
30.0046808040Joomla\CMS\Application\CMSApplication->execute( )...\app.php:58
40.83236211624Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication->render( )...\CMSApplication.php:311
50.83246211744Joomla\CMS\Application\CMSApplication->render( )...\SiteApplication.php:732
61.26977519416Joomla\Application\AbstractApplication->dispatchEvent( $eventName = 'onAfterRender', $event = class Joomla\CMS\Event\Application\AfterRenderEvent { protected $name = 'onAfterRender'; protected $arguments = ['subject' => class Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication { ... }]; protected $stopped = FALSE; private ${Joomla\CMS\Event\AbstractImmutableEvent}constructed = TRUE } )...\CMSApplication.php:1079
71.26977519416Joomla\Event\Dispatcher->dispatch( $name = 'onAfterRender', $event = class Joomla\CMS\Event\Application\AfterRenderEvent { protected $name = 'onAfterRender'; protected $arguments = ['subject' => class Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication { ... }]; protected $stopped = FALSE; private ${Joomla\CMS\Event\AbstractImmutableEvent}constructed = TRUE } )...\AbstractApplication.php:99
81.27387516464Joomla\CMS\Plugin\CMSPlugin->Joomla\CMS\Plugin\{closure:C:\wamp64\www\xanthi\libraries\src\plugin\CMSPlugin.php:273-303}( $event = class Joomla\CMS\Event\Application\AfterRenderEvent { protected $name = 'onAfterRender'; protected $arguments = ['subject' => class Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication { ... }]; protected $stopped = FALSE; private ${Joomla\CMS\Event\AbstractImmutableEvent}constructed = TRUE } )...\Dispatcher.php:454
91.27387516808PlgSystemAutotweetAutomator->onAfterRender( class Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication { protected $config = class Joomla\Registry\Registry { protected $data = class stdClass { ... }; protected $initialized = TRUE; protected $separator = '.' }; protected ?Psr\Log\LoggerInterface $logger = class Joomla\CMS\Log\DelegatingPsrLogger { protected $logger = class Joomla\CMS\Log\Log { ... }; protected $priorityMap = [...] }; private ${Joomla\Application\AbstractApplication}dispatcher = class Joomla\Event\Dispatcher { protected $events = [...]; protected $listeners = [...] }; protected $input = class Joomla\CMS\Input\Input { protected $options = [...]; protected $filter = class Joomla\Filter\InputFilter { ... }; protected $data = [...]; protected $inputs = [...] }; public $charSet = 'utf-8'; public $mimeType = 'text/html'; public $httpVersion = '1.1'; public $modifiedDate = NULL; public $client = class Joomla\Application\Web\WebClient { protected $platform = NULL; protected $mobile = FALSE; protected $engine = NULL; protected $browser = NULL; protected $browserVersion = NULL; protected $languages = [...]; protected $encodings = [...]; protected $userAgent = 'Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko; compatible; ClaudeBot/1.0; +claudebot@anthropic.com)'; protected $acceptEncoding = NULL; protected $acceptLanguage = NULL; protected $robot = TRUE; protected $detection = [...]; protected $headers = NULL }; protected $response = class Laminas\Diactoros\Response { private array $phrases = [...]; private string $reasonPhrase = 'OK'; private int $statusCode = 200; protected $headers = [...]; protected $headerNames = [...]; private $protocol = '1.1'; private $stream = class Laminas\Diactoros\Stream { ... } }; private ${Joomla\Application\AbstractWebApplication}cacheable = FALSE; private ${Joomla\Application\AbstractWebApplication}responseMap = [100 => 'HTTP/{version} 100 Continue', 101 => 'HTTP/{version} 101 Switching Protocols', 102 => 'HTTP/{version} 102 Processing', 200 => 'HTTP/{version} 200 OK', 201 => 'HTTP/{version} 201 Created', 202 => 'HTTP/{version} 202 Accepted', 203 => 'HTTP/{version} 203 Non-Authoritative Information', 204 => 'HTTP/{version} 204 No Content', 205 => 'HTTP/{version} 205 Reset Content', 206 => 'HTTP/{version} 206 Partial Content', 207 => 'HTTP/{version} 207 Multi-Status', 208 => 'HTTP/{version} 208 Already Reported', 226 => 'HTTP/{version} 226 IM Used', 300 => 'HTTP/{version} 300 Multiple Choices', 301 => 'HTTP/{version} 301 Moved Permanently', 302 => 'HTTP/{version} 302 Found', 303 => 'HTTP/{version} 303 See other', 304 => 'HTTP/{version} 304 Not Modified', 305 => 'HTTP/{version} 305 Use Proxy', 306 => 'HTTP/{version} 306 (Unused)', 307 => 'HTTP/{version} 307 Temporary Redirect', 308 => 'HTTP/{version} 308 Permanent Redirect', 400 => 'HTTP/{version} 400 Bad Request', 401 => 'HTTP/{version} 401 Unauthorized', 402 => 'HTTP/{version} 402 Payment Required', 403 => 'HTTP/{version} 403 Forbidden', 404 => 'HTTP/{version} 404 Not Found', 405 => 'HTTP/{version} 405 Method Not Allowed', 406 => 'HTTP/{version} 406 Not Acceptable', 407 => 'HTTP/{version} 407 Proxy Authentication Required', 408 => 'HTTP/{version} 408 Request Timeout', 409 => 'HTTP/{version} 409 Conflict', 410 => 'HTTP/{version} 410 Gone', 411 => 'HTTP/{version} 411 Length Required', 412 => 'HTTP/{version} 412 Precondition Failed', 413 => 'HTTP/{version} 413 Payload Too Large', 414 => 'HTTP/{version} 414 URI Too Long', 415 => 'HTTP/{version} 415 Unsupported Media Type', 416 => 'HTTP/{version} 416 Range Not Satisfiable', 417 => 'HTTP/{version} 417 Expectation Failed', 418 => 'HTTP/{version} 418 I\'m a teapot', 421 => 'HTTP/{version} 421 Misdirected Request', 422 => 'HTTP/{version} 422 Unprocessable Entity', 423 => 'HTTP/{version} 423 Locked', 424 => 'HTTP/{version} 424 Failed Dependency', 426 => 'HTTP/{version} 426 Upgrade Required', 428 => 'HTTP/{version} 428 Precondition Required', 429 => 'HTTP/{version} 429 Too Many Requests', 431 => 'HTTP/{version} 431 Request Header Fields Too Large', 451 => 'HTTP/{version} 451 Unavailable For Legal Reasons', 500 => 'HTTP/{version} 500 Internal Server Error', 501 => 'HTTP/{version} 501 Not Implemented', 502 => 'HTTP/{version} 502 Bad Gateway', 503 => 'HTTP/{version} 503 Service Unavailable', 504 => 'HTTP/{version} 504 Gateway Timeout', 505 => 'HTTP/{version} 505 HTTP Version Not Supported', 506 => 'HTTP/{version} 506 Variant Also Negotiates', 507 => 'HTTP/{version} 507 Insufficient Storage', 508 => 'HTTP/{version} 508 Loop Detected', 510 => 'HTTP/{version} 510 Not Extended', 511 => 'HTTP/{version} 511 Network Authentication Required']; public $JComponentTitle = NULL; public $item_associations = NULL; protected $document = class Joomla\CMS\Document\HtmlDocument { public $title = 'Όλα τα νέα από τον Δήμο Ξάνθης - Δήμος Ξάνθης'; public $description = 'Όλα τα νέα του Δήμου Ξάνθης: Δελτία Τύπου και Ανακοινώσεις, προκηρύξεις, διαγωνισμοί κ.α.'; public $link = ''; public $base = ''; public $language = 'el-gr'; public $direction = 'ltr'; public $_generator = 'City of Xanthi'; public $_mdate = ''; public $_tab = '\t'; public $_lineEnd = '\n'; public $_charset = 'utf-8'; public $_mime = 'text/html'; public $_namespace = ''; public $_profile = ''; public $_scripts = [...]; public $_script = [...]; protected $scriptOptions = [...]; public $_styleSheets = [...]; public $_style = [...]; public $_metaTags = [...]; public $_engine = NULL; public $_type = 'html'; protected $mediaVersion = '684516'; protected $factory = class Joomla\CMS\Document\Factory { ... }; protected $preloadManager = class Joomla\CMS\Document\PreloadManager { ... }; protected $preloadTypes = [...]; protected $webAssetManager = class Joomla\CMS\WebAsset\WebAssetManager { ... }; public $_links = [...]; public $_custom = [...]; public $template = 'purity_iii'; public $baseurl = ''; public $params = class Joomla\Registry\Registry { ... }; public $_file = 'C:\\wamp64\\www\\xanthi\\templates/purity_iii/index.php'; public $cspNonce = NULL; protected $_template = '<jdoc:include type="megamenurender" name="mainmenu-gr" />\n<!DOCTYPE html>\n<html lang="el-gr" dir="ltr"\n\t class=\'<jdoc:include type="pageclass" /> \'>\n\n<head>\n\t<jdoc:include type="head" />\n\t\r\n<!-- META FOR IOS & HANDHELD -->\r\n\t<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=yes"/>\r\n\t<style type="text/stylesheet">\r\n\t\t@-webkit-viewport { width: device-width; }\r\n\t\t@-moz-viewport { width: device-width; }\r\n\t\t@-ms-viewport { width: device-width; }'...; protected $_template_tags = [...]; protected $_caching = TRUE; private $html5 = TRUE; private $toolbars = [...]; private $cacheControllerFactory = class Joomla\CMS\Cache\CacheControllerFactory { ... } }; protected $language = class Joomla\CMS\Language\Language { protected $debug = FALSE; protected $default = 'en-GB'; protected $orphans = [...]; protected $metadata = [...]; protected $locale = NULL; protected $lang = 'el-GR'; protected $paths = [...]; protected $errorfiles = [...]; protected $used = [...]; protected $counter = 145; protected $override = [...]; protected $localise = NULL; protected $helper = NULL; protected $basePath = NULL; protected $catalogue = NULL; protected $parserRegistry = NULL; protected $strings = [...]; protected $transliterator = [...]; protected $pluralSuffixesCallback = [...]; protected $ignoredSearchWordsCallback = [...]; protected $lowerLimitSearchWordCallback = [...]; protected $upperLimitSearchWordCallback = [...]; protected $searchDisplayedCharactersNumberCallback = [...] }; protected $identity = class Joomla\CMS\User\User { protected $isRoot = FALSE; public $id = 0; public $name = NULL; public $username = NULL; public $email = NULL; public $password = NULL; public $password_clear = ''; public $block = NULL; public $sendEmail = 0; public $registerDate = NULL; public $lastvisitDate = NULL; public $activation = NULL; public $params = NULL; public $groups = [...]; public $guest = 1; public $lastResetTime = NULL; public $resetCount = NULL; public $requireReset = NULL; public $typeAlias = NULL; public $otpKey = NULL; public $otep = NULL; public $authProvider = NULL; protected $_params = class Joomla\Registry\Registry { ... }; protected $_authGroups = [...]; protected $_authLevels = [...]; protected $_authActions = NULL; protected $_errorMsg = NULL; protected $_errors = [...] }; private ${Joomla\CMS\Application\WebApplication}userFactory = class Joomla\CMS\User\UserFactory { private $db = class Joomla\Database\Mysqli\MysqliDriver { ... } }; protected $docOptions = ['template' => 'purity_iii', 'file' => 'index.php', 'params' => class Joomla\Registry\Registry { ... }, 'csp_nonce' => NULL, 'templateInherits' => NULL, 'directory' => 'C:\\wamp64\\www\\xanthi\\templates']; public $scope = NULL; protected $clientId = 0; protected $messageQueue = []; protected $name = 'site'; protected $profiler = NULL; protected $template = class stdClass { public $id = 14; public $home = 'el-GR'; public $template = 'purity_iii'; public $params = class Joomla\Registry\Registry { ... }; public $inheritable = 0; public $parent = '' }; protected $pathway = class Joomla\CMS\Pathway\SitePathway { protected $pathway = [...]; protected $count = 2 }; protected $authenticationPluginType = 'authentication'; protected $menus = ['site' => class Joomla\CMS\Menu\SiteMenu { ... }]; private ${Joomla\CMS\Application\CMSApplication}menuFactory = class Joomla\CMS\Menu\MenuFactory { private $cacheControllerFactory = class Joomla\CMS\Cache\CacheControllerFactory { ... }; private $databaseAwareTraitDatabase = class Joomla\Database\Mysqli\MysqliDriver { ... } }; private ${Joomla\CMS\Application\CMSApplication}container = class Joomla\DI\Container { protected $aliases = [...]; protected $resources = [...]; protected $parent = NULL; protected $tags = [...] }; protected $session = class Joomla\CMS\Session\Session { protected $state = 'active'; protected $expire = 1800; protected $store = class Joomla\CMS\Session\Storage\JoomlaStorage { ... }; protected $sessionValidators = [...]; private ${Joomla\Session\Session}dispatcher = class Joomla\Event\Dispatcher { ... } }; protected $language_filter = TRUE; protected $detect_browser = FALSE; public $registeredurlparams = class stdClass { public $catid = 'INT'; public $id = 'INT'; public $cid = 'ARRAY'; public $year = 'INT'; public $month = 'INT'; public $limit = 'UINT'; public $limitstart = 'UINT'; public $showall = 'INT'; public $return = 'BASE64'; public $filter = 'STRING'; public $filter_order = 'CMD'; public $filter_order_Dir = 'CMD'; public $filter-search = 'STRING'; public $print = 'BOOLEAN'; public $lang = 'CMD'; public $Itemid = 'INT'; public $format = 'WORD'; public $option = 'WORD'; public $view = 'WORD'; public $layout = 'WORD'; public $tpl = 'CMD' }; private $cacheControllerFactory = class Joomla\CMS\Cache\CacheControllerFactory { } } )...\CMSPlugin.php:289
101.27557534120PlgSystemAutotweetAutomator->_onAfterRender( )...\autotweetautomator.php:105
111.27947607088AutotweetModelAutomators->lastRunCheck( $plugin = 'automator', $interval = 180, $next = ??? )...\autotweetautomator.php:134
121.27947607088AutotweetModelAutomators->lastRun( $plugin = 'automator' )...\automators.php:33
131.88517799480XTF0FModel->getItem( $id = 1 )...\automators.php:92
142.42847799904XTF0FModel->onAfterGetItem( $record = class AutotweetTableAutomator { protected $_errors = []; protected $config = ['use_table_cache' => TRUE]; protected $_tbl = '#__autotweet_automator'; protected $_tbl_key = 'id'; protected $_db = class XTF0FDatabaseDriverJoomla { protected $nameQuote = '`'; private $dbo = class Joomla\Database\Mysqli\MysqliDriver { ... } }; protected $_trackAssets = FALSE; protected $_has_tags = FALSE; protected $_rules = NULL; protected $_locked = FALSE; protected $_trigger_events = FALSE; protected $_tableAlias = ''; protected $_columnAlias = []; protected $_autoChecks = FALSE; protected $_skipChecks = []; protected $_tableExists = TRUE; protected $_assetKey = 'com_autotweet.automator'; protected $input = class Joomla\Input\Input { protected $options = [...]; protected $filter = class Joomla\Filter\InputFilter { ... }; protected $data = [...]; protected $inputs = [...] }; protected $_queryJoin = NULL; protected $_tablePrefix = 'AutotweetTable'; protected $knownFields = [0 => 'id', 1 => 'plugin', 2 => 'lastexec']; protected $configProvider = class XTF0FConfigProvider { }; protected $tableDispatcher = class XTF0FTableDispatcherBehavior { protected $_errors = [...]; protected $_observers = [...]; protected $_state = NULL; protected $_methods = [...] }; protected $default_behaviors = [0 => 'tags', 1 => 'assets']; protected $_relations = NULL; protected $_configProviderKey = 'com_foobar.tables.automator'; protected $contentType = NULL; public $id = 1; public $plugin = 'automator'; public $lastexec = '2024-04-30 07:56:59' } )...\model.php:1087
152.42847800152XTF0FUtilsObservableDispatcher->trigger( $event = 'onAfterGetItem', $args = [0 => class AutotweetModelAutomators { protected $_errors = [...]; protected $__state_set = NULL; protected $_db = class XTF0FDatabaseDriverJoomla { ... }; protected $event_after_delete = 'onContentAfterDelete'; protected $event_after_save = 'onContentAfterSave'; protected $event_before_delete = 'onContentBeforeDelete'; protected $event_before_save = 'onContentBeforeSave'; protected $event_change_state = 'onContentChangeState'; protected $event_clean_cache = NULL; protected $id_list = [...]; protected $id = 1; protected $input = class Joomla\Input\Input { ... }; protected $list = NULL; protected $name = 'automators'; protected $option = 'com_autotweet'; protected $otable = NULL; protected $pagination = NULL; protected $record = class AutotweetTableAutomator { ... }; protected $state = class XTF0FUtilsObject { ... }; protected $table = 'automator'; protected $total = NULL; protected $_savestate = FALSE; protected $_forms = [...]; protected $_formData = [...]; protected $configProvider = class XTF0FConfigProvider { ... }; protected $modelDispatcher = class XTF0FModelDispatcherBehavior { ... }; protected $default_behaviors = [...]; protected $_behaviorParams = [...] }, 1 => class AutotweetTableAutomator { protected $_errors = [...]; protected $config = [...]; protected $_tbl = '#__autotweet_automator'; protected $_tbl_key = 'id'; protected $_db = class XTF0FDatabaseDriverJoomla { ... }; protected $_trackAssets = FALSE; protected $_has_tags = FALSE; protected $_rules = NULL; protected $_locked = FALSE; protected $_trigger_events = FALSE; protected $_tableAlias = ''; protected $_columnAlias = [...]; protected $_autoChecks = FALSE; protected $_skipChecks = [...]; protected $_tableExists = TRUE; protected $_assetKey = 'com_autotweet.automator'; protected $input = class Joomla\Input\Input { ... }; protected $_queryJoin = NULL; protected $_tablePrefix = 'AutotweetTable'; protected $knownFields = [...]; protected $configProvider = class XTF0FConfigProvider { ... }; protected $tableDispatcher = class XTF0FTableDispatcherBehavior { ... }; protected $default_behaviors = [...]; protected $_relations = NULL; protected $_configProviderKey = 'com_foobar.tables.automator'; protected $contentType = NULL; public $id = 1; public $plugin = 'automator'; public $lastexec = '2024-04-30 07:56:59' }] )...\model.php:2572
162.42857800600XTF0FUtilsObservableEvent->update( $args = [0 => class AutotweetModelAutomators { protected $_errors = [...]; protected $__state_set = NULL; protected $_db = class XTF0FDatabaseDriverJoomla { ... }; protected $event_after_delete = 'onContentAfterDelete'; protected $event_after_save = 'onContentAfterSave'; protected $event_before_delete = 'onContentBeforeDelete'; protected $event_before_save = 'onContentBeforeSave'; protected $event_change_state = 'onContentChangeState'; protected $event_clean_cache = NULL; protected $id_list = [...]; protected $id = 1; protected $input = class Joomla\Input\Input { ... }; protected $list = NULL; protected $name = 'automators'; protected $option = 'com_autotweet'; protected $otable = NULL; protected $pagination = NULL; protected $record = class AutotweetTableAutomator { ... }; protected $state = class XTF0FUtilsObject { ... }; protected $table = 'automator'; protected $total = NULL; protected $_savestate = FALSE; protected $_forms = [...]; protected $_formData = [...]; protected $configProvider = class XTF0FConfigProvider { ... }; protected $modelDispatcher = class XTF0FModelDispatcherBehavior { ... }; protected $default_behaviors = [...]; protected $_behaviorParams = [...] }, 1 => class AutotweetTableAutomator { protected $_errors = [...]; protected $config = [...]; protected $_tbl = '#__autotweet_automator'; protected $_tbl_key = 'id'; protected $_db = class XTF0FDatabaseDriverJoomla { ... }; protected $_trackAssets = FALSE; protected $_has_tags = FALSE; protected $_rules = NULL; protected $_locked = FALSE; protected $_trigger_events = FALSE; protected $_tableAlias = ''; protected $_columnAlias = [...]; protected $_autoChecks = FALSE; protected $_skipChecks = [...]; protected $_tableExists = TRUE; protected $_assetKey = 'com_autotweet.automator'; protected $input = class Joomla\Input\Input { ... }; protected $_queryJoin = NULL; protected $_tablePrefix = 'AutotweetTable'; protected $knownFields = [...]; protected $configProvider = class XTF0FConfigProvider { ... }; protected $tableDispatcher = class XTF0FTableDispatcherBehavior { ... }; protected $default_behaviors = [...]; protected $_relations = NULL; protected $_configProviderKey = 'com_foobar.tables.automator'; protected $contentType = NULL; public $id = 1; public $plugin = 'automator'; public $lastexec = '2024-04-30 07:56:59' }] )...\dispatcher.php:139
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